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Everything posted by efxtruck

  1. efxtruck

    SSA driver photo contest vote

    DOG! I vote 4 your avatar. 20 votes Dude there is a thread just for that avatar. And for the record those caps are from a set of ICONS.
  2. efxtruck

    SSA driver photo contest vote

    # 3 Nothing beats the look of a set of ICONS
  3. efxtruck

    What happened to *** sub?

    what sub are you talking about all I see is **** ****
  4. You should also check the placement of you power wires and RCA's if you have wires over lapping in any places you can get engine noise.
  5. efxtruck

    Flared Port/Amp Rack with edge lit Lexan

    Man that turned out good but the pics don't do it any Justus..... You cant really see the red...... But no matter what that thing is purdy
  6. efxtruck

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    143.6db @ 10hz will move anyone...LOL I like the sound of them..they are easy to rebuild and I like dealing with Aaron and Mark best part is I'm supporting a small buisiness and I got something no one else around here does What r u talking about with the way u r pushing SSA everyone in town will have one soon. Lol
  7. efxtruck

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Wow I can't believe that that monster is gone. You should've put 2 coins on it for the boat man and lit that bitch up lol. 5 bucks that not bad it weighed like 300+lbs If I ever get a day off anytime soon I'll pop up there.
  8. efxtruck

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Wow that's is taking along time to get figured out. I hope that reactor can be fixed. There is just no comparison to that stupid thing lol. I'll have to pop up there one of there days that I'm not working 15 hour days lol. Good luck man
  9. efxtruck

    Insanely odd port

    WOW that is definitely diffrent..
  10. efxtruck

    Look what Orion sent me

    No sadly no trophy.. We got a 4th with a 146.1 It was a good score we are happy with it. we Will see what next year brings.
  11. efxtruck

    Look what Orion sent me

    Or one big one lol
  12. efxtruck

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    That really came along nicely nice work.....
  13. efxtruck

    2005 Neon - Almost Complete

    Looking good Neon's get loud to.... Where did you hide the amps... Clean
  14. efxtruck

    Thanks for havin' me

    Good to see new ppl
  15. efxtruck

    Quad 15" Ground Pounder at Canadian Finals Aug 23

    For one of the big comps next year TEAM SSA should come down it would be good exposure for you. And it would be a blast
  16. efxtruck

    Look what Orion sent me

    The biuld log will go up some time around the 23rd.... After we bring home a trophy....
  17. Is going to be to DBDRAGING in the Western Finals!!!

  18. Is going to be to DBDRAGING in the Western Finals!!!

  19. Is going to be to DBDRAGING in the Western Finals!!!

  20. efxtruck

    Look what Orion sent me

    Oh that's me. I'll be there. Hehehe. With a shit eating grin I think.
  21. efxtruck

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Putting those up there really brought the music to life. It changed the whole listening experience .
  22. That is just plain sick. That's allt I can really say
  23. efxtruck

    DD 3512 common chamber flared port

    Yeah that box turned out soooo goood I really wanted to hear it I knew it would pound!!!!!
  24. efxtruck

    Life after Death?!?

    I believe that enclosure is tuned at 30htz.. I remember that it really dropped got down and dirty lol
  25. efxtruck

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    If u r looking for lots of low end u might want to try out the Icons. They drop low and dirty lol. They really like 25htz and lower. I've never seen any sub drop like the icons do