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Everything posted by efxtruck

  1. efxtruck

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    I asked for a deep cycle battery lol I got a few... ... You spend more time listing to music in the truck than you do you house even though you spend $3000 on your home system. ... you spend more time plugged in to the battery charger than you do driving. ... When you have figure out how many days you will have to go with out eating to buy that new amp... I'm on day 3 and have a few more days to go.
  2. efxtruck

    Why do you all love 10" subs ?

    10" subs give nice tight bass. it is mostly ppl that want SQ that run 10"'s
  3. efxtruck

    Axis 15 Kerf Port Box

    That's funky where did you get the idea??
  4. efxtruck

    purple rain

    looks good. I personally would drop the rim size to 15"'s on the back and 14"'s front, those big rims look a little odd
  5. efxtruck

    enclosure for 2 10's

    just make sure that it has enough room to breath or the voice coil will over heat and cook
  6. efxtruck

    new sundown amprack

    thats looks sweet
  7. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    I have a set of JBL 10" wGTI's. They sound great together but I need more power. I'm hopping it in the works. Yepieeeeee
  8. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    OMG. I'm so happy with this new setup. I don't want to get out of the truck. I am sitting in the truck pounding tunes as we speak. POUND THAT SOUND Really dose take your system to the next level. THANK YOU AGAIN Thumpper!!!!!!!!!
  9. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    Ok the pods are one step closer to being done the last layer of glass is on.. So now its just making them pretty. the venal should be in next week.... I am hoping to run the wire tonight. The pods have to be in tomorrow for a party..... Im getting excited
  10. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    Nice thought u would
  11. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    I wouldn't want to live any where else. And the laws on some things are really lax. If you know what I mean lol
  12. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    I just picked up my PTS stickers and put them on I like the way that they turned out. What do you think?? there is a metal flake in it its just hard to see!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Click on this one!!!! I also ordered my Vinyl for the pods today too...
  13. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    yeah it is he and showing me a lot of really cool stuff
  14. oops wrong place
  15. efxtruck

    You think YOUR setup is nice?

    I wonder where I can order one lol
  16. efxtruck

    You think YOUR setup is nice?

    is that??? U should ve waited for a proper box
  17. efxtruck

    Look what Orion sent me

    Yeah don't we all wish that was the case lol
  18. efxtruck

    Look what Orion sent me

    I think that I seen that Vid... It was a good hair trick
  19. efxtruck

    Look what Orion sent me

    I am really wondering on how that woofer is going to sound??? I think that it will need a reactor to power that Effing thing
  20. efxtruck

    I cut two fingertips off today

    Looking much better... you are a lucky boy
  21. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    Well today I got the carpets and seat shampooed today, Class cleaned.... I am going to finish dusting tonight or tomorrow. It was a long winter the carpets told me so lol... I didn't get a chance to do any Glassing today unfortanetly but tomorrow is a new day. I going to get it all washed up and then take some pic's... I'll keep you posted.
  22. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    Just a little update...... The Truck is getting a full clean this week. Wash, Carpets, the works I post the finished pics by the end of the week.
  23. efxtruck

    Team SSA BBQ @ marks house AZ, FRIDAY 4/24

    UUUUMMMMMMM!!!! It all looks so good..... Dam whats for dinner??? lol
  24. efxtruck

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    The van is really starting to come a long good work. Can't wait till it is all done and looking really good..
  25. efxtruck

    Chevy Xcab door pods

    The truck is a 1991 Chav Silverado with a 350 H/O under the hood. I know that these are bad pics I have to wash my truck before I take any more. Im hopping to get the pod's stretched and one layer of glass today. There will be more and better pics posted soon