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About B_I_B

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  • Birthday 02/02/1992

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  • Location
    Big Island, Hawaii

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  1. B_I_B

    My SA-8 box. WOW

    That box is very nice, a little on the small side and tuned high but if your happy that's all that matters.
  2. B_I_B

    !!! Sundown SA-8 v.2 PRE-ORDER !!!

    For daily about 12 in^2 each "Port Area" or "Port Area Per Foot"? Couple more Questions: 1. Being that there's no pole vent, very little space needs to be left behind sub and thus allowing the build of a little shallower enclosure? 2. What's the displacement? Area per woofer of 12 in^2 1) That is correct -- little to no space needed behind it. 2) 0.1 Just to clarify that's 12 sq. in. per woofer in the recommended .5 to .75 correct?
  3. B_I_B

    I am beginning to get frustrated with Fi

    Well he has clearly already worked something out with FI since he said he has already talked to them and they took it. Defiantly seems like a user error situation. I've met a lot of people that think there amp does it's rated power at full tilt on the gain lol.
  4. B_I_B

    Box for SA-8 in a Lada Niva

    That's too much port area, I'd try 16-18 per cu. ft. for an sa8 and you have to enter the number of common port walls to get the proper box specs. The box you drew has 3 common port walls.
  5. B_I_B

    how to tell if your sub has cooling

    I could be wrong but I think your talking about the basket and cooling options are done to the motor.
  6. Only the gasket got damaged? That's pretty lucky that the cone or surround weren't damaged but it defiantly sucks to get something new a find shit like this.
  7. Interesting read, I never saw this before.
  8. B_I_B

    Sundown e8v2. or Sa-8

    I'd go with the sa-8 if it's gonna be a single sub. I've owned two so far, used both in single sub systems and they were killer. Many people were surprised that it was just one 8.
  9. B_I_B

    RE SX Recone

    bump for my question.
  10. B_I_B

    RE SX Recone

    Okay, how much of a difference does the compression plug make and it's just a plug I can install my self correct?
  11. B_I_B

    RE SX Recone

    I got a re sx 10 that needs a re-cone, so I was thinking about re-coning it to a 12 with the FI kit but before I pull the trigger I wanted to know what options to choose and what kind of difference can I expect going from a stock re sx to a fi re-coned sx.
  12. B_I_B

    DD 1508 S4

    I found a decent deal on some dd 1508's locally but they're s4 voice coils and I noticed on dd's website they are now only offered as d2 or d4 so I was wondering if there's any difference in between the two other than the voice coil configurations.
  13. B_I_B

    Sa12 Recone

    email Sundown.
  14. B_I_B

    confused :( Fi SSD10 or Sundown SA-10

    I loved my sa-12, it got real loud and sounded good.
  15. B_I_B

    Photoshoot before and during SEMA 2011

    Very nice.