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Everything posted by dozure

  1. you're going to have to go to a major state university to find one that has a degree in cryptography. if you have to, a degree in computer science should be sufficient to enter in to that field, but if you can, major in Cryptography and minor in Computer Science, and take all the security classes you can.
  2. do you like math and staring at jumbles of numbers and letters and graphs and chit for hours on end? crypto is for you then. I had planned on doing this myself but I think I would burn out on it too quickly. It does pay very well though. Most software companies, the government, and any computer security company will need a crypto analyst.
  3. dozure

    Got scammed...

    yea... missing things generally don't appear... just fukkin with ya. congrats on coming out on top
  4. dozure


    that's a large ass
  5. dozure

    Apple's New Imac

    Mac and "non-crashing" do not belong in the same thread. at least with a PC when it crashes you can still turn the damn thing off.
  6. dozure

    I'm a trader

    i would have done the same thing, except i would have turned around and sold the 22s for more than i paid and gotten some nice 18s and used the rest to get the audio gear. and do you mean "traitor"?
  7. dozure

    Going to school

    CSU has an acoustical engineering program. you will also need eet. PS: not sure why this was in the SI forum. Moved to General Car Audio.
  8. dozure

    THE BIG 3

    If you can get it from point A to point B its flexible enough. how felxible it needs to be depends on your car and how you route the wire.
  9. dozure

    THE BIG 3

    1. not sure. 2. upgrade the 10g wire to 1/0 and do the same for the block to body strap. I don't really see why it's necessary since the block to battery connection provides the ground for it, but it can't hurt and it's only another $3 worth of wire. 3. that is the block to body grounding strap.
  10. dozure

    Exporer nuts!

    swap in a 5.0
  11. dozure

    Exporer nuts!

    Just FYI there actually is a stoker kit for it. its not really a stoker so much as its a whole new motor... and it's $3700. I'm not even sure its for teh SOHC, it looks like its the OHV. http://www.moranav6racing.com/
  12. dozure

    Exporer nuts!

    you can't stroke it. The 4.0 motor (OHV and SOHC) in the Explorers is based on the Ford 2.9 v6. They are just bored and stroked out versions of the 2.9 with some obvious changed to go from a pushrod to OHC setup.
  13. dozure

    Exporer nuts!

  14. Just got this email from the police officer handling my case and lives next door:
  15. I was referring to it popping up and installing stuff and making you reboot int eh middle of something. if you set it to download automaticlly and prompt you to install you won't have to reboot in the middle of something. didnt say it would stop the popup.
  16. dozure

    mtx install pics..

    damn skippy
  17. dozure

    mtx install pics..

    I like the simplicity also. I'm a fan of my own MTX install also.
  18. set it to download and prompt you to install rather than install automaticlly.
  19. If Quicktime is saying it doesn't understand the file, then you either don't have the latest version of QT, or youe QT install is corrupted and you need to reinstall. They play fine on mine, so QT does understand the files.
  20. dozure

    Big Amps

    $10,000 I'll get a GTi6000 instead
  21. dozure

    Meter anyone?

    sounds like a damn good number to me! Thanks dude you rock. And you're only a few miles from me... I might have a new best friend...
  22. dozure

    Meter anyone?

    dude yes! I can't find a meter anywhere around here! How much you charge me to do a few runs when I get around to getting my distro blocks and putting my new sub in?