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Everything posted by dave_Edwards

  1. why do you have "rear midbass"?----it is going to throw off your imaging like crazy.
  2. dave_Edwards

    PG Bass Cube

    check the knob for any resistance or voltage.
  3. dave_Edwards

    Cone control

    I have always looked at it this way----you can tune an enclosure to the speaker or the vehicle never both----the FS of a vehicle is never the same as the tuning of most enclosures(SPL vehicles being a differant story)---- IE---you have a 15 tuned to 32Hz in a 3.3 enclosure then put it in a vehicle with a 54Hz FS----it might sound good----but you will have to play around with it and try differant enclosures to see which enclosure sounds best----some vehicles tend to have better "low end ummp" (meaning it can raise the lower end response of a given enclosure---example CRX's) my MAgnum is my test bed now and I can tell you this---I am having problems with 75-110Hz and I am trying to figure out a way to get better imaging upfront-----this is the funnest part of car audio for me---try newer and better things----it might be differant but it will sound better in the end.
  4. dave_Edwards

    Member Titles/Ranks

    Master Yoda here
  5. dave_Edwards

    Don't you wish you had this?

    $30K for that--------I like the HU and the amps----the comps arn't too bad----but come on---L7's?----hmmm-----I hope they used Vasoline
  6. dave_Edwards

    Dont know much?

    you mean to tell me people still mess around with L7's?---damn----what is the world coming to?
  7. dave_Edwards

    Fav headunit

    my next HU is the Eclipse CD-8454
  8. dave_Edwards

    Keeping cool

    liquid cooling----electralite free water and a CPU pump will work with a AC/DC converter------at least this is what I am doing in my next install.
  9. also---can you tell us how you have your subs wired and what ohm res. they are(duel 2, duel 4 or single 4 etc.) that would help alot.
  10. dave_Edwards

    Amp Upgrade Help

    well--------they are not made anymore----and went for about 369MSRP or something close to that-----I worked at Ampman.com and got it ALOT cheaper.
  11. dave_Edwards

    Amp Upgrade Help

    or just buy my Ampman/Adire Revolution 1500 524x1 @4 ohm 1090x1@2 ohm or 1587x1 @1ohm
  12. dave_Edwards

    If you had 1000 dollars...

    If I had $1000------I would go with 1 more Phoenix Gold MS1000
  13. dave_Edwards

    Fusions Surf Board....

    nice amp-----man it seems the longer I am away the bigger everything becomes----
  14. dave_Edwards

    DubYahToo Thyme!

    this past year was my first in car sales----alittle over $85K---not too bad. top salesman in SW Virginia for Dodges/Chryslers
  15. dave_Edwards

    Lookin for new HU

    CD8454 is what I am going with in my 05 Magnum AWD RT
  16. If you do the airbag idea---your car will not pass state inspection---since it is a saftey item-----try a under the dash enclosure for it with a stealth cover to cover the front and the controller ports.---just an idea.
  17. ngsm13 sorry to hear about your problems----it sounds as if you had a few shorts in your system----even with your key in your pocket your car still has electrcial energy in it----next time---pull the fuse inline or do what I do---disconnect the battery----even for minor things it saves alot of blown fuses and alot of heartache in the end. do this---hook everything back up----but this time leave the inline fuse and the battery disconnected----that should be all it takes---and if you need anything else---ask hope this helps, Dave
  18. dave_Edwards

    Well I got it

    I picked up my new ride-----a 2005 Dodge AWD RT Magnum-----Cool Vanilla----got it for a great price since I work as a Dodge/Chrysler salesman. man---the MS1000 and Brahma 15 are going to be happy in their new home
  19. dave_Edwards

    Well I got it

    I have desided to go with the RE 6.5's midbasses I have in the doors(well dampened of course) and the tweets in the dash location---with the Brahma 15 in a FB enclosure sealed and finished in the same leather as my seats(light greystone) and the crossovers in one of the cargo compartments on the side also finished in the same leather and the EQX on the other side and that ALSO finished in the leather----the "second floor" is going to be plexiglass and the amp turned rightside up(showing white to match the car) any thoughts?
  20. dave_Edwards

    Reasons for a bigger box?

    I will say that there is alot of good points bought up on this topic---one of the best reasons for a larger enclosure is less power is needed to power the sub----which saves the electrical system-----plus you can add more port area easier to a larger enclosure----the other is deeper transist response---- I think all you guys hit the nail on the head and pretty much covered everything. mrray13 is right in saying that it lowers powerhandling and increases eff. now I will shut up
  21. dave_Edwards

    Reasons for a bigger box?

    any more thoughts on this---I wanna say my piece
  22. dave_Edwards

    Top 5 Component Sets You've Heard

    That was one of the perks of working at Ampman.com----I got to test ALOT of stuff(got to keep some of it too---cheap)
  23. dave_Edwards

    Top 5 Component Sets You've Heard

    My list is this 1----Rainbow Referance 6.5's 2----Adire Koda 3----RE 6.5's 4----Alpine SPX 177a 5----Helix 5.25 comps the Rainbows sounded GREAT with anything I could throw at them. The Kodas had the most midbass I had ever hear from a comp. set---that is until I heard the RE 6.5's----the RE's being cheaper and not as hard to install(the Kodas are deep) made them my fav. to this point. The Alpine's I had where some very good sounding comps.---I love the crossovers---alot of control. The Helix's(in my wife's ride)sound natural and smooth----yet have good impact.
  24. dave_Edwards

    jbl amp

    Good amp there----I kinda miss my old MRV 1507
  25. dave_Edwards

    jbl amp

    you gain nothing after reaching full XMAX----you are just slamming the VC into the former----not gaining any dBs at all.