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Everything posted by wof131s

  1. wof131s


    Ok thanks for the quick input.
  2. wof131s

    Sub Opinion

    Am currently decideing between getting a 15" Incriminator Audio Death Row (with the correct gain setting and knob control) or a 15" RD Audio Heavyweight (SQ model). I have 2000 ~2200 watts of rms to play with and planning to use a 4 cu.ft enclosure tuned to about 28~32 Hz seeing that the enclosure size is within both woofer's specs. Electrical is not a problem ( 230 amp HO alt., Big 3 done with double runs of 0 gauge, kinetik 1800 in the back). Am wanting to know which sub to get. I know that this may not be the best forum for the topic but i like to hear both positives and negatives of the sub(s) that am thinking of purchasing. Am wanting a sub that is musical and can produce great low end response seeing that I listen to mostly reggae, rap and alittle R&B. The enclosure is going into a 2000 dodge dakota ext. cab, and money is not a problem. I like having nice SQ but like to have the ability to get loud when needed. My present setup is a 15" Fi Q on a AQ 2200D in a 4 cu.ft box @ 30Hz. Any input would be great. Thanks
  3. wof131s

    Sub Opinion

    Thats why I said that i was getting the DR (Incriminator Audio Death Row) not the RD . Check my last post.
  4. wof131s

    Sub Opinion

    Thanks for the quick input guys. Ive decided to get a 15" DR and put it in a 3.5 cuft box tuned to 30~32 Hz.
  5. wof131s

    Any Dakota Build Logs

    I've been looking through different build logs and was woundering if anyone has posted a build log for like a 2000 dakota ext. cab with 2 15"as yet. I was just wanting some extra ideas about designs before i finalize the one i currently have I,ve seen BASSAHAULIC's build but i think he ran 18"s. Thanks for the Input?
  6. wof131s

    Sub Opinion

    Ill look into the DP line since I have heard so much about them, but even with that sub wouldnt the RD audio HW be a better choice? Am not stuck on the brand just wanting to get the best product for my money as everyone here would?
  7. wof131s

    Sub Opinion

    Am wanting a bit more output. Dont get me wrong, Scott makes amazing subs but for me am just wanting more output. I love the Q, it gets low as a mudda f@$%er, am just wanting a bit more output. Ive tried it in 3 different boxes tuned higher(32Hz, 35Hz) and lower but didnt get what i wanted. I was just wanting some feedback on both woofers. I know that tensions maybe high between the 2 companies but like i said i was just looking for some input from folks that may have had the experience of both woofers.
  8. Like the topic says. Does anyone know how accurate the numbers are? Port Length Calculator Thanks
  9. wof131s

    How accurate is this website?

    Did the math, not sure about port end correction.
  10. wof131s


    Ha Ha, I get it. He said and spelt it wrong. Ha Ha. May have had one to many english classes. I shouldnt laugh though, I write text type messages in forums all the time. Its funny to me, my opinion. Good one dude.
  11. wof131s

    Team Decent Moneyman build

    Very Nice, Very Nice
  12. wof131s

    whats your 9 to 5?

    aircraft repair company, but dont know how much longer. things are tough
  13. wof131s

    FI Q on AQ2200D

    I'd bet you'll never see 4v on your headunit and either way it doesn't change how you set anything. Well am just going with the mfg specs. Pioneer is known to make pretty good HU.
  14. wof131s

    FI Q on AQ2200D

    Will a 15" Fi Q with BP power be ok on a AQ2200D amp at 2 ohms (1300 watts) or will that be to much power?
  15. wof131s

    FI Q on AQ2200D

    So what your saying is its ok to wire the sub to 1 ohm as long as i used the formula given in the link above and take it easy on the volume? Lets say with the BP power the sub could do up to 1500 watts rms. To be on the safe side i could set the gain to 37.4 volts with a DMM and run the sub at 1400 watts rms?
  16. wof131s

    Much Love To Haiti

    It is, it just hits close to home for me.
  17. wof131s

    IA Death ROW

    Ive been looking through the forum and online but couldnt find a decent review on the IA Death Row perferably a 15". My search here usually led to one member refering to the sub as a great option to uses. Can anyone direct me to a good review? Or can anyone using the subs say what they like and dislike (if its possible) about it. Thanks
  18. wof131s

    Any Dakota Build Logs

    lol. Dont play anymore. Played for Southeast Missouri State a few years back. I took out my back seat and panels and think ill go with a 6 cu.ft box (Gross Vol.) and an amp stand build into the box. So after all displacement, ill have a 4 cu.ft box tune to 30 Hz, for a 15 Fi Q. If i dont like the output, ill try the IA Death Row 15" and see what happens.
  19. wof131s

    Enclosure Help

    Never thought about it like that. Thanks a lot dude.
  20. wof131s

    Enclosure Help

    Am trying to calculate the exact cu.ft for a wedge enclosure. I tried a few different sites and got anywhere from 5.8 - 6.0 cu.ft. Since I needed the exact size I worked it out by hand myself. Here are my dimensions and what i got. Can anyone double check this for me please? Wedge Design Outside Dimensions Height = 22" Depth 1 = 10" Depth 2 = 20" Width = 39" Formulas used: Rectangle L X W X D Triangle 0.5 (B X H X W) Since the design is basicly a rectangle and a triangle combination, thats how i calculated it. I got 4.12 cu.ft for the rectangle and 2.06 cu.ft for the triangle with a gross volume of 6.18 cu.ft. I also took into account that the 1.5" (0.75" + 0.75") thickness of wood that "attach" the triangle to the retangle along the length was removed and added volume to the enclosure. Does this sound right? Thanks
  21. , Thanks for the quick response.
  22. Does the SPL FX1-4000D amp do rated power? Or does anyone have experience with it?
  23. wof131s

    FI Q on AQ2200D

    Thanks dude.
  24. wof131s

    FI Q on AQ2200D

    Ok, i know that this is a noob question but with a HU that puts out 4 volts, and running the amp (AQ 2200D) at 2 ohms, what would be my target voltage to get the full 1300 watts out of the amp. Am going to uses a DMM and a 50 Hz test tone to set the gain, cant get my hands on an oscilloscope , thanks.