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Everything posted by rumproast789

  1. signed. Didn't they used to only rate by rms back in teh old days? I see all these beastly old amps.... lol
  2. rumproast789

    Stupid school.

    I had to schedule today, and I changed my choices around, and decided, hey! I'll take a woodshop class and learn how to build boxes and stuff. But when I asked my counselor, he said we didn't have a class like that. I just said, is there any class that deals with wood in general? He said no. My school is pretty damn nice (cept for a majority of the people that go there) and it used to be one of the top where I live. I can't believe their is no wood working class at all lol.. so yeah just wanted to say that how many of you guys have wood classes in school?
  3. rumproast789

    Stupid school.

    we have a bunch of auto classes, but most of them I wasn't interested in. Small engine repair lol, I'd rather learn about different car chit but all of them i'm sure are blow off's. i remember having it at both the middle schools
  4. rumproast789

    Stupid school.

    dammit dude seeing this just pisses me off... It's kinda dissapointing. lol. therse at least 1k kids last time i heard 1500-1800 or something along those lines
  5. rumproast789

    Fi Btl Box design pic

    Okay so, I got my designs, and lowes completly messed up all the cuts, so I have to take it back and complain and hope that they give me new wood or something..... So in the meantime, I just "sketched" up this box. Here is a pic here is the google sketchup file http://files.filefront.com/fibtl18skp/;13080625;/fileinfo.html for anyone who wants it Let me know what you all think! (I didn't make up the specs for this, a help from another member on this site did, I just drew it)
  6. rumproast789

    IXL18.2.2 Availibility

    Yeah wait, what?
  7. rumproast789

    Audioque amps

    I am pretty sure I am getting one of the 2200d amps so, feel free to post what you thought of it
  8. rumproast789

    Power Acoustik SL-5500D

    I thought that was a 12.5 volt test dropping to 10.5 volts or something like that, making the amp (3kd) put out even more? I'm saying they will put out rated power at that low voltage. hah, oh okay yeah. I wish I could afford one of those amps for sure... Great products
  9. What do you guys think of this amp? I saw a topic over at SMD and it didn't seem bad at all. I can get it for a REALLY cheap price, like, if it puts out even 3000 watts rms, then it is still worth it. It doesn't look too bad imo. And, compared to the Crunch GP3000D-pro, what do you all think?
  10. rumproast789

    Power Acoustik SL-5500D

    I thought that was a 12.5 volt test dropping to 10.5 volts or something like that, making the amp (3kd) put out even more?
  11. Super cool sub to show off, "hey guys I have the only lvl5 10 there is nad its MASSIVE!" jw but, how much did he pay ?
  12. rumproast789

    Clarion DXZ585USB

    Thanks for that post! do they have the usb cable included?
  13. What are you guys' thoughts on this? It is sort of temporary give or take on how much I like it, I don't like the looks too much but it seems like its fine. I like having the noticable volume and channel changing button also. The USB I have read that you can plug your iPod through the USB and it should work (if it doesn't I have a flash drive or can get a bigger one for ~10$) and it plays cds. I have an iPod touch and I haven't been able to use it because the wireless ones dont work for chit (and differ in each car), I have no tape deck, and all I can play are cd's. This unit also has 6v pre-outs with front rear and subwoofer RCA inputs. (I can use them for my subs) I also will be able to have some extra space underneath it for an EQ or some stuff like that later on depending if I keep it. Here is the link, I'm not sure if theres many better prices but it comes with all the dash mounting kits so I know if worse comes to worse I can get it from SE. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_11770_...+DXZ585USB.html
  14. 0 guage imo, ditch the cap and get a battery, and upgrade the big 3
  15. rumproast789

    Power Acoustik SL-5500D

    I've done my homework, I'm just asking for opinions bro... and the Crunch isn't overrated at all, I was just seeing if the power acoustik was overrated, and I can tell it is by the 180 amp fuse rating. Sundowns aren't over priced, they are just expensive. You get what you pay for really, and sundown has GREAT customer service and you just can't get that with many companies these days
  16. Can using a bass knob cause damage? If so, to what extent. Should I go ahead & set my gains to what my bass knob would normally be? And finally, what exactly does the bass knob effect? Does it stay within the preset gains? I like being able to turn it down with just that little knob, or turn it up when I want to blare it. I was thinking of setting it all the way up, then the gain to where it gets the right AC Voltage, would it be fine?
  17. rumproast789

    Bass Knobs

    Awesome thanks man anyone use this knob?
  18. rumproast789

    Bass Knobs

    Yeah I was hoping it had remote gain. The clipping is a nice feature too. If it isn't remote gain, I think I'll get that remote then. Thanks! I'll still be reading for more info guys that NV22 thing won't work with me, I only have a stock headunit and a LOC. How would It work if I had upgraded speakers and headunit, and both my RCA's were taken up?
  19. rumproast789

    Bass Knobs

    no the bass boost is the bad one buddy.... the remote gain allows you to go down from your set gain on the amp... so at the highest level on the remote is your is where your gain is set on your amp. it only alows you to turn the gain down... not up past your setting... a very useful tool. Do you know which one AQ has?
  20. rumproast789

    Bass Knobs

    It is going to be an Audioque 2200d. Unless I can find a better amp for that price lol. I chose it over the Crunch GP 3000dpro. Whats the diff between the two? Wouldn't remote gain be pretty dangerous becuase you can turn it up past clipping?
  21. rumproast789


    Good to know, I'm about to start setting mine up
  22. rumproast789

    Fi Btl 18" build log

    bump for opinions?
  23. rumproast789

    New guy from south Tx

    lol i've never understood why peopel want others to hear their systems out side of the car..... Maybe try a BTL, thats what I'm going with but theres plenty of other GREAT choices, such as the SSA Icons and sundown Night Shades, but if you wait a little longer they're both coming out with some monster subs
  24. rumproast789

    SSA Icon 10" Test Enclosure (breaks 140db @ 24hz!!)

    lmao, how do you mess up that bad..... Cool box with cool results. Really impressed by all ur boxes
  25. So yeah, I recently found out that the song is clipped right off of the C.D. It really disappoints me because I really like listening to the song, is there anything I can do when I play my sub after its installed, to not hurt it? I don't want to mess with the gain after its set, so would turning down the tilt work?