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Everything posted by odsound

  1. odsound

    kings of cali

    dang lol but hey its worth it. that new video is insane!!
  2. odsound

    kings of cali

    what part of cali do you live in? i will keep you up to date on this event if you want?its always cool to meet new people at shows.
  3. odsound

    kings of cali

    he would be in street stock and do well with that type R i wish i can be in that class since our cars back seat cant fold down we have to go into super street 1-2 or super street no wall and we get killed badly but we still enjoy going out there.
  4. odsound

    kings of cali

    is it over the window line?
  5. odsound

    kings of cali

    yeah he is but hes got an advantage with bass race! i think we should do two classes drew bass race and super street NW!=)
  6. odsound

    kings of cali

    north cal is going to be crazy!! i will man in about a week and a half!
  7. odsound

    kings of cali

    maybe?? there might be a swap i might end up running two 12" DA audio subs for that event its still in the process!
  8. odsound

    Fiberglass work for 2 10's or 12's

    i would sand first and try to make the mdf smooth then add some resin and then sand the resin down primer will help out at the end for your finish high build primer will be your best friend. you may also want to look around on fiberglassforums.com!!
  9. odsound

    upcoming spl competition help

    putting pressure on our roof gained us .4 of a db but it does not hurt to try it out it might help it might not.
  10. odsound

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    nobody mentioned bass patrol/dj fury
  11. odsound

    Your db Numbers

    car:89 camry Electrical:stock everything but i do have the big three under the hood Amps:power acoustik sl2-2000 Subs:single 12" alpine type r wired at 4ohm Box:single slot port Mic:termlab Tone:48hz Score:141.0DB on windshield
  12. odsound

    How much Chopped Mat for Kick Pods

    yeah get them down and spray some paint!
  13. odsound

    watts up!!

    hey guys im od sound and i heard about this forum on the car audio respek group on myspace! our current set up consists of a single 12" type r a power acoustik sl2-2000 amp its not much but it does just fine.
  14. odsound

    How much Chopped Mat for Kick Pods

    Cool. I'll get a couple of yards just so I have some to play with. I'll probably want to practice a little on some scrap first. ODSound, those look very nice. What kind of paint is that? Nice finish. createx auto air pearl blue with three layers of smart clear coat.it was my first time spraying clear so it got a little messy at the bottom but its getting better. coastairbrush.com has some good paint equipment.
  15. odsound

    watts up!!

    what is up!! damn right i heard about it on your post and i just had to jump on over here plus what you said about a guy using a single 12" type r caught my attention might be some stuff i can learn from here!
  16. odsound

    How much Chopped Mat for Kick Pods

    have you checked out fiberglassforums.com good fiberglassing forum. and i only add two-three layers of chopped mat on my kicks and so far i have not had no problems.
  17. odsound

    One loud Trunk

    wow thats impressive!! good job!!
  18. odsound

    upcoming spl competition help

    here are some little tricks you should try out resin the inside of the box....try sitting someone on your windshield or lay someone on your roof....try making your passenger seat all the way forward and lean it all the way down with sun visors all the way down....try closing all your air vents this might not go on a official db drag event but will go in an outlaw match.... if you have a slot port make sure you round over the ends of the ports like this .....threaded rod for bracing might work......thats about all i can think of now
  19. odsound

    watts up!!

    thanks for the welcome guys!!