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Everything posted by ANeonRider

  1. ANeonRider

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    Personally, I'd get a distribution block to size it down, or at a minimum, use a 1/0 to 4ga reducer.
  2. ANeonRider

    E36 BMW Help

    Paying someone to do the install = $$ Much more than the speakers are going to be.
  3. ANeonRider

    component help

    What do you have for a deck?
  4. ANeonRider

    Cant decide sealed or ported...

    Port, tuned low (28-30Hz)
  5. ANeonRider

    sundown sub?

    They are already released: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/shop/in...at&catId=48
  6. ANeonRider

    Sound deadening alternatives........

    I use the stuff that doesn't expand much... it also stays soft. No wrinkled panels ftw.
  7. ANeonRider

    2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V: Project Spec-SQ

    I had the same problem with the Xtant amps I was using. It switched them from unbalanced to balanced (even though I am running unbalanced) and it went away. Not sure if that will help, but I thought I would throw that out. Not an option on the XT series. It is a power supply issue. O well... I'll just get it fixed.
  8. ANeonRider

    2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V: Project Spec-SQ

    Oops, I meant the 4.100, although the 4.150 is in the books as well... along with some IB, since I found a good air strut I can use to lift the lid. Now I can get it of the torsion bars that it came with, and use the whole rear deck for either the 3-10s or the MJ18. (Ya... can you say, can't make up his damn mind?) I plan on making the baffle changeable with EZ-LOCs so I can see which I like best. Then use a 4.150 to run the 8s, and the IB subs(s). These things are so tiny... half the size of the XT1600.4
  9. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Better back that shit up... and buy a new one!
  10. ANeonRider

    2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V: Project Spec-SQ

    temp installed PDX... no noise thus far, will wait to give final verdict. Nice amp!
  11. ANeonRider

    Gain, Hz, and Db

    It's always going to be behind you if your front end is not up to the challenge.
  12. ANeonRider

    2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V: Project Spec-SQ

    I didnt end up getting those amps to test yet... I'm just going to go out and buy a PDX4.150 today instead. Remember when I said budget?
  13. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where in the fuck did this power wire beside RCAs = alternator whine bullshit come from?
  14. ANeonRider

    impedance + SQ

    Damping Factor is a stupid spec anyways... The driver design is what determines its cone control.
  15. ANeonRider

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    Only XT series US Amps are available authorized online.
  16. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I would... but the shipping to Canuck-ville is kinda a pain.
  17. ANeonRider

    Gain, Hz, and Db

    What Pioneer HU is that?
  18. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    At that point, I just dont care anymore
  19. ANeonRider

    Gain, Hz, and Db

    Almost a guarantee
  20. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wish people wouldn't ask for advise if they don't want to hear what I have to say....
  21. ANeonRider

    Mli-65 Ht testing??

    Has your stock been replenished Mark?
  22. ANeonRider

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    until you upgrade.
  23. ANeonRider

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    IMO... oversize the main power. Nothing less than 1/0 to the amps, then use a 1/0-4ga. distribution block to supply the amps. I used KLM wire, good stuff, plenty flexible for a 1/0 wire. I'd get 25ft... then you can use it to the big 3 as well. Fuse size? I use a 200A on my 1/0, then use a distribution block that is fused as well. If you want a battery terminal, you need a side post style one.
  24. ANeonRider

    Sound deadening alternatives........

    If you are going to use expanding foam... don't just fill the panel. Do it slowly, it is activated by O2... so if it can't get any, it will take a long time for it to cure.
  25. ANeonRider

    got my icon 15...

    He's in sand land at the moment... I think he gets back from his time out there in 35 days.