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Everything posted by 2kchevy

  1. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    yeah. 285 is so low. man you choose the worst times. lol
  2. audio control 4xs (about 70 bucks on ebay) but before I had that I used what denim and jntar use, eclipse 8053. It is pretty nice, it's a nice package all in one
  3. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    I know, he always has bad as* deals whenever I have no money. I mean that really is a bargin but I just don't have the money. Oh well he said it's a special for a couple weeks so maybe I have time to buy one
  4. 2kchevy

    New SQ car???

    My mom drives a mustang.......She wouldn't even buy a GT . She is the only one in the family that drives a ford.
  5. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    I got an answer from tech support the other day. Here's what they said. "sealed-09 to 1.25 cubic ft ported- 3.0 cubic ft with a port 12"w by 2"h by 15" long These mesurements include displacement. The subs take 750 watts rms and 1000 max. The box depends on what kind of music. For all around, the sealed would be best. " They didn't answer my question of what's the displacement of the sub. Oh well though. Now I just need box plans for sealed enclosure and an orion 1200D!!!!!! 111 lawl n00bs111
  6. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love when I first wake up in the morning, and I turn on my shower and don't get out of the way quick enough and cold water gets on my head. Wakes me up for sure. I'm very tired tonight, I think I may play some WOW for a bit and go to bed =/. I = teh lazy
  7. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    that would be nice of you denim
  8. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    I just tried to register over there and it says "Sorry, you have attempted to register with an email address that has been banned. Please feel free to email us at %%BBEMAIL%% if you have any questions. " I've never even been over there, hahahaha.
  9. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    well I just hope that Eclipse tells me I can run this in a sealed box otherwise I may be in trouble.
  10. 2kchevy


    I love how the mag looks, it's almost as sexy as the TI . what am I kidding, it's TEH SEXAY
  11. 2kchevy

    Once more, another NooB.

    SSA > CA.com hi +1 x2
  12. 2kchevy

    too much money

    wow........ I laugh at people like that. Yay you have money, and yay that you can't drive. I wish I had the picture of this guy who fuc*ing owned a ferrari by landing on top of it in his truck. The guy was doing 80 down this road and somehow hit some constuction that gave him a boost into the air and went into a guys garage and just owned the heck out of it, and the ferrari. It's a bad as* pic I'll try and find it.
  13. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm not a big bruce fan, but U2 you gotta love em. I'd love to see them in concert. My friend went and said it was one of the best shows he has ever seen.
  14. 2kchevy

    New SQ car???

    I vote for a 4runner. My friend has one with chrome bumper, tail laights, and 20's and it looks clean as hel*. It's also pretty roomy and has a pretty good amount of leg room. I'd love to have one, but I don't have the money =(
  15. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    2.5^3 I could probably spare. I'd just need to make the box longer then it is. fuc* I really thought you could run these sealed. I guess I'll have to call Eclipse later on today and ask them what they would recommend.
  16. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    really..........so it's better to run these ported? hmmmmmmm, i'm not sure if I can squeeze 3^3ft out of my truck....actually I know I couldn't do that without a blow through from bed to cab.
  17. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    invite me!!!! gimpy154 k thx =P
  18. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    man, I wish I would have gone =(.......jntar, when are we meeting up man. lol
  19. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just found glassmans custom forum and it's the best fiberglassing I've seen in a while. Those people do some insane installs, and the reason I'm looking at them is b/c I'm about to attempt kick panels. I see jellyfish has some work over there =P.
  20. what does float voltage mean? 159, mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. LOL j/k.
  21. sweet pics when I saw the one with the Solo X in it I said "oh my godddddddd" lol the guy that has the crossfire amps has a very clean install.
  22. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    btw, I tested some fireing positions with this bad boy. Found the sweet spot by fireing the port into the back wall. Good lord this thing's output shot up like no other. I'm shaking my entire truck and it's just really really loud, the best part is....it's only getting 300 watts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    the stuff that's just sittin around =/...... kind of a close up, w00ps. another close up. The surround on this thing is massive.
  24. 2kchevy

    Ti came!!!!

    does anyone have any clue what would be a good sealed box for this Ti? The website doesn't seem to have any recommendations, or if it does I can't find them. I'll probably be sending 750 watts to it via orion 1200D. if anyone has expereience with it plz chime in.