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Everything posted by hks

  1. hks

    need bl 12

    double checked ! nothing in the spam folder
  2. hks

    need bl 12

    nope email not received can you help?
  3. what is the shipping weight of btl 12 fully loaded ?
  4. hks

    NEW pair of 12inch fi bl's!!

    whats the shipping weight for each sub ?
  5. hks

    Suggestions and Advice!

    how accurate is ssa/recalculator vs bassboxpro, because it gives different result with the same design has anyone compared both ??
  6. hks

    Amp Group Pics

    estimated price of 2000d ?
  7. hks

    SAZ-3000D with FI Q15 w/BP Power Option

    I've been looking at these: Hybrid Legatia L841-3 Pro Component Set If I have that up front, do you think that will stand up to the 2 Q15's and a 3000D? it may be a very good LSQ setup.
  8. hks

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    would the new 12'' lighter then old one ?