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Everything posted by Solid_State13

  1. great test, i was surprised with the massive. i have the 1000.1 because i got a really good deal from a local shop, but then i started reading forums and no one ever had anything good to say about the massive. After seeing this test, i feel much better about it and I know it will do rated if i ever run it at 1 ohm
  2. Solid_State13

    Which sub

    any of the subs will easily handle 500 watts. The BTL will probably be the loudest, but you would be paying for a sub that will handle several thousand watts, kinda wasted on only 500. if you wanna keep your amp, just go with the SSD, but if you wanna upgrade ur amp to something around 1000-1500 RMS, then go with the Q or BL. the BL is designed to get loud, the Q to sound good and play low. the Q would probably be more of a direct competitor with the W6
  3. Solid_State13

    Surprise Pioneer Subs

    are those 12's?
  4. Solid_State13

    Mach 5 to carry Sound Digital

    8000 watts @ 12.6 volts WOW
  5. just get the sundown or audioque to power one, you can get a second amp to power the second one later. Who knows, maybe you will be satisfied with one....
  6. Solid_State13

    Could someone help me plz?

    i dont think the brahma is an SPL sub is it? tune it higher for more SPL. if you are gonna take the speakers out of the deck, you could try porting through the deck into the cabin, maybe do a bandpass?
  7. Solid_State13

    Guess what I got today;)

    Thats my garage lol lmao
  8. Solid_State13

    Building a Subwoofer

    better depends on what you want. the quatro will sound better and take more power than the other 10's. but 2 of the other 10's will probably get louder. If space isnt an issue, you could do 2 of these 12's for the same price as the quatro 10, which would get louder (assuming that you are going for loud) http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...tnumber=295-320
  9. Solid_State13

    Building a Subwoofer

    you need to have crossover, whether or not it is in the receiver, amp or stand alone unit doesn't matter. i would go ported. have a single 10" ported (tuned to about 27Hz) in my dorm room, which is probably a similar size. it gets plenty loud to overpower my bookshelf speakers. you will probably be fine with a single 12, but two 10's will give you more output and power handling
  10. Solid_State13

    question (newbie kinda)

    as long as you set ur gains right, like those guys were saying, you will have no problem running the full power of that amp to one sub
  11. Solid_State13

    Old JL 10w6 vs 1 10 Fi BL box question

    get a bigger woofer if u wanna use more space and u want more output
  12. Solid_State13

    Building a Subwoofer

    if you build it sub down and port out one side then you can spin it around to find which way works best for your room
  13. Solid_State13

    2 12" SDC's.....first box!!

    maybe try aero ports to the side, looks like theres more room to the sides, that way the port won't get choked off by the back of the trunk
  14. Solid_State13

    Box to maximize ouput for 2 Fi Qs

    after reading this i went onto ROE and pulled up "the great 12 challenge". I think the BTL has been updated since the test, but anyway, the Q had a higher peak dB level at 1000 watts than the BTL did at 2000.... just thought that was interesting
  15. if you give a budget, you will be able to get better suggestions
  16. Solid_State13

    Which 4 12"s...4000rms...7cubes...

    what about AQ HDC3's?
  17. Solid_State13

    ssd box help

    i plugged that into WinISD and it looks like 4 4" aeros at 10.6" long would give you the desired tunng with a very low port velocity. you just have to remember to not count the flares when measuring the port length you could also try 2 6" aeros at 10.85"
  18. save the money on the cap and get a better battery and do big 3
  19. Solid_State13

    Sundown SA-12 D4 Pre-Order

    how much power were you runnin in that jeep setup?
  20. Solid_State13

    ssd and memphis

    should be sick, gl with the build
  21. Solid_State13

    ssd and memphis

    a fully loaded BTL 18 will work in 5-10 cubes and will cost alot less than the 4 SSDs
  22. Solid_State13

    Question about Mayhem 18".

    what about trying a Xcon
  23. Solid_State13

    XCON 18" teaser pics

    WOW, I want