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Everything posted by ANeonRider

  1. ANeonRider

    Ported for 12" Rlp

    Again, not enough port area in a 3" port. Will cause lots of noise still. A round port has a diameter, not a width.
  2. ANeonRider

    Ported for 12" Rlp

    Round ports sound the same as slot ports, they do the same job. Round ports don't need quite as much port area. (Less surface area = less friction = more velocity) Slot ports are easier to integrate, but Round ports displace less airspace. Now for flakko's q's.... Just adding a port to a sealed box isn't going to work if the sealed box doesn't have enough airspace. Best to design the box for the application. Optimal distance is as much as you can give... but bare minimum is the width of the port, so if you have a 3" port diameter, then the port needs to be 3" from the nearest surface down from the opening. Adding a second port will make the length needed longer, you cannot simply make a port that needs to be 14" long into two different ports of 7" long. In fact, in a 3" port's case (in a 2ft^3 tuned to 31Hz enclosure), a single 3" port will need to be 7.717" whereas two 3" ports needs to be 18.073". Also... these lengths I give you apply to ports using PVC-type tubing with no flares, etc. Having flares will change the port lengths, and so will using an aeroport-type port.
  3. ANeonRider

    Ported for 12" Rlp

    Here is the lengths you need for these diameters: 4" - 14.694" 4.5" - 19.00" 5" - 23.874" (2) 3" - 18.073" (2) 3.5" - 27.475" http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/boxcalcs.asp
  4. ANeonRider

    Ported for 12" Rlp

    Most definately.... (well to an extent of course) A single 2.5" port would have horrible port noise. Here is a decent thread to read: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=2978
  5. ANeonRider

    Ported for 12" Rlp

    How large of diameter of port will you be using? I would aim for something in the 4.5" - 5" range or 2-3". 2 ft^3 tuned to 31Hz will sound very good.
  6. ANeonRider

    Burping below tuning?

    ^^^, but in all reality, need to model the response to tell you what frequency to shoot for. Then back it up with an impedance curve.
  7. ANeonRider

    yea me.

  8. Listened to alot of classic stuff like Neil Young, Cat Stevens, James Taylor, CCR, Bob Seger, etc lately.
  9. ANeonRider


  10. ANeonRider

    Burping below tuning?

    Tune to the frequency that the output will peak at... in most cases, if you need to burp at 47Hz, tune around 35-37Hz. Are you sure you are tuned to 52Hz? That just seems so not right that you are loudest below tuning.
  11. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Off to work for this guy... cya'll
  12. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The new job I start on Aug 29th, I get $2500/year increase every year for the first three
  13. ANeonRider

    oddly shaped ports

    Actually, there is bendable plywood available. Also, I have bent plywood numerous times around frames of odd shapes. It gets tougher with thicknesses, but 3/16" and 1/4" can easily be done. Soak it in water for about a day, then bend and staple, nail, screw around the frame and let it dry. Then you can remove the frame and it should warp from drying to the desired shape. But like you said, time consuming. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's the way to go... Overall, I would rather have as straight & short of a port as possible. -Nick <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Me too, less turbulence = higher port velocity = good.
  14. ANeonRider

    oddly shaped ports

    Not as he explained it... on the outside yes, but not on the inside.
  15. ANeonRider

    oddly shaped ports

    Fleece would actually be detrimental... the fibres will cause more friction on the airflow.
  16. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Another shining example why I think ca.com is the biggest waste of space on the net...
  17. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol, where I grew up there is maybe 1000 people in a 75-100km radius. And the only trees are those that were planted.
  18. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is a swather ^. We don't use one on our farm. We straight-cut everything with the large swathing header on the combine.
  19. ANeonRider

    Hot damn....

    Welcome to the good side I rarely post in IHoP, I'm an anomaly.
  20. ANeonRider


    I would think the RL-p would sound like heaven in one. It would allow for a ton of low-end grunt, without sacrificing the bass up top (40-60Hz). SQL lovers dream really.
  21. ANeonRider


    I can design one too, it is not anymore difficult than a ported box really.
  22. ANeonRider

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    since they are 2 ohm SVC.... 1ohm
  23. ANeonRider

    i need new mids

    some get that bile taste in their mouth when it comes to eD and pre-order.
  24. ANeonRider


    Aperiodic Bi-chamber Very basically is a main ported enclosure that has one port to the world, and another going into another enclosure 1/2 size of the main enclosure, that is then ported to the world. Want the main enclosure to be the largest enclosure that the subwoofer is recommended for.
  25. ANeonRider


    hmm, personally I would do an ABC design before bandpass.