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Everything posted by efxtruck

  1. efxtruck


  2. efxtruck

    4 12" premiers in 93 civic hb

    How much power you going to be runnig,.... what are your goals... are you going for SQ or SPL ????
  3. efxtruck

    sealed box size

    I don't think that 1/2 cubic foot will make that much of a difference. You might lose a little out put is all....I could be wrong.
  4. efxtruck

    Add me to the unemployed list

    That all it seems to do they said that about Canada to its not getting better at all and after the Olympics come and go we'll be really F&%KED
  5. efxtruck

    Incriminator Shirts

    how about some
  6. efxtruck

    Add me to the unemployed list

    Hey don't fell to bad in Canada gas is 359.6 a gallon right now not many of us are driving with the unemployment rate and if you drive a full size truck like me you spend more time pounding tunes in the drive way then any where lol
  7. efxtruck

    4 WMD2 18's/ 99 4Runner

    that looks cool
  8. efxtruck

    RE SX 12" Flared Port

    That new paint works really well looks sweet :bigclap:
  9. efxtruck

    Tuning my amp

    you can change the LOW PASS setting on yoiur deck to that helps
  10. efxtruck

    Stupid Question about volume

    if I an using my ipod the volume is at 39 and use the ipod as volume control if I am using s cd it maxed all the time 40.. My Ipod get louder lol. Panasonic H/U
  11. efxtruck

    15" Nightshade Box

    What kinda of clean power is it a calss A-B noo...... :Doh: A clean not distorted non clipped signal. So in other words you will be running the amp properly lol no offence And the H/U set properly, with good grounds/power, and wiring. then YES the "amp" properly nice it always better when the amp is running right. I blew lots of subs last summer because I didn't know my A$$ hole from my elbow lol
  12. efxtruck

    15" Nightshade Box

    What kinda of clean power is it a calss A-B noo...... :Doh: A clean not distorted non clipped signal. So in other words you will be running the amp properly lol no offence
  13. efxtruck

    15" Nightshade Box

    What kinda of clean power is it a calss A-B
  14. efxtruck

    SSA Icon 12" Common Chamber

    Have you used that Paint yet.... I am dieing to see how it works out
  15. What was that 1st song I hear it on alot of mark vid's I like Man those 10"'s are impressive
  16. efxtruck

    New From Michigan

  17. efxtruck

    I cut two fingertips off today

    From that last Pic I would say you need to let some air on those. With out air they wont heal very well
  18. efxtruck

    Screwless Box

    I wasnt saying dont do it. But yeah let me know how it tunrns out
  19. efxtruck

    Screwless Box

    But will he give a lifetime warranty??????
  20. efxtruck

    Screwless Box

    Stop with all the useless punctuation. And to top it off you are wrong. If you glue a box together correctly the glue will be stronger than the mdf itself which makes the screws completely unnecessary. Their biggest benefit is they idiot proof the assembly, so maybe you are saying that you need some extra help... (much better use of ellipses than above ) Do you need screws? No. Should you use them? Why not. Personally I never do, but that doesn't mean you should follow suit. Just to clarify some of the other posts as well, don't use liquid nails. If you do, you will need screws as it is crap for building boxes. Real woodglue is all you need, Elmers or Titebond will be more than adequate. If I were you, I'd follow Topgun's advice when it comes to working with wood. If screws are SO Unnecessary why do ALL of the top box builders use them..... Are they wrong and you are right. People that make a living off of this would know a little more than people that just build box's in there garage. Probably because they dont have time to sit around and wait for the glue to dry. It is easier and more cost effective to screw it together then wait for the glue to dry. You know time = money. makes good sence
  21. efxtruck

    Screwless Box

    Stop with all the useless punctuation. And to top it off you are wrong. If you glue a box together correctly the glue will be stronger than the mdf itself which makes the screws completely unnecessary. Their biggest benefit is they idiot proof the assembly, so maybe you are saying that you need some extra help... (much better use of ellipses than above ) Do you need screws? No. Should you use them? Why not. Personally I never do, but that doesn't mean you should follow suit. Just to clarify some of the other posts as well, don't use liquid nails. If you do, you will need screws as it is crap for building boxes. Real woodglue is all you need, Elmers or Titebond will be more than adequate. If I were you, I'd follow Topgun's advice when it comes to working with wood. If screws are SO Unnecessary why do ALL of the top box builders use them..... Are they wrong and you are right. People that make a living off of this would know a little more than people that just build box's in there garage.
  22. efxtruck

    17 year old SSA Build

    that sucks man sorry to hear that...... Best of luck to ya with that
  23. efxtruck

    22inch Fi

    is there any spec's or pics yet?????
  24. efxtruck

    Fi BL 12" Sub Box Idea.

    I like I would try to make the port alittle longer though..... But thats just me
  25. efxtruck

    2 mj 18"s build

    Have you had a chance to Mic them yet they must hit hard