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Everything posted by efxtruck

  1. efxtruck

    10" ssd box help

    Dont bye a prefab box the tuning will most likely be way to high. I would get a custom box... I would sagest contacting thumpper at pound that sound
  2. efxtruck

    Black Toyota Fortuner

    nice work looking good
  3. efxtruck

    box for Havoc 15"

    make the box a little bigger put a massive port in it and then tune it to a moderate level
  4. I would go Dcons they sound soooooooo gooooooooooodddd
  5. efxtruck

    Kryptonitewhite's PICS and VIDS build log Fi IB3 18" and 22&q

    Thats F*%KING sick thats going to be one hell of a clean ride. Looking forward to seeing more pics
  6. efxtruck

    Transmission Line box

    20Hz wow talk about a ground pounder lol
  7. efxtruck


    We all hope that we win I want the 12 because I can get my hands on another one lol
  8. efxtruck

    Dual 12" SSA Icon Enclosure

    Looking good do you sell many combo's???
  9. efxtruck

    The ultimate sub box

    You have ot make a Video of that
  10. efxtruck

    no bass? :-(

    that owuld be a good idea
  11. efxtruck

    Speakers cutting out

    Take you covers off your amps and blow them out... It sound to me like you have a small piece of wire lose in there. This happened to me it took weeks to find the problem. All it takes is one strand of wire to make it cut out. Good luck man
  12. efxtruck

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    With that kind of power you need to do something to your charging system you don't want to be running your battery down and clipping your amp...... Clipped amp = blown woofers
  13. efxtruck


    Do you have any pics to show???? JJ Ive been looking to use that one lol
  14. efxtruck

    Mayhem in 2.742 cubes??

    What are you putting this into??? That would be really loud in a hatch back.
  15. efxtruck


    Stipulations: 1.) Must all ready own a amplifier with output between 250w-400w @ 2 ohm mono. Must list what amplifier it is. EFX1400 400 watts RMS in 2 Ohm 2.) Must have Stereo installation experience. List your experience. I have been working on my system of 3 years now and have helped lots of Buddy's install systems in there rides. 3.) Must be an ACTIVE SSA MEMBER with >=75 posts. Covered 75 posts and growing everyday 4.) Must do a pictorial or build log of system with in two weeks of receiving subs... Will have a box design and built at Pound That Sound. 5.) Must do a medium length review with a decent array of music, listing sample tracks. It would be a pleasure to post a review... I have nothing but good things to say about SSA so far. I listen to almost every type of music from classical to rap and country to techno. 6.) Will post review + build log(pictures) on multiple sites Not a problem I would make a few Videos as well
  16. efxtruck

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    DOUGH I thought you were keeping it hush hush it's gonna be hard to keep it Hush Hush when a shock wave follows me to B and M......knocks all the Sony stuff off the shelves....LOL none of the Local guys use this site anyways..they are buisy with that rusted out REX RAM That's gong to be FU*%KING stupid when you get that all installed. That new idea that we came up with should work really well. There is no way that anyone one will be able to sit in there when you are cranking on it... you'll blow out you eardrums ..... One ride with Trevor will = permanent hearing damage. LOL
  17. When are you going to have a chance to meter thouse bad boys..... They are F&%KING HUGE
  18. efxtruck

    Stupid school.

    How small of a town do you live in???
  19. efxtruck

    2 DP21"s, Almost Done

    Thats going to be sick
  20. efxtruck

    Help Me! choose a subwoofer

    did you think of running some SSA sub they have 3 diffrent lines now
  21. efxtruck

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    DOUGH I thought you were keeping it hush hush
  22. efxtruck

    No more free shipping?

    that seems a little gay
  23. efxtruck

    External Port: Good or bad?

    Just be careful on how many angels that you put in the box you don't want to create port noise.
  24. efxtruck

    External Port: Good or bad?

    I have a 91 ext cab silverado and I played with many different boxes. Ported, Sealed, Bandpass. The Bandpass got really loud... But it was just a fart box there was no detail to the music. Next I got a sealed box. This box sounded nice but didn't really get loud. 131DB on the mic. I found that if you flipped the box around and fired it under the seat it got louder. (essentially creating a Bandpass) this sounded all right but it raddled the F&$K out of everything. Body panels and I thought that the back window was going to pop out. I then got a box for 4 10"'s ported for under the back. Again I ended up with a fart box. Because of the trany hump the port chocked it self out and sounded like a big ball of ass. Now I am running a ported box from Pound That Sound. I got rid of the back seat and dropped the box in the back. I am running 2 10"s up firing on the passenger side and have never been happier with my system. My suggestion to you is to either lose the back seat and through a massive box with a huge port in it, Or go with 2 sealed boxes one under each seat. Well best of luck to you. PM me when you decide what you are going to do.... I interested now.