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Everything posted by 2kchevy

  1. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    w00t!!!! way to go man!!! Bump this chit to the top son! See you guys tonight
  2. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Happy mothers day!!!!
  3. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    actually adrian I'm sorry to say but I have to sleep now. Gotta get up early so I can see my mom before work. Night gents!
  4. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and hey Adrian
  5. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't know how many of you have seen this, I'm sure a few of you have since you read bodybuilding.com but I about shed a tear when I saw this video. You should read the article first though, haha. http://cjcphoto.com/can/
  6. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    OH, I remember what I was going to type now. It's for Aaron. I remember you saying you used nitro-tech as your protein of choice. You're not the only person I've heard saying it's amazing stuff so I went out and bought some today, along with more multi-vitamins. It doesn't taste that bad and it's only 120 calories per scope and you only need 1 or 2 anyways. Pretty good stuff, I like it so far. I'll have to give it a couple of weeks and see if it lives up to it's promise on the label . Just thought I'd share that.
  7. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol I've seen that picture before. I can't remember were from though.
  8. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah steaks ftmfw. I really can't remember what I was gonna type....I'll remember here in a minute.
  9. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    cookin steaks at 12:14 at night FTMFW
  10. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyways, time for work. Won't be back till midnight . See ya guys.
  11. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah I know man, I'm so stoked. I have butterflies just thinking about it. I just got my tickets yesterday. I'm going to see them the 19th this month. http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0C003E46...p;minorcatid=60 If you go here and go to seating chart we are in section 2, Row F. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    later Adrian. I think I'm gonna follow him and sleep as well. I'm up way past my sleep schedule time. Might have to take a sleeping pill tomorrow to get back on track.
  13. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It won't let me whore. It says I have to wait 15 seconds. I'm about to go to bed anyways. haha.
  14. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh and jay I didn't get anything. I went to hang out with a girl really. I got my room mates brother some pancakes though.
  15. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh and jay I didn't get anything. I went to hang out with a girl really. I got my room mates brother some pancakes though.
  16. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh and jay I didn't get anything. I went to hang out with a girl really. I got my room mates brother some pancakes though.
  17. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    jesus guy, hahaha.
  18. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ello tom!
  19. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh yeah, I would have had it back by then no problem. It's just money is a little tight right now since we don't have a 3rd room mate anymore. Once we find a new roomie I'll be fine again. Just paying 350 a month compared to 220 a month is kind of a big adjustment for me. Not to mention the fact that gas is now $3.15. God it's so ridiculous.
  20. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Jay I appreciate the offer but I don't make enough to pay people back soon, so unless you are just amazingly well off....it would be a couple months before I could have paid you back. Hahaha. I mean yeah I really really hated to see it go but it's not like I "need" a 1600 dollar amp to play my guitar. I've still got my guitar and pedals and someday I'll have another amp. Once again though, thank you(from the bottom of my heart) for the offer. Well the movie was better then I expected. I was hearing to many people say, "it wasn't that great" or "it was terrible." or yada yada yada. I personally thought it was worth the 2 dollars I paid(I know people, lol). THE PICTURE, omfg. Theaters are digital now and it looks freakin amazing. The graphics in the movie were very well done. The only thing I would say that was stupid was when peter was having his "emo" moment as some reviewers have pointed out. Otherwise I would highly recommend you go see it.
  21. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Saw SP3 tonight, I'll give you the lowdown after I get back from ihop.
  22. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm debating if I should buy a Pioneer Inno like my dad. They are down to 200 dollars now. I wonder if it'll play through my computer, it says it has a USB cable included but I'm not sure if that is just for transferring or what. B/c I don't just want to play it in the living room, i want to have it in my room too.
  23. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Holy chit. I haven't shopped for an amp in more than 10 years, things could have changed. I had never been a fan of Marshalls either and always wondered why so many people played them. Basically it is my understanding that all of the ones musicians used were modded and the mods were done by Lee. I really dug the way mine sounded, worth a listen anyway. I'd have to find one. I think the only reason people like them is because bands back in the 70's and 80's used them. They are trying to sound to much like someone else tone wise. When really you should be trying to make your "own" tone. That's just how I feel about it. Why I want so many pedals and a guitar that reacts well with pedals.
  24. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've been looking at this head solely based on the reviews. The price for it though, wow.....I paid 1000 for my head but 3,000? Geez. hahaha. http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Hug...Head?sku=480468
  25. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I didn't realize you played. I used to have a Jackson tube with a Peavey cab myself. yeah I've played for 7-8 years all together but actually trying to learn things probably only 2. I've only had that cab for maybe 2. I'll eventually get another one but I don't think I'll go with peavey this next time. I'm thinking about getting a Fender twin amp for cleans and reverb (can't find a decent reverb pedal) and then get a halfstack again. I am not a fan of Peavey tube amps anyway, IMO it is better that you are selling and rebuying. I'd wholeheartedly suggest looking for an old Lee Jackson. Basically a modified Marshall as Lee did all the customizing on them for almost any of the old school bands. You name it Lee touched it and I have seen some of his heads go used for pretty cheap. Well the Peavey clean just wasn't there at all. It needed a chorus or a reverb to sound up to my par. The distortion on the other hand, was nothing short of spectacular. I could make it sound like almost anything you could imagine. I could dial into anything easily. But.....the clean was just crap IMO. I've never been a huge fan of Marshall "heads" the cabs are very nice just not a fan of the heads. Mesa Boogie isn't bad, just a bit overpriced. So I really don't know what I'll go with but I'll look into what you recommended.