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Everything posted by 2kchevy

  1. 2kchevy

    2-way active, suggestions plz

    yeah I tried to look at your thread but the pictures aren't coming up anymore. Maybe my internet was just sucking, I'll check them again. Neon, thx for clearing that up and yeah I will most def play around with the tweets as far as were they sound best. You think on axis would be the best though? Will they be ok off-axis though as well if I can't mount them on?
  2. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damnit my box fan just broke. Good game, good phucking game. Anyways thx for the reply Sean, I looked at the options and think I'll just go with what you summarized with.
  3. 2kchevy

    2-way active, suggestions plz

    Awesome, knew I could count on you sean. Yeah those top ideas are really really $$$$$...lol. I like your overall suggestion though, those mids look like sex. I have a couple questions though. It says the tweeters are 1" which is generally the size of passive comp speakers so does that mean they are the same size just look real big or what? If I do have to hack up my door how would I go about installing them? The other question is those mids say they are 7" so does that mean I'll have to do some mdf rings or something to make them fit?
  4. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    poooo I guess I'll go mow the front yard then and see what replies I have after that
  5. 2kchevy

    2-way active, suggestions plz

    Personally the focal 6.5's actually sound very nice to my ears(course they haven't heard stellar stuff). They are very detailed and for what dampening I do have they sound wonderful and really have some output. The tweeters are a tad harsh but with some eqing they are tolerable. I never really had a way of "properly" installing the mid-ranges. So I can't comment on that very well.
  6. 2kchevy

    2-way active, suggestions plz

    edit: My current setup I'm using the I-force 6.5's atm. The mids are in the stock location but my tweeters are in the kicks off axis. As far as placement, well I'm not sure what I would like but I currently don't like my stage height at all, need to fix that for sure.
  7. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=10720 I'll edit it though.........since you just added placement questions.
  8. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    fine fine, I'll make a thread ;x
  9. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh good point. Ummmmmm, I'm gonna try and sell both my comp sets which would give me around, we'll say 270 or so plus I'll throw in about 100-150 from my next pay check. So around 370 or 420 if everything goes to plan.
  10. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah madisound...that's it. Thanks guys any suggestions? 6.5" woofer for door and tweets up in the pillars. Or hell I could leave them in the kicks like they are now but ehhhhh.
  11. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh are they big amps? As in won't fit under my seat? Cause that would suck, lol. What's that site you guys look at a lot for speakers? Point me oh sean, in the right direction.
  12. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    nothing. After much searching on the forums for some sales, I found someone also selling a JBL GTO 75.4...I offered him 150 shipped, hopefully he bites . Would be nice to have both amps JBL. Then I could sell some stuff and go two way active .
  13. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    morning sean
  14. 2kchevy

    Sup fellas!

    I have yet to receive mine..............
  15. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah women are evil. This girl I've been talking to for a while is finally coming around though. We'll see how it goes. If something doesn't work out I'll give up on women again for a while.
  16. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I changed my mind on buying a monitor this paycheck. Someone is selling a 4 channel Avionixx Axa600.4 for 140 but I offered him 130. I'll see if he replies. Would be a nice budget amp
  17. 2kchevy

    2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V: Project Spec-SQ

    that looks awesome man!!!!!!!!!!!!! God those midbass pods are freakin huge!
  18. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ROFLMAO that's an epic moment.
  19. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm having a hard time deciding if I should buy this monitor on new egg or not. I need a new monitor badly because the one I'm using....I've had for easily 8 years. Yes I know it's a TN panel but I don't have 350(for a so-so IPS panel) to 500 dollars for one. Especially when I'm wanting to eventually have dual monitors. I could have two of these monitors for 340 compared to 700 - 1000 dollars. What do you guys think about it? The dot pitch honestly impresses me a lot. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16824009108
  20. I don't know "shon" but I know "OF" Roe. I suppose if they came to both Aaron and Mark and asked for help then we should help. You guys didn't say we are merging you just said they asked for help and you accepted. I see no problem with that, if you guys need some help I can try and do something I'm sure . Just shoot me a pm.
  21. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Justin!! Haven't heard from you in a while bro. I have a question for you, I'm about to shoot you a PM.
  22. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah I saw your video you did with the icons. Neat stuff Time to go check the ol bank account and see how much I got paid.
  23. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what's been going on J? Been doing ok?
  24. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Make it a Sunday trip and Dave and I could tag along true friends ;p
  25. 2kchevy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol that baby pwns.