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Everything posted by bread0710

  1. bread0710

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    so any idea on release date? im excitied to get mine :bigclap:
  2. bread0710

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    i just preordered mine cant wait
  3. bread0710

    2000d pre-sale?

    X1000000000000000 :bigclap:
  4. bread0710

    2000d pre-sale?

    count me in for 2
  5. bread0710

    Enclosure + Setup Help

    well if you read his first few posts you will know he wants it b/c he saw steve meade do it and he wants to show off to the other guy with the pioneers just a stupid reason to waste money to say you have something when you dont know what you have. not being a dick or anything just saying thats kind of what i was gettin out of readin this thing too, but im curious as to what he knows, I know alot about audio if thats what you were refering to. then why are you in here asking if your going to be hitting these numbers with the system you want? if you know liek yiou say you do, you wouldnt ask....
  6. bread0710

    Enclosure + Setup Help

    thank you we are just trying to help you out not say dont do this. we are just being logical.
  7. bread0710

    Enclosure + Setup Help

    I am going to compete in local db drags and stuff. Im not just going to be a dick and come out the mouth saying "Your system dosent have chit on mine you need to upgrade or get that chit outta here" I dont do stuff like that just like you said it should matter if its loud enough for me and mid 150's to high 150's is loud for me. ok and all i can say is good luck with that....
  8. bread0710

    Enclosure + Setup Help

    if your not competing why do you care what numbers you put up? only thing that should matter is if it is loud enough for you.
  9. bread0710

    Enclosure + Setup Help

    well if you read his first few posts you will know he wants it b/c he saw steve meade do it and he wants to show off to the other guy with the pioneers just a stupid reason to waste money to say you have something when you dont know what you have. not being a dick or anything just saying
  10. bread0710

    Enclosure + Setup Help

    i would suggest also getting either a 15in or two 12s cuz there is no way in hell your gonna have room for all that with out taking the seats out. but its your money we are just suggesting....
  11. i bought my gf a new ipod nano 16gb. i paid 179 for it on ebay brand new
  12. bread0710

    Kicker zx750.1

    mine is rated 929 @ 2ohms and its the 2008 version if that helps any