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Everything posted by sandsnip3r

  1. sandsnip3r


    i was told that if i used http://www.db-starter-alternator.com/Items...%2004%20%208260 i could get it to fit...
  2. sandsnip3r

    question about extra battery

    no, you should be fine... if anything, you'll have a little light dimming Do the Big 3 before buying a new battery.
  3. that all sounds reasonable, lol clearly for that price, it wont be 2600W.. Thanks a lot everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. sandsnip3r


    its a 2000 hyundai sonata
  5. sandsnip3r

    2010 Mustang Pictures

    x2 tirefryr nice but not....
  6. sandsnip3r


    1. would i need one? 2. neither of them have Hyundai's
  7. sandsnip3r


    would 30ft of 1/0 be enough? for batt to amp, ground amp, and BIG 3
  8. sandsnip3r


    hmmmmmm we'll see ill be in for a suprise if i was running 2 15" type Rs Sealed at 440watts each and going to a FI BTL 15" optimumly Ported at ~2400Watts :-D hhahahahahah YAY DEATH
  9. sandsnip3r


    (100% copper, ~15-20ft, 1/0 AWG) so hows about a 300A to the alt and a 250 to my hifonics BXI2608D? with my previous amp do you think i was only running it at around 880 watts? i was running it at 1 ohm...
  10. sandsnip3r


    Battery to alternator is again depend on the wire size. 1/0 my bad and what do you mean hifonics recommendations for fusing? it only says "Fusing: 250A(Not included)" so whould i do the 250A fuse? closer to the battery or amp? for 1/0 AWG before i had the hifonics 2008 (2000W) and and it says "Fusing: 200A(Not included)" but the wiring kit that i had came with 4AWG and an 80A fuse.... right by the battery
  11. sandsnip3r


    and a 250A or 300A?? from batt to amp
  12. sandsnip3r


    so a 250 A fuse to the Amp and what about from the battery to the Alternator, for the Big 3....?
  13. sandsnip3r

    LOW and HIGH DeeeBeeez

    i got this one sub hooked up to my computer that does somewhere near 300 dB no lie its one of the 5.25" baddasses
  14. sandsnip3r

    LOW and HIGH DeeeBeeez

    -80 dB Underwater nuclear submarine microphones listening to shrimp chewing on food at 100 meters distance. 0 dB Beginning of hearing, a mosquito 10 ft away, the ear drum moves less than 1/100 the length of an air molecule. 100 dB Normal average car or home stereo at max volume. 110 dB A car stereo with two 6x9s and 100 watts. 127 dB Human tinnitus (ringing ears) begins. 152 dB Human vibration is painfull and also felt in all joints. 153 dB Human throat is vibrating so hard it is almost impossible to swallow. 158 dB Human body vibration is violent, nausea becomes more intence. 160 dB Ear Drum Breaks Instantly. 174 dB Air begins to heat up due to compression, most shockwaves are very hot. 180 dB 1 Pound of T.N.T. At 15 Feet. 180 dB Death of Hearing Tissue. 198-202 dB Human death from sound shockwave alone. 215 dB Battleship New Jersey firing all 9 sixteen inch guns. 230.59 dB 1000 Tons of T.N.T. 248 dB Atomic Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 257 dB Nuclear bomb, 1 Megaton. 320 dB Volcano eruption, Tambora, Indonesia, 1815, ejected 36 cubic miles. Approximately equal to 14,000 megaton nuclear bombs or a 14 gigaton bomb.
  15. sandsnip3r


    oh here, for example on the hifonics 1200Watt it says Fusing:80Ax1 but on the 2600(what i have) it says Fusing: 250A(Not included)
  16. sandsnip3r


    where is the amp's fuse rating?
  17. sandsnip3r


    ive been told 300A for a hifonics 2600Watt
  18. sandsnip3r

    Right parts?

    sorry for the quadruple post.... lol FUSE HOLDER: http://www.tti-plus.com/Bluewave-Audio-Pla...ti-bw-anhs3.htm FUSE: http://www.tti-plus.com/Bluewave-Audio-300...-anl-bw300g.htm WIRE: http://cgi.ebay.com/MONSTER-CABLE-25-FEET-...A1%7C240%3A1318 WIRE RING TERMINALS: http://cgi.ebay.com/MONSTER-CABLE-25-FEET-...A1%7C240%3A1318 Will this work to replace the Power and Fuse to my AMP (Hifonics BXI 2608D). And also to do the BIG 3? Will this work? Thankyou for reading, please help a brotha out :-D
  19. ok, if i bought about 20 Feet of KnuKonceptz 1/0 Gauge Power Wire and 6 Directed Electronics 63205 1 / 0-gauge Ring Terminals would that be all i need to do the BIG 3?
  20. sandsnip3r

    Right parts?

    with wire can i replace my 4 gauge power to my amp also? and i cant seem to find an appropriate fuse holer and fuse its a hifonics 2600 so probably like 2400Watts do i need like a 200 or 300A fuse? please help
  21. sandsnip3r

    Right parts?

    ok, ill probably want like 25 ft of the 1/0 AWG EDIT: better http://cgi.ebay.com/MONSTER-CABLE-25-FEET-...A1%7C240%3A1318 that was the best i could find... could anyone find like 25' cheaper please?
  22. sandsnip3r

    Right parts?

    ok, so what wire should i get? and if i got some of that welding like copper wire could i use that to run the power to the amp?
  23. sandsnip3r

    another comparison

    2 15" MB Quarts Ported 1200Watts vs 1 15" FI BTL Ported 2600Watts in terms of SPL
  24. sandsnip3r


    send me a message when you're on, i dont know how to send new messages on MSN, i dont regularly use it..
  25. sandsnip3r


    i need a box designed!! where you been at? please get back to me