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Everything posted by dave_Edwards

  1. dave_Edwards

    Back from competition

    Nick----next time I will make SURE you get trophyed(SP) by me AND you come over and hang out at the casa-----as long as Ramos is there too---Ramos+Jim=laughs like hell!!! good time yesterday!!!
  2. just a few of the pics Heather got
  3. dave_Edwards

    Back from competition

    Mr SI himself getting one of his trophies.
  4. the radio station????Bowling alley?????
  5. I wanted that little douchebag to do something------"Ashley---tell that guy he might wanna leave----he doesn't want me to get out of this truck----he might not like it"
  6. dave_Edwards

    Back from competition

    Nick=Str8 up pimp!!
  7. I enjoyed the show----I hope everyone else did too------The "laugh in" part with Jim and Ramos was the best----"let me see ya doo doo brown!!"----leave as many comments about the show as you can----I TRIED to make it fun and fair to everyone!
  8. dave_Edwards

    Ms. 12VGURU is finally here!

    "it's fo sho"-----webster's brother and sister
  9. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    is anyone coming over tonight???
  10. dave_Edwards

    Ms. 12VGURU is finally here!

    lol-----nothing better than FINALLY competing against you
  11. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I still have alot of beer left over from the last WWE pay per view we had here.
  12. dave_Edwards

    Ms. 12VGURU is finally here!

    Hi honey----I loved the pizza we had for dinner
  13. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    howdy howdy-----you coming to the Shelor show right Ramos?
  14. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <---wondering if Jim and Webster like my sig.
  15. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What did you just call me?
  16. dave_Edwards

    I GOT IT!!!

    wow----he almost as excited about a magazine as Webster and Jim are about getting their ass's handed to them!!!
  17. dave_Edwards

    Happy Birthday Penny

    are you sober yet????
  18. dave_Edwards

    SSAudio.com ....

    I like all of you----except Jim, Matt, Ramos, Webster, Nick and Aaron----I love you guys----ANYTIME you wanna come over and help with chitty diapers you are welcome to it!
  19. dave_Edwards

    dd vs. new re

    what is this "dry XBL2 sound"-----is it like "processed sound"?
  20. dave_Edwards

    2nd Annual Team Smoke Show

    If there is ANY way for you to show up Slacker---you could kill!!!
  21. dave_Edwards

    Your db Numbers

    car---2005 Dodge Magnum RT Electrical--Stock Amp---Revolution D1500.1 @1 ohm Sub---Adire Audio Brahma 15 MKII box---2.75 sealed mic---TL tone---40Hz score---137.1dBs I know---wimpy
  22. dave_Edwards


    happu burfday----get plastered----BUT---you better be sober by May 13th for the Shelor show!!!
  23. dave_Edwards

    Duties of a wife!

    <----trying to be nice-----how does THIS fit into ANYTHING we are talking about here----try off-topic.
  24. dave_Edwards

    best sql vehicle

    no----not mad at all---thanks for the feedback Ramos--(you liked the chants huh?)----I believe "&quot;SQL&quot;" is a word came up because of the "uber-woofers" out now----as for 140dB SQ cars-----come on---let's all get real---from 90 to maybe 110dB would be enough-----but at ask about hitting a 150 and having great SQ----it is just a term that is over-used----and Ramos---I like that,LSQ
  25. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just checking in..............