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Everything posted by efxtruck

  1. Your right there I think that I have to copy those Cd's
  2. jebus that thing is gonna be loud.. 146 at 25hrz jeezzzz that probably what it feels like in there lol Today I was in there and the bass actually hurt the skin on my back it was like someone was smacking my back
  3. efxtruck

    custom box price

    You will have to show pics of that one when it all done
  4. efxtruck

    Sundown Monster 15" Wall Socket

    That would really be something to see
  5. efxtruck

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    What does the title say? the magnet looks a little small for a Icon is it a ICON or a DCON. I have only seen the 10" ICON and the magnet looks huge on them. What is the 15 rated for RMS??
  6. I want ti hear the XCONS soo bad after hearing the way that I ICONS pound They must be sick
  7. efxtruck

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    Ok is that a 15" ICON or DCON the magnet looks a little small
  8. It fells unreal sitting in the passenger seat. It is so loud and clean.... you can hear every detail the guitar pic to the low slow sweeps and still talk to the person beside you.... I fell bad for all of you that cant hear it it is F*$KING SICK. lol
  9. efxtruck

    install on a 1993 lac

    Didnt take you long to fill that car with smoke loll
  10. efxtruck

    Thanks Trevor:p

    I have been trying to upload the pics but car domain has been down aI will try it again soon. Sorry for the delay
  11. efxtruck

    Thanks Trevor:p

    Hay you all want a pic of these dust caps??? Well I will give you a clean taste of what SX got I'll post better ones when I take them. This one was taken from my phone so it looks like s*#t. Ok well Iwas gong to post one but dont know how... as soon as someone tells me I'll start posting pic's.