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Everything posted by stallion08

  1. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  2. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  3. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  4. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  5. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  6. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  7. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  8. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  9. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  10. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  11. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  12. stallion08


    From the album: my baby

  13. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    yeah man the build was alot of had work when we first started on it dropping it was a pain!!! we started all the work when i was 16 and so far we have done alot to it over the past 2 coming up on 3 yrs
  14. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    i need to take some better ones the first one wasnt that great but ill take somemore and see if my dad can upload them on here and the box is pretty solid lol it weighs in at about 350 lbs
  15. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    so yesterday i went and got my db reading and i hit a 146.5 and the dash and a 149.6 in the port. i figure once the roof is fixed and the subs are broken in and i switch out the stack alt with the 200 amp alt i should push 150 thats what im hoping for anyways
  16. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    the only thing that bothers me is you cant really get to the seat adjuster but there isnt really any place for the seats to go backwards and moving them forward to get to the amp is kinda a pain but the box works well it helps out alot my dad did a nice job
  17. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    yeah man the whole car is sprayed lol when i first had my 12s in there we gutted the inside and took cans or sound deadner and lined the walls floor under body every inch except for the head liner :/ but like dad said it seems like the drivers could take another 3000!! when i was watching them they didnt seem to flex much but i guess that could be caused from them bein new and tight. but other then that they are loud and everyone has gone crazy when they hear it its funny i went to the mall and probably a good 45 yrds away ppl were turning their heads to see what was comin
  18. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    na none yet this wknd we should have it up and running ... we cant work on it durring the wk we both work and by the time he gets home its late so the wknd is really the only time we have to work on it
  19. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    bassrace? what do you mean a 49.9 thats not the dbs right? http://www.termpro.com/dbdrag/rules/index.asp?Page=3 We also shorten it to 22.7, 30.9, 49.9, etc. I read the page but didn't see where they drop the one, but I believe you. FWIW, he hit 146 in the van with 2 12's. I'm thinking he'll be in the 150's with this rig. hopefully i will hit in the 150's that would be AMAZING lol but we will find out soon enough )))) i cant wait
  20. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    bassrace? what do you mean a 49.9 thats not the dbs right? http://www.termpro.com/dbdrag/rules/index.asp?Page=3 We also shorten it to 22.7, 30.9, 49.9, etc. thanks i was about to say a 49.9 you have got to be joking lol this wknd it should be done i cant wait
  21. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    ?? It IS a regular old Safari van. We've had it for 18 years. Actually, my son who now owns the van was brought home from the hospital in it when he was born!! We changed the wheels from 15" to 18's and lowered it, tinted the windows and put LED's under it. Now we're going from 2 12's to 4 18's. It's kind of a work in progress. dad what i think he ment was that he wasnt expecting a van with rims or nothing like that just a regular van lol Hey Bud! whats going on ... so i had a dream that the subs were in and it sounded great lol
  22. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    bassrace? what do you mean a 49.9 thats not the dbs right?
  23. stallion08

    Project David and Goliath

    ?? It IS a regular old Safari van. We've had it for 18 years. Actually, my son who now owns the van was brought home from the hospital in it when he was born!! We changed the wheels from 15" to 18's and lowered it, tinted the windows and put LED's under it. Now we're going from 2 12's to 4 18's. It's kind of a work in progress. dad what i think he ment was that he wasnt expecting a van with rims or nothing like that just a regular van lol