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Everything posted by SPLScion

  1. one reason to run 2 smaller batteries instead of one big one is because of rules in different SPL organizations. For example: in the league I compete the NESPL, my class has a battery size limit of 650 cubic inches, next season I will be jumping up in class and will be allowed 800 cubic inches.
  2. back in the day about 1996, I had 2 soundstream SPL-160's in a massive ported box, some one tried to steal it and coldn't lift it lol. So I can only assume out of anger or spite they pushed in both dust caps. I was horrified at 1st but then at the next comp I didn't drop even a tenth on the meter and actually won the comp with the ugly dented dust caps. However a month ago my buddy Mike from Team Renots has been blowing the dustcaps off his 15 (he has 4 15's walled in a olds. cutlass, believe they are T3 tsns I know they are all customed to the hilt) and lost on the meter. Of course he is hitting 160's dunno if that is a sign something else is wrong or a coincedence or what but fig. it was worth mentioning.
  3. SPLScion

    SPL testing in '07 Scion Tc

    I forgot a few things, all the tests were at idle which in a TC is about 600 rpm and with the A/C on, cuz I didn't have the heart to over heat my friend. I also found a neat trick, after a couple hours it got pretty hot, I cranked on the A/C max defrost and cooled the area around the meter. I left it on for maybe 20 secs or so, then I turned it off and let my volots come back up the 2/10ths it had dropped and hit the mic with everything I had, I gained .2-.3 or so!!! wont work in cool weather perhaps but on a hot summer day... helped alot!
  4. SPLScion

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    try out the last song on that cd! lol BME click is the best. hmm, will have to go outside and try it, i haven't made it to the end of the cd yet cuz so many hit hard, do you know what freq. the song is (for the most part i mean)
  5. NICE you decided to wall! Been hoping you'd give in and do it up, will take a ton of testing but you'll finally get to unleash the potential of your Van. I am getting a meter this off season, we will have to do a bunch of testing. Check out shizzons build log for some ideas and a show of the testing needed. Will be fun. It will be a brutal class for sure next year, but I know you are willing to put in the time it will require to do it right. I also have some links of a bunch of vans walled to give ya some idea's if you want I can shoot you them. Walls that you can walk behind through the port and what not, sick stuff.
  6. Just so ya know any help I can offer ya to get louder feel free to ask, been willing to help all season and that won't change now or in the future. We are friends and will remain so through thick and thin, as it should be. Maybe it seemed like I was P.O'd but I am not, just was responding to ya :-)
  7. Not a touchy subject in the least lol, how many times have I told you that all that mattered to me was that one of us won it? alot. What does get me touchy is when a friend basically calls me out in a public forum, a forum I happen to respect the members of, really how'd you expect me to react? Joking privately between each other is totally diff. then being treated like a beotch in public. Besides, really think about it, how much trash have I really talked to you? None, I've told you that I am going to make it difficult 4 you to win but haven't actually talked chit to you. Your motto, never giving up always wanting to win is very different then acting like you have already won, If you gave up I would be horrified and puzzled. Do you really believe I am loud just because I have a TC? I was louder in my blazer, but I would be loud no matter what vehicle I owned. As far as helping and being helped, all that is gravy man, I've helped alot of people this year and have been helped even more. I like to help people and help this "sport" grow as much as I can. I def. wasn't questioning your dedication I was merely pointing out mine. In the end this will all end up making us both louder and thats what its all about right. Next year we and our club will be a force to not be faq'd with, in the league and on the streets.
  8. it has been friendly, till the last few weeks and you started talking tons of trash, about the same time I started getting really loud... hopefully we/you can go back to keeping it a little more friendly. GL on the 27th
  9. Wow that trophys going to look awesome on my mantle, SPLSCION aka bill lol i might let u hold it for a brief second haha, maybe even a minute lol, Kyle you impress only your self, all that matters to me, or any true bass head, is how loud I am and am getting, which last I checked on NESPL's result's page was alot louder then you. Trophies come and go, they break they collect dust they get lost or stolen, but beating my own last decible score every week is all I need to prove my dedication to SPL. Besides, the seasons not over yet, and even IF you do manage to edge me in most improved I can be one of the 1st people you thank for helping you get much louder. Its never good to act like you have won something before you have attained it, for all you know you go to make your run and you'll blow all subs again, or you'll be suprised by how good you do or don't, but karma or Murphy's Law or w/e you want to call it has a way of catching up with ya, it always does me. Guess thats what I guess for always offering you helpful advice and doing everything I can to help you, my fellow club member to get louder all season. Me I don't like to talk ch*t, I like to let my record and results speak for me and my system. -Bill
  10. SPLScion

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    i've got 3 new favs. they are perfect for the new enclosure I have, all 3 are from the same album. Album: Kings of Crunk Artist: Lil John in order of enjoyment: Track 2: Throw It Up Track 8: Push That Hoe Track 3: can't rem. track name but it slams sure thses have been listed before, but they are worthy of being listed again, I gained a db going from a tone to throw it up lol which doesn't seem right but the meter doesn't lie
  11. looks good to me, I only saw one problem. Both battery grounds in the back need to be grounded to the same point to avoid a ground loop. The best bet, tho not absolutely need is to run another 1/0 gauge wire from your grounds back to the front battery's neg. terminal. Of course to reduce cost you can just ground batteries in back just fine.
  12. SPLScion

    Box is almost done! What sub to buy?

    not to sound like a jerk, but you should really buy or at least pick out what sub your going to use THEN build an enclosure designed specifically to the sub (then buy amp). From the title I assume you have already started building the box, basically your building a pretty prefab box (unless I read this wrong) and we all know how prefab enclosures sound... that said it sounds like your box isn't complete at least, I'd go with the 10 and make the box a little smaller then you were planning and it should sound better then getting the 12 and having too small a box. just my $.02 GL either way tho Fi's are sweet subs and Sundown amps rock but remember the enclosure is EVERYTHING.
  13. SPLScion

    SPLscion's 2 Seat Tc

    fun pics
  14. Welcome to ssa bro, check out the whole site, its great! very informative! some very well educated peeps up in here. I am pumped for the the 27th too, just wish it was Aug 27th not Sept 27 lol I am way too impatient! fort. there are events before then or I'd not be able handle it. damn I love the NESPL! btw, Mr. NESPL, I need some more NESPL cards, could ya bring some for me this Saturday? I gave out my last one today to Audio experts in Dover. They might come out for a show, also they said they are very pleased with the work you are doing, "glad some1 is helping and doing so much for SPL in this region" They aren't the only ones that are glad!
  15. Thanks for yet another great show, its was a blast! Night shows are alot of fun, you get to beat the heat and see all the crazy neon and lights all the vehicles have, it was like the 4th of july out there. There were cars parked all the way up that hill to the street, and a ton of cars that decided to leave right after showing up becuase there was just no room left, hopefully boomers can work something out for next time so at least the bay is opemed up for you to ease spl/sq runs and accomodate even more cars. That said is was fun the way it was cuz before and after runs you got to drive in front of every1 surrounded by people vibrating the street, it was like parading through carnival lol. What was really funny was the kid that took 2nd in my class, I heard it a little but apparently he was complaining cuz I have 2 15's and he had "only 4 12's" ?! obv he failed math class, last time I checked he has alot more cone area then me, if he was that frustrated or P.O. he could have changed classes and got crushed by some1 else who had even less cone area hahaha. IMO he needs to start going to more of your events so he can learn how to get loud, I know I owe ALOT to you and the friends I have made on the circuit, if not for the NESPL I would still be only thinking I was loud instead of actually making posative strides to be so. Of course the more I learn the more I feel like I don't know lol, but I keep getting louder and thats what matters. I'm really looking forward to the next event in Epping, it'll will be a home coming for me in many ways. Its where I learned about the league and my mission to be truely loud began. I will also prob. be bringing a few extra people to this who have been looking forward to attending one of your events but not addicted enough (yet) to travel, since this is 5 mins. from my home. I know we have been quickly gaining new regulars (like Brice from A1 and several others) so it should end up being a good turnout. Hopefully the math major from last night shows up too, I heard him say something about doing something or other and he will "crush me" then so that will be fun Thanks to you and the Mrs. for posting up the results and updating the site so fast every week, you two do a great job. Hope to see you this upcoming weekend as a fellow competetor for a change. Would be nice to have a chance to shoot the chit with ya when your not mad busy testing cars and running the show, maybe I can finaly buy you that beer I owe ya.
  16. SPLScion

    Me or the sub? Help! Please! Pics

    nice she still works! I wouldn't worry about running at 1 ohm, by the time you get the other battery and are able to you will know where you stand with the sub. rem. this sub is not broke in, I had to play my 15's at no more then 2/3 volume for like a month before they broke in properly, they are more fragile till then so take it easy on it till break in is over, then when you wire it down take it easy on it again, when i finally got my new amp and gave the sub the power they could really handle they "broke in for real" apparently cuz after a week or 2 they got louder on the mic and to my ear.
  17. wow sounds like you saved the best for last! cash for highest SPL in A class huh... hot dayum! Thats music to my ears, glad I am making some major add-ons over the next 2 weeks! You ran the SPL for this show last year right? how stiff was the competition in my class anywhere near 142-3 ish? not that I expect you to rem. a year ago lol but hey if i don't ask I don't know right?
  18. SPLScion

    Finding an XS Power battery

    lololol is this guy talking about? does he think any1's really gonna click those links? u da man tirefryer, way to take out the trash
  19. SPLScion

    Me or the sub? Help! Please! Pics

    yea it was still working just fine.. but do the coils smell that bad when they just get hot? or only when they start to burn? is there anyway of telling how bad the coil is? from how you describe it just hot is unlikely usually the smell of hot vc's is MUCH more sublte and dissapates fatser then your describing, if the smells as bad as you describe then i'm suprised you didnt see smoke. rem those jl's that blew at end of comp? they "played" sort of and were def. blown, his was a very bad blow but he didn't fuse any thing so it did'nt stop moving, however if you still heard notes from your sub you may be able to get a little use out of it... maybe, just pray to the bass gods! also be very happy you never wired down to 1 ohm with that monster of an amp you have, you'd probly would have seen flames from the sound of things.
  20. cool, the gold they had last time was tight, so here's hoping. Either way tho they don't got chit on your last 2 first place trophies! and I can only imagine what the most improved trophies your giving out will look like! hopefully i won't have to wonder forever hehe Kyle may not know it but i have declared a friendly war on him now for taking the lead over on that, as much as I love getting 1st in your league my mission in life is to get that 4 footer and its basically the only thing that matters to me now in life (aside from my family of course, nothings more imoportant then that) can't wait for this weekend, gonna be a long week. have I mentioned I am addicted to the NESPL, the BEST comps in new england!!! I be advertising this weekend's comp (and the others of course) on my scion club forum, alot of them are more SQ peeps then SPL so I plan on seeing some of them there
  21. SPLScion

    Me or the sub? Help! Please! Pics

    live and learn brotha live and learn! that smell was DEF NOT the sub just breaking in tho, doesn't mean its not going to be OK and i mean just ok not perfect. as crosspug said expect a much shorter life expectancy from sub for sure. good luck tom. let me know how it goes.
  22. SPLScion

    Me or the sub? Help! Please! Pics

    he's got a good point, play it and pay close attention to how it performs, if it is blown just unhook it quickly so you don't faq up your amp. should i test it out in free air? i would'nt suggest that, free air subs, or infinite baffle subs, are designed specifically for that and if memory serves me correct you run the risk of causing damage to your sub if it wasn't designed for that, i'd put it back in the enclosure and play it at low volume while listening for bad sounds like distorion, scratching or poor response, things like that, also look for smoke and flames! i'm not joking either, i've seen it!
  23. SPLScion

    Me or the sub? Help! Please! Pics

    he's got a good point, play it and pay close attention to how it performs, if it is blown just unhook it quickly so you don't faq up your amp. if it makes you feel any better when i 1st got into car audio in the mid 90's i blew my 1st 3 or 4 subs. I had bought a 10" boston acustic sub (an SQ sub) and tried to make it sound like an SPL sub, add to that I had zero knowledge and you get 4 blown subs in less then 2 months. Plus Boston has chit customer service so it was a nightmare. After that I decided to research and finally found what i was doing wrong and what I wanted, of course this was befofe the internet really so research was more difficult and expensive. If you blow only one sub in your life then you are a blessed man. keep your fingers crossed and maybe you got away with one.
  24. SPLScion

    Me or the sub? Help! Please! Pics

    he's got a good point, play it and pay close attention to how it performs, if it is blown just unhook it quickly so you don't faq up your amp.
  25. SPLScion

    Me or the sub? Help! Please! Pics

    or better yet lets hope you just blew the VC's on your components, how do they sound now? it's definately the sub.. the sub is sitting on my bedroom floor next to me and that's what smells. i thought these btl's were troopers.. i didn't think 2 hours (if that) of a clipped signal would destroy the coil. what makes me pissed is why were my terminals already coated in burn residue when i unboxed it there is NO scratching sound when i push on the cone.. i think the VC's were just cooking.. but is they far too gone i just want to put it back in and fix my settings.. but do i need to a recone ya sorry bout the dumb ? you already answered in 1st post i read 1st half of it and got freaked out for ya bro, plus i had 2 beers and I am light weight these days sooo my bad i should read everything before i rush to post. The Fi's are trooper BUT, there is a big difference between giving it a clipped amp signal with no distortion from HU and using the loud button or alike, when you give it a distorted signal before the amp you are then amplifying distortion making much much worse then sending a clean signal in and clipping your amp, yes clipping your amp is usually where you start to create distortion esp as you turn it up more but ya the loud button is the devil. Ya you prob need a recone but what you really need to do is get ahold of Fi, I have'nt delt with them but have heard great things about their customer service. They will tell you exactly what you need you prob need 2 new vc's and maybe a full on rebuild depending on what you damaged of course. How long did you jam on it with the satan button i mean loud button on? that may make a difference, of course even a few seconds of it can cause catastrofic failures under the wrong circumstances. I know your patient but Imight be able to help you out if will have a hard time dealing without a sub while it gets fixed, I got an extra 15 kicking around, give me a call if its going to be gone longer then you can handle if you want I'll pm you my digits. feel free to call any time you have a ? you need a quick answer to or if ya want to shoot the chit or "vent" about your woes, sometimes that helps. i used the loud feature half way to the show yesterday. during the whole show. the whole way back. on my way to work today. and on my way back from work today. so i fucked it up. i fuckin seriosuly just want to quit. i've maxxed out my spending for all of this stuff. and what happens.. i fry my coil after only using the damn thing for two weeks. go fuckin figure. it's not worth working 40+ and having ) spending dollars. then having to play football and go to highschool. so Fi has pretty good customer service but they never pick up the phone. they call u back. and i work so they'll probably end up calling whil ei;m there.. go figure.. and emailing sucks. but i'm going to do both. this is great. now i have to send my sub across america and pay probably over $200 doing it. fuck me right. but i might definately hit u up for that 15 haha. but. damn. why does this shit hate me? Thanks Bill! before i totally go ape shit can anyone else let me know if my sub will be ok? or is a recone my only option? ok 1st thing you do is take a few deep slow breaths, I know it sucks ballz but don't get too pissed till you here from fi, you never know, it could have happened cuz of a fault in construction or a number of other factors, the timing could be coincidence, i know I am being optomistic but you never know. i'm gonna pm you good tips that might help you get this resolved so check in a min.