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Everything posted by dave_Edwards

  1. and his car still sounded good....without any sub-bass.....it hurt his score but overall I still liked the sound of his car.
  2. That is Will and his brother Mike Reinholtz installs.
  3. The new team shirts are nice.....if I do say so myself.
  4. Here are some random pictures.....hope everyone enjoys.
  5. dave_Edwards

    Roll Call---Crutchfield shows

    I will be posting pictures tonight..... Team SSA made a STRONG showing....along with the NEW Team shirts.....
  6. dave_Edwards

    Roll Call---Crutchfield shows

    81.5 on day 1............83.5 the second day........yeah!!!
  7. dave_Edwards

    Happy Birthday Ramos !!!!

    Happy B-Day.....great time this weekend!!!
  8. dave_Edwards

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Jim---your stairs suck!!!
  9. dave_Edwards

    Time for a change

    Ramos...you are like a poet!!
  10. dave_Edwards

    Camaro Sub choice

    I have...let's see....a Sundown Audio 100.2, and Phoenix Gold MS1000TA, and a Sundown 1500D all off stock electrical(Team SSA demo Camry).....the MS1000 by itself can do well over 2000 watts with ease.....care to explain?
  11. dave_Edwards

    Roll Call---Crutchfield shows

    yep we will be here..hate to hear you can't go Jim
  12. dave_Edwards

    Roll Call---Crutchfield shows

    bump and update-----I already have the rooms booked......I need to know who is coming and who isn't that way I can see how much Irish Whiskey to bring!!
  13. dave_Edwards

    I found this interesting

    http://www.buwaldahybrids.com/phpBB3/viewt...?f=7&t=3362 any thoughts?
  14. dave_Edwards

    Team Hybrids/Doitor's Mazda CX-7

    Just like Mr. brooks said the back is very clean....I love a clean install and I second that HAT drivers are some of, if not the best, drivers I have heard. We tried the L3's in the kick and found them to be better off on the dahs of the SSA Camry. How do they image down in the kicks vs the dash?
  15. dave_Edwards

    Team Hybrids/Doitor's Mazda CX-7

    looks great....any pictures of the kick panel area?
  16. dave_Edwards

    Roll Call---Crutchfield shows

    we are driving up Friday night staying in Harrisonburg one night, while at the show make reservations for a hotel room in Charlottsville that way we can hit both pretty easy.....long weekend but fun!!!
  17. dave_Edwards

    SSA Member Survey

    1. How old are you?-----30 2. When did you get into car audio?----14 3. How did you first get into car audio?-----high school parking lot and my buddys car 4. Whats your favorite color----green 5. Male or female?---male 6. Your first Car?----1984 Accord hatchback 8. How did you find out about this site?----Aaron aka Denim 9. What was your first system?---2 RF Series 1 12's off an Alpine 70x2 11. Were do you live?---VA 12. Whats you favorite car audio brand?----PG 15. Who is our hero in the car audio industry?-----Webster 16. Whats your dream system?----have it 17. Whats your dream car?----Saleen S7 18. Whats the fastest car you have driven/ridden in?-----Dodge Viper 19. Were do you buy most of your car audio products?----where ever 20. What is your job?----Sales Manager at a car dealership 21. Whats your favorite saying?-----"what's that bitch looking at" 24. Whats your favorite brand of cars?---none 25. What do you like better, cars, vans, trucks, or suv's?----cars 29. Whats is the most recent thing you have purchased?-----milk 31. Who do you think is the most knowledgeable person on SSA?----all of us know something about something 32. What is your personal best on the TL? and with what equipment?----??? 33. SQ or SPL? why? -----SQ---it is easier as a daily driver and I like being able to think clearly after listening to my stereo
  18. dave_Edwards


    SQ to me is being able to enjoy the recording they way the artist wanted me to....be it soft and detailed or bass heavy hip hop.....don't get me wrong but I understand there is a lot of work on either a SQ car or a SPL car....but a lot of hardcore SPL guys even like a detailed and true car stereo sometimes.... PS...Webster, you BETTER be glad they moved you up in class!!!
  19. dave_Edwards

    active vs passive

    If you are just starting out....2 way...then work your way up to 3 way. Keep It Simple Stupid
  20. dave_Edwards

    I have had it.....

    Ok....I have been here for God know's how long.....and THIS year I get no happy birthday or nothing.....you guys are this is seriously some . All of you must think you are special or something....sitting there jerking off to sub-porn while a man sits here and turns 30 ....yes that's right 30...3 decades old....why I am saying this to you guys I have no clue you alld on't care....well maybe Webster and Ramos.....but the rest of you don't....I am off to cry now......BTW my birthday was the 22nd..... and you can all kiss my Irish booty
  21. dave_Edwards

    I have had it.....

    you know....you all suck at lying......but I love ya anyways!!!
  22. dave_Edwards

    Time for a change

    Well....I am a SQ nerd,snob, or whatever you wanna call it....I respect both sides of the house...hell I shared the garage with a monster of a sound system for a few months.....both sides go back to your corners.... Baccus---calm down, it's only the internet, do what makes you happy.....if you wanna have a 3000db system that will rip the face off of all the hooter girls in your picks ...fine.... Jim....go listen to your distortion(I mean tubes) Car Audio...hell audio in general is a wonderful thing.....we should all enjoy the hobby we have and learn to live together.....if we don't all the noobs in this world(car audio) won't know what the hell to do or even ask for help.... keep the flaming(homosexual activity) to a minimum please.........that is all.....I am tired....