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Everything posted by Solid_State13

  1. Solid_State13

    Super Loud Front Stages

    you could look into PA drivers from partsexpress.com or some other site
  2. Solid_State13

    How big should i go

    box looks really good, now you just gotta talk him into getting some real woofers in there
  3. Solid_State13

    Advice, PLEASE? Thanks

    you could also sub 2 Dcon 10's for the single icon, it would be a little more expensive though. You could also look at a pair of sundown E8's, although they are sold out right now. There are also the Incriminator Audio 187 series 10's. They have less than 5.5" of mounting depth too
  4. Solid_State13

    New system sounds like crap. help

    thats probably a good idea. but it sounds like you really need a bigger box, <2.75 cubes per 15 seems pretty small. Maybe you should try plugging the ports and running that box sealed, at least temporarily
  5. Solid_State13

    ~The Right Sub~

    you could also look at SSA Dcons, those are right in your price range
  6. Solid_State13

    Big Dave's Truck Project

    Fantastic job man, this truck is going to be amazing when you are done with it
  7. Solid_State13

    LVL 4xl 18

    haha, that is gonna shred ur car
  8. Or get the BL with a couple of the options and you could probably throw most of that amp on it
  9. Solid_State13

    Warden Series Release - May 1st

    that thing looks like a monster
  10. Solid_State13

    AQ 1200D and L7's

    that should work great
  11. Solid_State13

    new project comming up and need opinions

    The Xcons should get loud and low. You could also look into the Fi BTL
  12. Solid_State13

    15" Fi Q and Sundown 1200D Install

    nicely done man, nice to see an S70 gettin some love
  13. Solid_State13

    2 kicker l7 12s or 4 polk audio momo 15s

    isnt PA usually power acoustic?
  14. Solid_State13

    12"Fi Q vs 12 Type R

    ^^^^^ put up some pictures before you drop 300 on a new sub. The engine compartment is designed to be as quiet as possible, which is the exact opposite of what you want with your sub. Spending that money on a creative way to mount the woofer outside of the engine compartment will probably yield better results than adding a woofer or upgrading it
  15. Solid_State13

    Building a Subwoofer

    those plate amps will have crossovers in them
  16. Solid_State13

    Needing opinions on a new setup

    here is one for under 400, Audioque 2200D http://www.audioque.com/aq/AQamps2200D.htm
  17. Solid_State13

    any ideas?

    you could use the RE box calculator http://www.reaudio.com/speaker_box/LPort_Box_Calc.html or you could download WinISD
  18. Solid_State13

    144.8 DB, 12" BL

    what is the box tuned to? and test tones will prob b able to get louder
  19. just make sure that with your dimensions you take into account that you have to slide the box in and out through the trunk opening
  20. http://www.reaudio.com/speaker_box/LPort_Box_Calc.html use this to make a box according to Fi specs, which are on their website. for a ported Q 10, .5-1.2 ft^3 with a recommended tuning of 28-33Hz, but I've heard that 32 is the best balance between low end and high output
  21. you are gonna want that power at 1 ohm, 4 4ohm woofers will wire to 1 ohm, in which case that XT2000 in your sig would work. unless they are DVC 4 ohm subs. for 1 ohm power: http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_13492_...DSC+1000.1.html http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17597_...+BXi+1210D.html http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_7559_O...HCCA-D2400.html http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17761_...SC1500.1D-.html for 2 ohms: http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_12120_...+BXi+2008D.html or check out the f/s section here or ebay for a used amp
  22. Solid_State13

    rockford or Alphasonic

    those amps have hugely different power outputs, how much power are you wanting to run on the BL? and is it loaded or stock?
  23. Solid_State13

    DP or xcon?

  24. Solid_State13

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    looks real nice man, that car's gonna be sick when you're done