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Everything posted by dvalue

  1. dvalue

    THIS is how we do it!!

  2. dvalue

    Twisted's Usaci Finals 2010 Vids/pics

    Should gone today, man. btw, that yellow neon is mine.
  3. dvalue

    help on new system

    Among other reasons...
  4. dvalue

    help on new system

    I think it will produce sound.
  5. dvalue

    2010 ICONs now available! Free Shipping!

    Full dustcap is not available on the 10's yet, but you can get the options, which I did.
  6. dvalue

    Hello from Lafayette, Louisiana

    I can say similar about joining and not posting for a while. My uncle lives in Lafayette, so I travel out there every once in a while.
  7. Whats in it? I love twins!
  8. dvalue

    Got some stuff today!

    Have to agree with that part as well.
  9. dvalue

    Choosing a HU

    You must have never owned a 880/800 PRS... I have, and in fact, I like my alpine 9887 a lot better. Not quite what youre trying to say, I know, but just stating. I have a 9855.. it's functionality is AWESOME! I heard the 9887's aren't tunable unless you use the imprint kit. True? Or not so true? Sorry, didn't mean to get off on a tangent. But the kenwood navi seems a lot better than the pioneer. It also has the "traffic" feature. Not true, the Imprint just does an Auto EQ and T/A. I know you know Drew, so I'd be willing to show the features built in to you sometime. And exactly like I said, the Kenwoods use the Garmin Nav interface.
  10. dvalue

    Choosing a HU

    You must have never owned a 880/800 PRS... I have, and in fact, I like my alpine 9887 a lot better. Not quite what youre trying to say, I know, but just stating.
  11. dvalue

    Choosing a HU

    The nav on the Kenwood is also Garmin based, which is real user friendly.
  12. dvalue

    Got some stuff today!

    Yep, they are the tens, with the upgraded suspensions and copper coils.
  13. dvalue

    Creative Zen X-Fi2

    Define "loud"
  14. dvalue

    Rare audio stuff

    I've got an older Orion 222SX, in decent condition.
  15. dvalue

    Reaction to SSA XCON 18s

    i need to figure that out, im guessing since its compressing and uploading from the phone its doing it like that, maybe Will can chime in, doesnt he vid with an iphone? Turn it sideways?
  16. dvalue

    Reaction to SSA XCON 18s

    You need to swing by Best Buy some day and give one of my coworkers a demo, I've been telling him to check the xcons out.
  17. dvalue

    Digital Designs Headphones

    You dont wanna know the markup on those things...
  18. dvalue

    4 Sundown Nightshade V.2's on 8000 watts

    I was at Scrapin as well, dont believe I met you though?
  19. dvalue

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    I love the bass knob, Mark. Looks sick!
  20. dvalue

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Cans without an amp is just like door speakers off a HU, sure they will sound okay but an amplifier makes them sound amazing In that case, I could use one for my Sennheiser 380pros.
  21. dvalue

    FI AUDIO baby!'s Official Question Thread

    I approve this thread!
  22. dvalue

    Rockford Fosgate speakers

    I really cannot recommend the Bravox group buy pricing enough. I seriously want to put them in my friends' cars, so I dont have to listen to anything that isnt them.