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Everything posted by Tyan

  1. does someone have any box designs for a 6.5inch sub (on computer,links,...) ... any type of enclosure designs r welcome the sub used will be a http://www.tb-speaker.com/detail/1230_04/w6-1139si.htm
  2. what mini MONO amp would u recommend in the 60-100Wrms range on 4ohm (that could be pluged into 12V car socket) ... you can point out a DIY amp also
  3. well for the power it gaves out it shold be "mini" like i wrote up to 100Wrms @ 4ohm i will be using it for my parents car as a little bass fill ..so it shouldnt be power hungry (like class AB) as i would like to hook it up to stock electric ...and the "sub" used is a TB 6.5 http://www.parts-exp...tnumber=264-832
  4. Tyan

    Where is my glue???????

    Superglue ..come on ...
  5. any input ??? ... only "beast" amps fans here
  6. Tyan

    i bring some EPIC SOUNDS

    long time not here ..and some video and audio edit by me..... and here r some EPIC DRUMSTEP sounds ... mostly for good systems ...as mids & highs get nasty ...as so as 34-50Hz range .. be aware SICK sounds workin on download ....
  7. Tyan

    i bring some EPIC SOUNDS

    yo yo here r 13tracks in 1 ... in two parts of DRUMSTEP style Playlist files: 1. Tyan - SMASH the SOUND powered by DRUMSTEP 1 (5:40) 2. Tyan - SMASH the SOUND powered by DRUMSTEP 2 (7:50) 320kbp/s (non clipping) (rar file ...2tracks and cover) http://www.mediafire...ogwt1yh5u6s8wea
  8. Tyan

    IA flatlyne 15. i can smell it cookin

    people buy a SQ sub and dont know how to use it ... ou my god
  9. Tyan

    Digital Designs & AudioQue UnitedTeam Kangoo

    almost geting hit in the car ... good thing the pole is there
  10. Tyan

    Digital Designs & AudioQue UnitedTeam Kangoo

    10x PowerCell PC4000
  11. Tyan

    Digital Designs & AudioQue UnitedTeam Kangoo

    shit i like fuzzy colors and for normal people
  12. Tyan

    Motocross Skedenj 16april Slovenia

    which one ...there r more ? weeee yo my buudy also used to race but now hes fater also and the track is nice but it could be wider
  13. some shots from local motocross
  14. some shots from a local carshow here in Slovenia
  15. thats also in the plans
  16. new setup (sub) lasted almost 5days
  17. spirit left the older version DP and the new one go bye bye :/
  18. Tyan

    old and new DPs gone badddddd !!

    and the wire is still inside :/ shit
  19. thanks ... for season start there were some good setups