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Everything posted by dvalue

  1. There are quite a few used SAZ-1500's in the For Sale section. Highly recommend them, practically bulletproof amps and great customer service.
  2. dvalue

    125.2 Shipping Weight?

    Mine was 14.0 pounds.
  3. I had a GTO700,1 on an L7 and then a DD 2510. Not a bad amp, never had any huge problems with it, just no subsonic.
  4. dvalue

    Buzzing Vibration KICKER SUBS

    Bass boost is baaaad.
  5. dvalue

    IAK, here is that trophy

    That takes skill, man.
  6. dvalue

    any nightshades left?

    If you must have a nightshade, look for a used one.
  7. Please read NOOB POSTING GUIDELINES before you keep making useless topics or moderators will give you a vacation till you learn how to post. This topic will help nobody including yourself, this is like the 10th ridiculous topic you made. What he said.
  8. dvalue

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    We attempted to wire up speakers on Sunday, but ran outta time because he had to go to a party that night.
  9. dvalue

    Why DVC?

    I believe the MOJO's are offered in a QVC, also some of the Massive subs.
  10. My dad just built an upper mid-range i5 system. 2.6 ghz, 4gb RAM, 4870 and some other specs I can't remember right now. He's having trouble getting an OS installed without it keep crashing, though.
  11. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    Ah, I just got one today! lol
  12. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    No idea, to be honest. I'd venture to say 2 cu ft tuned to 32hz. It needs a new box, badly, though.
  13. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    Heres a vid for yall who are interested
  14. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    It did a 141.2 at 51 hz outlaw, on an SAZ-1500. Only saw power to set gain and tweak before that burp. It would do better with a different box and when broken in.
  15. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    lol Ill post up a vid when i get a chance.
  16. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    Which? Mine or the other?
  17. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    The gasket was made from a 15. I guess he didn't have a 10" gasket. It looks fine otherwise.
  18. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    This one yours ? That would be it.
  19. dvalue

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    Looks a bit different than mine. Had a local guy do a recone from a 15 to 10.
  20. dvalue

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Nope, I was researching some amps, and this was the only place with any info on it.
  21. dvalue

    Sundown Backgrounds

    I would love one as well. Rock it all day, wouldn't change it for a long time.
  22. dvalue

    subwoofers have a conversation

    They're from a guy on another forum, I'm pretty sure.
  23. Pretty sure theyre from a guy on ***** ***** forums.