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Everything posted by dvalue

  1. Why not a stock class? Any particular reason for running trunk 0-1000? Probably because I just started to really get into competition about a year ago, and I feel like its a good starting point. Not that its any less tough for me, though, quite a few people round here run in the same class. I still have a good way to go to get a score I ike, though. If I really wanted to, I probably could run stock, depends on who shows up to what, I guess.
  2. Look forward to seeing some good scores! Im in trunk 0-1000, actually. Thinking about doing SB1, but we'll see.
  3. What class are you in for Usaci?
  4. dvalue

    Opinion on business ad

    "do too" due to
  5. dvalue


    They look to be about the same, Im gonna have to try this when I get a chance. Seem to running similar enough setups. My MT is in 2.5, not sure of the tuning though, but it peaks at 39. My amp is an SAZ1500, though.
  6. dvalue


    Hmm, how many cu ft is your trunk? If I have similar space, I may have to try the same method. Obviously different cars perform different, though.
  7. In theory, yes, but it it all depends on the install.
  8. dvalue

    noob entering spl competition.

    3 batteries... and they are held in place by a bungee cord!?!?!?! lol and the car looks like a talon or eclipse. but idk... Pretty sure it is. I think the wall may be ultra subs.
  9. dvalue


    up to about 53k now
  10. dvalue

    noob entering spl competition.

    Just to add, the rules also state that additional amps can be in the vehicle at local events, at the judges discretion.
  11. I love me some usaci, everybody is respectful and super nice.
  12. dvalue

    Amazingly EPIC music!

    I couldnt see myself listening to a whole song. Don't get me wrong, its really good, but I dont think theres enough to keep it going for 5 minutes.
  13. dvalue

    noob entering spl competition.

    I'm thinking that you would be in stock 0-600. Normally you will get two runs, most people will use the first to find the peak, then the second run they will play that note, or around there.
  14. I actually have a diecast model of an SV sitting here in my room.
  15. I have mine hooked up to the amp. Some people hook it up to the batts though.
  16. dvalue

    Loudest in 4 cubes?

    Thats not what the q's are designed for. The BL's would be much better suited to get louder. If it helps any, my MT 12 is in 2.5 cubes, and it gets down and its fairly loud off the low power I have on it.
  17. dvalue

    Dcon stuff

    Gonna need an h/o alt, if you plan on that.
  18. dvalue

    Hello....I am Twistedchild420

    Welcome! I had heard you were going to scrapin this year?
  19. dvalue

    Help adjusting xcon amp settings???????

    Or just dont play those songs.
  20. dvalue

    Need Help Wiring a 2 0hm dd9515g down to 1 ohm

    Do you have a multimeter? If so, measure the ohm load of the coils. That will help immensely.
  21. dvalue

    Fi BTL amplifire

    The XT4000 is a Us amps. Xterminator series. It even says it in the post We need to know what the other amp is, specifically. Not just the power ratings.
  22. dvalue

    Online site to buy equipment?

  23. dvalue

    Epic Craigslist Fail

    Jl and Rockford Trophy Winners Thats a low price!
  24. dvalue

    Car Show/Sound Off in Louisiana

    Oh, I totally forgot about this thread. Its a bit far of a drive for me, but I may go depending. If you have enough advertising, there shouldnt be a problem getting a good crowd. You could always make the drive to the good ole Red Stick city, next show is April 17 at MST electronics in Prarieville, then Siknic is in August.
  25. dvalue

    Car Show/Sound Off in Louisiana

    Depends, where are you located? South Lousiana has a quite a few shows. Siknic in Gonzales, Pandemonium in Pineville, MST in Prarieville, MIdnight Fantasies in Lake Charles, IFO at the tracks in the area.