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Everything posted by SPLScion
IMO I'd use 0 gauge, then either trim it at the amp or put a distro block VERY close to amp to step it down to 4. If you decide to use a bigger amp later then you already have your wire and wouldnt have to buy more stuff saving you $ in the long run, plus your wire can never be too big, or @ least thats what she said muhahahaha. seriously tho when it comes to wire there is no such thing as over kill I knew that there is no overkill with wire but I wasn't thinking completely. Thank you on the reassurance and the mentioning of a bigger amp later on I totally didn't think about that . Plus, that is very valid, wire it once so I don't have to do it again . Thanks again for the quick response! my pleasure, glad I could help out, fig. with an 18 you may want to add power later, GL with the build
or better yet lets hope you just blew the VC's on your components, how do they sound now? it's definately the sub.. the sub is sitting on my bedroom floor next to me and that's what smells. i thought these btl's were troopers.. i didn't think 2 hours (if that) of a clipped signal would destroy the coil. what makes me pissed is why were my terminals already coated in burn residue when i unboxed it there is NO scratching sound when i push on the cone.. i think the VC's were just cooking.. but is they far too gone i just want to put it back in and fix my settings.. but do i need to a recone ya sorry bout the dumb ? you already answered in 1st post i read 1st half of it and got freaked out for ya bro, plus i had 2 beers and I am light weight these days sooo my bad i should read everything before i rush to post. The Fi's are trooper BUT, there is a big difference between giving it a clipped amp signal with no distortion from HU and using the loud button or alike, when you give it a distorted signal before the amp you are then amplifying distortion making much much worse then sending a clean signal in and clipping your amp, yes clipping your amp is usually where you start to create distortion esp as you turn it up more but ya the loud button is the devil. Ya you prob need a recone but what you really need to do is get ahold of Fi, I have'nt delt with them but have heard great things about their customer service. They will tell you exactly what you need you prob need 2 new vc's and maybe a full on rebuild depending on what you damaged of course. How long did you jam on it with the satan button i mean loud button on? that may make a difference, of course even a few seconds of it can cause catastrofic failures under the wrong circumstances. I know your patient but Imight be able to help you out if will have a hard time dealing without a sub while it gets fixed, I got an extra 15 kicking around, give me a call if its going to be gone longer then you can handle if you want I'll pm you my digits. feel free to call any time you have a ? you need a quick answer to or if ya want to shoot the chit or "vent" about your woes, sometimes that helps.
whats that scorched looking thing on your terminal? a flaw in pic or is really there?
or better yet lets hope you just blew the VC's on your components, how do they sound now?
oh no!! NEVER EVER use the loud button or bass boost! I repeat NEVER use that! It causes distortion and distortion blows subs! That smell was probly your voice coil :-( I'd contact your dealer ASAP and describe the smell, lets hope you just faq'd your battery as that can cause a smell simular to manure (i know this one from experience) and hope that the timing of the loud button use was a coincidence but honestly thats prob being pretty optomistic
IMO I'd use 0 gauge, then either trim it at the amp or put a distro block VERY close to amp to step it down to 4. If you decide to use a bigger amp later then you already have your wire and wouldnt have to buy more stuff saving you $ in the long run, plus your wire can never be too big, or @ least thats what she said muhahahaha. seriously tho when it comes to wire there is no such thing as over kill
def. I have been doing more testing on that, I considered removing the glass altogether and replacing it with metal, but the guys from team renots think I should'nt since glass is so reflective. They challengeed me to reinforce it and keep the glass. Are there any rules in db drags directly pertaining to sunroof changes/mods? I am thinking that I might have to find 2 dif solutions for the 2 sunroofs if there are on the rear sunroof I have made some good strides. I put 2 layers of 2nd skin on it as if it were window tint, then put a layer of that egg crate foam used to make beds more comfortable and a layer of poly fiber. to make a ghetto seal for it I used duct tape (temporary but works good for now) around the edges and then put the headliner back, closed the sunshade thats built into the headliner and bam worked like a charm and cant see the ugly parts at all. Only problem is if there are rules in dif leagues against doing this kind of stuff then it can be seen from the outside. guess I should put like 2 layers of 2.5% black tint on it and would solve that problem. of course i dunno how useful the reflective qualities of glass are when they are hidden behind a barrier like that, but its cheaper and easier then a metal replacement. for the front sunroof I bought a rubber pipe thats like a cross between a hose and a pipe (not too hard not too soft) and cut it in half length wise then placed it next to the weather stripping (making it the same length as the stripping) & used some silicone sealant to secure it. I then stuffed the area between the sun shade and glass with poly fiber. That works good but as my SPL gets closer to yours I dunno if its going to do much, I'm getting my new all out spl enclosure done in 2 weeks max along with alot of other upgrades, more batteries, zero gauge finally, and a few others I'm blanking on so I'll let once my numbers get up there how that works out on the roof. I know I'd love to make that soft azz sun shade more sturdy like metal or at least like a volvo S-60's is, do you know the style I mean? I did put 2 layers of dynamat on the inside of it to sturdy it and it would'nt roll back in properly, or at all, maybe I should have tried just one. I am painting the car next spring so I think before I do that I might just say F it and ditch the glass and give myself an all metal roofed TC. Do you thinjk I could get away with making the roof extra thick metal to min. flexing and not have to compete in the freakin super mod classes? Maybe I should just turn my tc into like a frankenstien scion crx-tc. Fort. I'll have all winter to brush up on my welding lol let me know what you think shizzzon, these are just a few things I tried just screwing around really and a few thoughts on things to try in future. i know its a little disorganized but I had a couple brews today to relieve stress after moving Grams to hosp. again and I rarely drink so I dont know if anything I just typed even makes sense or if I explained what I did right. honestly i feel silly giving ideas to you about this cuz after reading a ton of posts from you I bow down to your knowledge when it comes to car audio. But I fig. maybe some of the crazy things i post might spark a real idea in you so faq it, I'll keep trying :-)
NESPL night shows in NH
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
I have had this event on my calender since the 1st event. I want revenge for the one blemish (non 1st place) on my record, my only 2nd place in an SPL event this year. I really hope the guy who beat me is there again and thinks he is going to win cuz that chit aint happening! I'm 3 db's louder since then and maybe I'll even have my SPL enclosure by Saturday. Even if I don't have that I should have my zero gauge by then maybe even some sound deadener (I know I am pathetic to not have that yet). Kyle really lit a fire under my arse by taking back the lead in most improved in the A class, I almost feel bad for the other guys in my class, note I said ALMOST. I'm probly gonna finally get a good batt. under my hood too! I plan on crushing Saturdays mark i set! Besides their trophies are sick, I kind of hope they are the same as last event there, would add to how great it's gonna feel to get redemtion. You prob. don'nt know but are they going to be, or different? figured its worth asking. Aside from the sweet trophies they had the show its self was a blast. It added to a unique show them having the SQ comp. and having the army guys and gals there with their familys was the best part. Gave me and others a chance to talk with them, show them respect and tell them how appriciated they are cuz if not for our armed forces none of us would enjoy the freedoms and way of life we take for granted too often. I def. suggest going to this comp to everyone, I know I would'nt miss this event for almost anything! Look forward to seeing you there. -Bill -
right on looking forward to it & thanks for the congrats I really wanted the win today. btw IMO you have what it takes to be a real threat in the most improved catagory in this league (he's giving a 4 foot trophy to winner of that for amature class and for stock class. The only thing holding you back on that is the number of comps needed to attend to qualify (7). For this season you'd have to attend basically all of the remaining comps he has, so that may be tough for you but next season you should DEF look into that cuz he has enough comps spread all around that you could go to the ones close to you and not have be under the gun this season. plus since your planning to attend only 3 this season he'll prob let you stay in the amature class for next season there are some straight up Mr. Wizards on this site so I am sure they will chime in if what I am about to say is wrong. I'd round off the port you have, inside of it and out, I sanded my str8 round ports just a little and only on outside of them and I picked up no less then 3 tenths but you'd probly pick more then that on your set up. Do you have a router? if not even just sanding it (1st with rough papaer and then progressively smaller grit) you will see gains. I can't rem if I saw a brace on the inside of your box, but if I rem. rifght you dont, I'd use an allthread on that long baffle then seal it up real good, or better yet use a thin coat of fiberglass on the inside of your box after adding the brace to seal it up and improve bass response. Its a pretty easy job and SOOOO worth it. Also as far as daily box / middle tuned box your better off using a daily then a middle box. If you want SPL keep your daily tuned box for just that and build yourself an SPL box tuned pretty high. Idealy you'd want to find out yyour cars resonant freq. then tuned it like 2-3 herts lower. Thats a rough number but a good place to start and really testing should be done to decide the exact freq. you want. It wouldn't cost you much esp. if you for go carpeting the comp box which is un needed (it'd be for getting loud not looks right? (-; ) I say this because, again in my humble opinion, you need to decide your goal and stick to it. When you start trying to do 2 things at once you end up doing neither well ie a middle of the road box won't sound that great daily and won't hit that hard on the meter for SPL. now, there's nothing really wrong with using a daily tuned box for this league esp in the amature classes, I have been doing it with GREAT success all season (out of 6 shows 5 1st <4 in a row currently> and one 2nd) but to be really loud on a meter a high spl tuned box is def what you want. Now I don't have any experience with FI other then hearing and knowing they are freakin loud so its possible I am wrong on this but this is a general rule for all the subs I have worked with and don't see why it would'nt pertain to FI subs as well. SSA wizards feel free to tell me I am wrong, is only way I'll learn any better ;-) Oh ya, you seem to be a fan of cool stickers, did you see the oval NESPL stickers on my car? He sells them for $2, if you like I could pick you up 1 or 2 at this Saturdays event and send it to ya so you don't have to wait till sept to get 'em, let me know if you do you can pm ur addy or email me at [email protected]
It was a pleasure meeting you today Marcus, do'nt let it get you down that you got 3rd out 3, you did well after your tweeks, plus if you look at past comp results you would have done about equally well in larger fields from the past (IN A TRUNK most of the others had hatchbacks or suv's in those). When your wired down to an ohm you'll def be in the 40's. Today was a testing day for you and as you said you learned alot, and thats what it was all about. I hope to see you at another NESPL event tearning it up in my class when your wired right. Rem., the guy that took your class today would have to change a ton of his equipment to even lick your boots after you only add a battery, plus your sub is no where even close to broken in... you will hear a big dif. in loudness after your break-in, I know I did as has basically every1 I know... i bet you dream of batteries and 1 ohm tonight! You possess a very important skill, one that is rare: patience and I respect that, so IMO use that patience after you wire it down to an ohm and wait till that sub broken in before you go full tilt, you won't regret it. Your sub will last alot longer and be louder in the long run. You have good taste in equipment and patience so I know your gonna be one loud mofo in the NESPL if you do decide to compete, if not then in your general area for sure. I look forward to seeing you in the SPL lanes again in the near future. I know you said you didn't want to travel too far for some of the events but maybe after you get your battery you may change your mind ;-) even if not he is having another comp in MA sept. 27th, its not on his schedule yet (will be soon) but I heard it is confirmed, so maybe I'll @ least see you there. dont mean to get off topic but... btw he was being very nice about the car show part! it was a joke! The organizers advertised as much as me and way less then SPLblazer, which is sad cuz they posted on a site that "this show is their life". They were very unorganized, VERY, they showed up late and had nothing set up! it was a cluster f***, they made us move twice the last time after the meter was practically set up.NESPL on the other hand ran a tip top comp as usual. Being a saturday it was small as he predicted but we had almost as many spl cars as they had show cars lmfao. The show guys didn't have the dunk tank as they advertised or a few other things and at the last min. tried to put SPLblazer on the spot to kick in $. He didn't say anything about it to us or complain I just overheard it, honestly it pissed me off. But as usual he stuck up for his competetors and we didn't have to pay extra cash (a few did not knowing but the rest of us didn't) It was days like today that I was glad the SPL comp and car show were/are seperate entities. I obv can not and will not speak for NESPL but i would be VERY suprised if the nespl returns to that show! all that said I had a blast today, met some very cool people, saw lots of cool people that I already knew from the league and am as addicted as ever to this league! congrats again on the trophy Marcus, see you soon. btw you did a good job on your install, very clean. -Bill
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
Now thats motivation!!! fort. for me I have lots of room for growth. If I told you what I have'nt done to my system you'd have alot of fun at my expense! no dynamat, only have 4 gauge wires, the wire to my subs is TINY, the batt. under my hood is stock and TINY, I have a daily tuned box not SPL (for now, dave's hooking me up), man the list goes on lol. But on the up side, as I do all this before the season ends the improvement margin goes up and up, 4 foot trophy huh? I better get to work and get my chit together! I gotta have it! You just gave me a new mission in life! well i guess not new but but made it an even bigger priority if thats possible! too bad I smoke and am a booze hound or I could sell some blood for extra cash, but they'd turn me down when my blood ignited lololol Please thank the Mrs. for me, I know she also puts in alot of effort at the comps and I am sure behind the scenes too, she's just so quiet (and busy for that matter) that I forget to thank her, though I will remedy that this Sat. in Raynam. I respect that its a family affair, I know without my families support none of my system or success would have been possible. IMO the whole SPL scene should have more family support (not from ours cuz we got that, i mean in general) becuase lets face it, there's alot of people that would probly be spending their time on more destructful ventures if not for this addictive passion we have, its def. kept me out of more trouble! Yes noise laws do give us grief, but I can think of worse things that could happen or we could do. To any1 reading this anywhere near New England, you MUST attend one of his comps. once you do you will be addicted! There is a reason he has competetors follow him to every show from all over the area, like CT, NH, MA and ME just for example. I know of many people who refuse to miss a single show he has, how many of you can say that the poeple who hold your comps care more about you the competetor then money? I doubt many of ya, and they can say they do but proving it like NESPL does is quite another matter! -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
Nice trophy! hope I can keep myself on top in my class cuz I have to have one of those! btw the Sanford Sound trophies are awsome, you really went all out on them and this one looks even better, your fans are very appriciative, the extra effort you have been putting in has not gone un-noticed, obv. you care more about your competetors then $ ;-) gonna have to buy you a round or two after this season is over this trophy would look perfect perched next to the SSBCW trophy from sunday, looks like I better keep up my trend of getting louder every week! oh ya I also like how every week they are a dif. color, makes them look sweet arranged on my mantle, its like a rainbow of azz stompage -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
gonna be tough to top that one the line for spl was pretty long at any given time, but every week the league is gaining steam and faithful supporters! He puts on a GREAT comp., THE BEST in New England so it would'nt suprise me in the least if it topped every comp he's done to date. that said he'd be the best one to answer that question. Hope to see you there -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
You can't really pressure a shop into doing a show anymore, it's getting harder and harder to get car audio shops to do shows these days. Most competitors already own their subs and amps, so it leaves the shops with nothing they can sell to a competitor at a show. Sometimes they can make a few sales from people coming in off the street during the show, but it's rare from what I've been told. Shops would be more willing to do a show if there was going to be some kind of financial gain for them, and unlike SPL comps 5-10 years ago there isn't much money to be made by anyone on these shows. Years ago you could get 35-50 competitors for SPL alone, now we're happy to see just 20 come out and register. If you notice, most of our shows are alongside car shows, there are less headaches to deal with and a few more people register for SPL. If car audio shops would step up and sell some real car audio brands then they'd get competitors to buy from them. Problem is most shops are only looking to sell names like Rockford, JL Audio, Pioneer or Alpine, and let's face it....your not going to win a competition running any of those brands. They might sound ok just diving around and listening to music, but none of those companies make a product capable of handling the power subs need to win in SPL classes, other than the Amateur classes. Kicker subs are ok, but no serious competitors actually use subs like those. Car audio shops only want to sell brands that have been around for a long time and that people will recognize, and that they can buy really cheap. You won't find them selling any American products, only cheap crap made in China that can't handle the power needed in SPL comps. If shops would step up and start running better stuff like DC Sound Labs, T3 Audio, Fi Car Audio and a host of other less know brands then they would actually be able to sell to competitors, like they used to do years ago. So true!!! I really can't add to that, the only reason I want to push this place is when I asked them if they are ever going to do a comp. he said they were thinking about it, had talked about it recently and might actually do it but they were'nt sure on the metering part so I fig. they should get you to run it cuz you put on a great comp. Plus I was reading a post recently on USACi where they were urging competitors to let the local stores know that SPL comps. were in demand. IMO SPL (and SQ) NEEDS to grow in the Northeast and you are basically the only one doing anything about that, TY again btw. SO what can a little guy like me do to help that? I know it wont happen over night, it will take time no matter what tactic is employed but I know it could be much better then it is, the potential is there albeit hidden away, I know too many people in NH, MA and ME that share my love for it. I also know that if I want it too grow I need to help make it happen and not just expect it to happen for me (wouldn't that be sweet), I realize that we are fighting the economy as much as dealers lack of taste in equipment but theres got to be a way. If there's anything you can think of that I can do to help hit me up, Northeast competitors can't expect you to do it alone, we need to be pro-active IMO -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
right on, I want that most improved trophy, I finally got my upgraded power so I wont be running 800w in a 2000w power class (1800w now) so I think I got a lil something for the boys. Glad that its still kinda in the air cuz I thought I was missing something lol, you know I'll be there no matter where you have a comp. I'll keep an eye out on your site. If I don't hear from the shop in my town soon I'll keep pressuring them! There's even a great big empty lot across the street, would be perfect. If me pressuring them does'nt work, I'll get Scotty F. to swing by and a few others so they know I mean biz! maybe I should bring pics of previous shows so they can see how well they went off! If you have any tips on convinving a shop to give in do this hit me off cuz I'd love to make this happen. -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
yea i understand. haha i only really said outside the city because i'd rather drive to a place like raynham for example... city driving is annoying.. but don't forget where we were and a lot of people from across the street made their way into the show but yea i'll see you there.. i'll be the one with the white maxima. and i'm not sure what division i'll be in. it all depends on if i get my amp (SAZ-2000D) hooked up since i still need to buy batteries. if not i'll be running my baby ---- JL 250/1 Ya I def. couldn't forget where we were lol it took me 2-3 days to talk my buddy into going with me after he found out where it was! I finally questioned his manhood and he gave in and went, he didn't regret fort. for me, cuz I would have never heard the end of it! I'll keep my eyes out for the maxima, glad to hear you are making yourself wait for batteries before you hook up the SAZ-2000, too many would just through it in and ecpect everything to be cool and sound good and not F up the ride. -
Closed Cell foam alternatives for cheap
SPLScion replied to shizzzon's topic in SPL & SQ / Fabrication
I dont see shy not. If you rem. the sunroof problem I posted about, I found a solution for that, I took some small bathroom towels and put them between the glass and the roll out shade filling in the area completely, it fixed my problem completely. The whole area around my sunroof, even the area where the interior light switch (the most forward one)has stopped vibrating, I even gain 3 tenths from it -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
ya but as I said in previous post that chit can happen basicaally any plce you go you never know, the only problem I see is he mixed pleasure with biz. Now he might have to pay a very heavy prise, that sucks they are holding responsible for something out of his control. Hopefully everything works out for him, losing his job would be horrible in todays economy. I keep my fingers crossed for him. Look forward to meeting you @ the Raynham show, I go to all his events exceprt the 1st 2 or 3 I missed. What class will you be competing in? I am running the A2 class this season to knock the dust off from years of retirement, so to speak, and to test and get my system set right. GL in w/e class you run. on a side note, Kyle mentioned something to me about the most improved trophy being hsnded out @ a CT show, but I don't see any more CT events, did I misunderstand him or am I missing something? Oh ya I almost forgot, I stopped in the local car audio shop today to grab a fuse, while there I asked him if they were going to have an SPL comp. he said they were thinking about it but that the owner thought it may be too much work, so I told him to contact you to see whats up, fig. I'd try to send w/e biz I could your way -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
Oh snap! is wrong with people! That explains why alot of people were all sketched out and why everyone was in such a rush to get the heck out of there, I just thought the cops were being aggressive, appanrently it was some of the crowd being Sorry to hear that Team New Look had it go like that and ended up losing when by the number and caliber of show cars it should have been a success. It esp. sucks that a small number of people faq'd it up for sooo many others. That said it was'nt exactly in the best part of town, but as I have learned the hard way that kind of chit can happen any where (I was jumped by 8 guys and stabbed in broad daylight in Portsmouth, NH years ago), not to mention that it gives us all a black-eye to the general public who may not realize that most the people that attend events like this are really good people. Now I am even more impressed that you got your trophies out, under the circumstances I would have completely understood if you pulled the plug and gave the trophies out @ your next event or not @ all or w/e, so thanks again. Hopefully the next event will end up better for you profit wise, cuz you deserve it to. If there's anything I can do to help just let me know, anything you need me to do I will. For example: I have friends @ several car audio shops in my area that I am sure I could get to put fliers in there shop advertising it, if you want me to do that send me an email of a flyer and I'll print some up (I got a sick printer) and make that happen. here's my email if you want to do that or anything else [email protected] , It would be a pleasure to help out anyway you need. -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
I want to thank NESPL for putting on a great event Sunday @ the New Look Show in Bean town. Especially for making sure his trophy winners got their hardware, the Boston PD ended up shutting down the show early (I think becuase it was too crowded they said, it was a huge show) so they tried to tell him that he couldn't give out trophies! pretty weak huh, so he had a quick "silent award presentation". He took care of his competiters and made sure we got taken care of @ a little risk to himself. He def. didn't have to do that but he did anyways and all the winners there owe him a big thanks! You the man D! Also thanks for the 1st place trophy and t-shirt woot woot! He takes care of his guys! So anyone considering attending one or all of his events stop thinking about it and do it, you won't be dissapointed not only is he a great guy but he puts on a great show. There is a reason that he has a core of several guys that follow him to every event no matter what state the event is in or what state the competiter is from! Thanks for everything! -Bill G. -
Guide to getting LouD with a wall tips
SPLScion replied to shizzzon's topic in SPL & SQ / Fabrication
I actually just had a convo with 2 current wall users the captain from Team Renots and 1 of his fellow team members. one of them has a wall with 2 15's in an acura integra, his build is set up for the comp. organization where you can put the mic basically anywhere, @ least thats what i rem. him saying, port placement and angle is key. The acura is set up for the mic to be on the floor so his ports were on the top portion of his wall to channel the sound waves downward to the mic. He then told me that he needed to change his box to have the ports on the sides for a mic on the pass. side dash or there abouts and to make up for the mic being on the right side he needs to offset the ports on the drivers side forward on the wall a few inches and angle them slightly toward the pass. side to truely maximize his db's. Both these guys are into the 160's and have been working on their walls for years, tweeking and testing. I'll try to get ahold of them tom. and pick their brains for more info / tips ect. and get it to you before you seal it. Oh ya, they glassed the HELL out of their enclosures inside and out the captain who had 4 15's has his 6 layers thick! hopefully I am wording all this right as I am pretty tired and I am sure I am leaving something out but I wanted to reply asap to ya as u said u were about to be sealing it up. and x2 on bassahaulics post -
New England SPL Competitions
SPLScion replied to creatormass's topic in Competitions & Other Organized SPL/SQ Events
I went to the last 2 shows June 20th n 27th and they were a blast! He really puts on a great, smooth running comp.! Not only is he friendly and easy to talk 2, but so were all tthe other bassheads! there are some crazy installs/cars there that alone make the trip worth it! Hope to see you @ the Boston event and GL! I will def. be @ every event he has! ok that's good to hear! definately (as of now) going to make the trip. can't wait to see all of the crazy installs like the ones on here lol. hoping to learn some things when i'm there. right around the corner if you think about it GL to you also. are you competing? Oh ya I'll be competing N TX for the GL, I'll be the red scion tc w/ soundstream subs hopefully I get my shipment (UPS has a few goodies to get me finally powered properly for my class as I have been competing in the amature 2 class a 2000w group with my little 800w amp woot woot!) Thabks again to NESPL for all tyhe great shows he has been running. Thanks to him SPL comps are back in the north east -
ideas to reinforce sunroof and or glass - Scion Tc
SPLScion posted a topic in SPL & SQ / Fabrication
any1 familar w/ my make/model please help. I already have tons of flex in the frame all around the sunroof but esp. the front part of it, I am about to be installing more then double the power + batts + 0 gauge so I am concerned. I def. cant even listen to the music up with the sunroof open, hell I can't even open up the sun shade on it when the system is on blast w/out fearing a glass shower, so I have no problem doing something extreme to fix this problem or at least help with it. If shizzzon reads this I am very interested what you did or are planning to do with your scions sunroof. Thanks in advance for any suggestios or thoughts on this. - anyone who has any advice on supporting glass in general to this end would be greatly appriciated, cuz my car has LOT of glass/windows on it considering how small a car it is. -
ideas to reinforce sunroof and or glass - Scion Tc
SPLScion replied to SPLScion's topic in SPL & SQ / Fabrication
1st let me say sorry for slow reply, apparently I have been clicking wrong button to read new posts and only reading new threads... i am a dumbazz sometimes... ok alot of times sigh... esp. since I used to be a mod. on a poker forum for years lol! of course it was a dif. format forum but I digress. I am def gonna have some prob. cuz my new set up plans have changed dramatically. I dont want to say exactly what my plans are cuz I dont want to jynx myself (once the ink is dry on contract I'll def. be letting ya'll know, but Dr. Watson could prob. guess ;-)) but I can say this: will likely be running a min of ~7000w rms and a likely max. of 17,000w rms off of one to 2 amps max. all this to 2 15" subs or 10,000w rms to 1 18" sub of course depending dep. on how things go maybe much more.. dare to dream right. So i have considered replacing the glass with metal to eliminate my worries. with 7000w if I were you i would def. do the uprade you speak of, I will def. check it out as well as an alternative to metal work. I'll be posting the build log for this system on the site. I am suprised that @ 148 you didn't have much vibration in the glass w/ all windows closed ect. maybe mine is not as secure as yours cuz @ 140 flat it looks like the roof is going to shatter, I am starting to think I need WAY more sound deadening. though like your car the most flexing is on that "metal bar" under the sunroof (at front of sunroof the thick black bar) it just seemed like no matter what I do the glass shakes big time. the highest i ahve had the car metered at was 145 @ 40hz at least in this car ;-) and I thought for sure the glass was a gone'er -
1st let me say sorry for slow reply, apparently I have been clicking wrong button to read new posts and only reading new threads... i am a dumbazz sometimes... ok alot of times sigh... esp. since I used to be a mod. on a poker forum for years lol! of course it was a dif. format forum but I digress. I am def gonna have some prob. cuz my new set up plans have changed dramatically. I dont want to say exactly what my plans are cuz I dont want to jynx myself (once the ink is dry on contract I'll def. be letting ya'll know, but Dr. Watson could prob. guess ;-)) but I can say this: will likely be running a min of ~7000w rms and a likely max. of 17,000w rms off of one to 2 amps max. all this to 2 15" subs or 10,000w rms to 1 18" sub of course depending dep. on how things go maybe much more.. dare to dream right. So i have considered replacing the glass with metal to eliminate my worries. with 7000w if I were you i would def. do the uprade you speak of, I will def. check it out as well as an alternative to metal work. I'll be posting the build log for this system on the site. I am suprised that @ 148 you didn't have much vibration in the glass w/ all windows closed ect. maybe mine is not as secure as yours cuz @ 140 flat it looks like the roof is going to shatter, I am starting to think I need WAY more sound deadening. though like your car the most flexing is on that "metal bar" under the sunroof (at front of sunroof the thick black bar) it just seemed like no matter what I do the glass shakes big time. the highest i ahve had the car metered at was 145 @ 40hz at least in this car ;-) and I thought for sure the glass was a gone'er