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Everything posted by dave_Edwards

  1. dave_Edwards


    I guess he likes sounding dumb.....even on a little ol' forum.
  2. dave_Edwards


  3. dave_Edwards

    A little homework assignment I wrote

    There is more oil in North and South Dakota than the Saudi's have......but it is the tree huggers that don't want us to harm the wildlife(which I understand)......We need to drill in the gulf and in the Atlantic.....
  4. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I also like using that orange shit but I am afraid Billy Mayes is gonna jump out and scare the ever living be-jesus out of me.
  5. dave_Edwards


    spelling and punctuation owns you......
  6. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I watched "less than zero" last night.......damn...being a cokehead is a rough life.
  7. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    1 Hr. and 15minutes until grilled pizza and UFC
  8. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Greased Lightning works VERY well on grills.....just make sure you wash it well afterwards
  9. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    spelling owns that guy.....as does life in general.
  10. dave_Edwards

    Remembering some classic Sport Sedans....

    jim is a child of the 60's......stuck in a child of the 80's body.
  11. dave_Edwards

    Remembering some classic Sport Sedans....

    Jim....you were just born too late.....
  12. dave_Edwards

    1st annual SWVA TeamSSaudio.com meet

    holy friggin' bump Batman!!
  13. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    there are 2 Starbucks with in rock throws of each other here in po-dunk Christiansburg Va.
  14. dave_Edwards

    where to get custom enclosures?

    check here for "Pound that Sound" and "Fisher Customs" both have forums here on SSA....
  15. dave_Edwards

    So I just spent $700...

    good luck with the install.....I know it will be top notch.
  16. dave_Edwards

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    Mike...i can see JimJ drooling now....
  17. dave_Edwards

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    ..........when plan your weekend around shows ..........when you are having a hard time finding room for all the 1st place and best of class trophies ..........when your neighbors(who are not even into car audio) come over and see what you are building now ..........when the same neighbors ask how you did at your last show and they remember your last scores!!(weird) ..........when the guys on-line feel like family .........when you hear Mango Pickle and think of seeing Ramos demoing the car and watching people's faces .........when you post here....
  18. dave_Edwards

    fi Q vs JL w6 in terms of sq.

    It is the Morel Ultimo..... but between the two I would go with a Q
  19. dave_Edwards

    Need some references..

    Nick tickles me taint.....fo real Nick (skinny mini pimpin') is the shit....great guy to do buisness with....
  20. dave_Edwards

    Remembering some classic Sport Sedans....

    My next door neighbor has a AMG Benz....it is purty.....and fast!
  21. dave_Edwards

    Sup from south Texas, rep. spi, laredo, mcallen

    Welcome to SSA.....may your stay here be a good one.
  22. dave_Edwards

    Remembering some classic Sport Sedans....

    I know it's not a sedan but when I was down in Tampa on TDY I went to a car show and got to sit in a Ferrari F40....the closest I have ever gotten to fainting....
  23. HTTP://WWW.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive_radiator_(speaker)
  24. dave_Edwards

    pics of my kicks!!!

    teehee...."DOMINATE!!" "Your tweeters have just been dominated!!!" HAHAHAHAHA
  25. dave_Edwards

    You want audio? This is pretty flippin' crazy!

    Jim=#1 Soulja boy fan