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Everything posted by 2kchevy

  1. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    someone bumped the old pic thread over at ca.com and I had forgotten what a lot of you look like. Especially DRE, omg.....hahahaha so tall.
  2. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have aol instant messenger but not msn My name is Gimpy154 to whoever wants to talk anytime. I'm always up, hahaha. And yes I have woken up in horrible moods before.
  3. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    grats man. Maybe I would have enjoyed college better if I would have some hott chicks in my classes =p.
  4. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think you guys will like this link . It put a smile on my face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6AFCJ1dLdg
  5. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hahaha yeah I guess you could say that. I'm still listening to old stuff. ya know I selected a link that said "top 10 prom songs." and was actually surprised to see eric claptons - lovely tonight. I mean it is a romantic song but I wouldn't have imagined it to be in the top10 prom song category. I sure as heck didn't hear it at my prom. Bast@rds
  6. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah my dad has a greatest hits cd of Melissa Etheridge. It's actually not half bad but not something you listen to all the time ya know? I might have to borrow it from him now.
  7. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I definatly know what u mean...........and i cannot call u a fag or anything like that........she has some amazing pipes, and I'd definatly help keep them lubricated. J hahaha ain't it the truth. I just got done watching Melissa Etheridge singing the song -come to my window. Forgot all about that song.
  8. 2kchevy


    ello ello ello
  9. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    morning guys....I've pullin another one of those "haven't been to bed yet." days. Even though I have work at 3:00 today, roflmao. I can't help it though, for some reason I had a impulse to google "top 100 pop songs of the 90's" and I've been youtubing videos all night and man I have brought back some memories. Music is the key to my memory, dunno bout yall but music does it for me. Right now I"m listening to sarah mclachlan. I don't care if you call me a fag or whatever but omg she has an amazing voice live. Simply incredible. I won't list the other songs I watched
  10. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Look at the traps on that guy. He's been shruggin' big time. Can't believe he's that big already. Nice sub too he looks like he's getting ready to slap some handles on the side and shrug that bish.
  11. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hey isn't there a website that shows what size fuse holder you need attaching to your power wire going to the amp? You know what I mean? The size fuse needed for said amp.
  12. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well here's the thing..... My room mates and I rented from some people before the house we have now. I had the drum set over at that house a few weeks before we decided to move out. Well the day we decide to move out we couldn't really get the vehicles needed to move everything so we only moved the beds, furniture, ya know the real important house hold items. Anyways we left a lot of our stuff over at that place for a week at least (the people said it was fine.) Well the day my room mate and I decide to pick it up I had to go to work so I asked him if he could do it. Says sure thing and calls his mom to actually go pick the set up. WE CALLED FIRST TO ASK IF IT WAS OK. The owner said, "yeah everything is fine just stop by whenever." Well needless to say whenever the mom goes over to pick the drum set up the land lady is all pissy(coming from room mates mom's point of view) and saying, "this is all we have." Come to find out they only have the freakin cases for the floor toms,toms, bass drum, and the actual floor tom itself. I come home from work and see that's all we get and say, "well wtf man let's do something about this." After much discussion we can't prove that we had the drum set at the house(ya know every piece thats gone) and I have no proof of purchase b/c I bought it from a friend a while back. So basically, it's our word against theres and well that would be a pointless battle b/c without proof of purchase who is to say it's really mine. We think the kids took it and had the parents cover for them. Either that or they just did something with it. But basically I can't prove they stole it and that the drum set was actually mine. So that's the story........and you want to know the sad thing? The people we rented from, we knew there kids(old friends of ours) well......now ex friends. Fuc*in b@stards. any pics of someone playing the drums with something easily identafiable as the apt in the background?? J nope I never took any pics of the drum set over at the new place. I have pictures of it at my parents house but not with me in it and that still goes back to will it could be someone elses were is your proof of purchase.
  13. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well here's the thing..... My room mates and I rented from some people before the house we have now. I had the drum set over at that house a few weeks before we decided to move out. Well the day we decide to move out we couldn't really get the vehicles needed to move everything so we only moved the beds, furniture, ya know the real important house hold items. Anyways we left a lot of our stuff over at that place for a week at least (the people said it was fine.) Well the day my room mate and I decide to pick it up I had to go to work so I asked him if he could do it. Says sure thing and calls his mom to actually go pick the set up. WE CALLED FIRST TO ASK IF IT WAS OK. The owner said, "yeah everything is fine just stop by whenever." Well needless to say whenever the mom goes over to pick the drum set up the land lady is all pissy(coming from room mates mom's point of view) and saying, "this is all we have." Come to find out they only have the freakin cases for the floor toms,toms, bass drum, and the actual floor tom itself. I come home from work and see that's all we get and say, "well wtf man let's do something about this." After much discussion we can't prove that we had the drum set at the house(ya know every piece thats gone) and I have no proof of purchase b/c I bought it from a friend a while back. So basically, it's our word against theres and well that would be a pointless battle b/c without proof of purchase who is to say it's really mine. We think the kids took it and had the parents cover for them. Either that or they just did something with it. But basically I can't prove they stole it and that the drum set was actually mine. So that's the story........and you want to know the sad thing? The people we rented from, we knew there kids(old friends of ours) well......now ex friends. Fuc*in b@stards.
  14. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want a drumset again . I've been wanting to play so badly lately. If you guys didn't know(probably didn't post this) but the drumset I made a post about way back got stolen from the last house we lived in. Bastards............ So yeah, I can't play drums....trying to save up for a kit though.
  15. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Happy Easter Hop
  16. 2kchevy

    Must-see Movies

    I'm actually watching garden state right now.
  17. I'd get rid of my 8053 if I could get a p9 or an d310/h701
  18. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what's up hop. Having some friends over for a bbq grill, come on over
  19. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it is so cold in this house. My room mate pisses me off when it comes to temperature. He lives upstairs so it gets hott up there but he can go buy some fans or something b/c I went out and bought a little mini heater for my room. The temp in the house right now is 57.............................
  20. 2kchevy

    2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V: Project Spec-SQ

    looks cool :thumbsup:
  21. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want someone to buy my zapco's like now.
  22. 2kchevy

    I'm thinking about getting a dog

    no comments all day? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The weather has been so gay this week! It was freaking 80 something 2 days ago and right now it's 53 degrees and rumor has it it's suppose to get in the 30's this weekend! BLASPHEMY I SAY!!!
  24. 2kchevy

    I'm thinking about getting a dog

    lol I knew someone would bring the size difference up. Well while I was looking at dogs I kept a few things in mind. The dog has to be very well behaved and friendly around people because a lot of people come through this house. Second, it needs to go well with having another dog in the house because my room mate has a border collie that's about a year old. Last I at least wanted a dog that I had a little bit of experience with, thus why I am keeping a lab and golden in mind but the beagle just looks like such an awesome dog and I could possibly be up for the challenge. Yes I know how beagles can bark and it can be annoying but a dog barking in general over a period of time can bother me, regardless of how it sounds. J - like I said I'll have to call and ask why the lab would be that much. I'd put a poll up if I knew how. How can I put a poll up once my thread is all ready created? Thx for all the replies guys keep em coming. I know we've got more dog lovers than this =p
  25. 2kchevy

    I'm thinking about getting a dog

    well I found a breeder for labs and beagles closer to little rock but he is asking close to a 1000 dollars for labs? What the fu** I srsly do not remember labs being that much. The beagle is only 300 so I may give them a call and see what's up.