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Everything posted by joshtazz

  1. joshtazz

    popping noise

    am is sundown audio 1500d preamp was set with dmm sub is 40 hertz
  2. joshtazz

    popping noise

    fi did and i know but it seemed like it would be ok
  3. joshtazz

    popping noise

    its an old box i had from my last sub and it was tuned high for it. havent got around to ordering a new one. video
  4. joshtazz

    popping noise

  5. joshtazz

    popping noise

    i really dont know how old it is i bought it used and just had it reconed a month ago. sounds like when u put ur fingure on the sub as it plays
  6. joshtazz

    popping noise

    my box is 2.5 cubic inches and tuned to 40 hertz
  7. joshtazz

    popping noise

    ok so i just went out and looked at it and i thought it might be the tinsel slapping and i got my dad to look at it and he pointed it out right when he saw it. so im pretty sure its the tinsel slapping. so what do i do. thanks for the replys
  8. joshtazz

    popping noise

    yes it does i still have it out f the box and have not been playing it
  9. joshtazz

    popping noise

    it seems to be moving the same ill take a pic set around 40
  10. joshtazz

    popping noise

    ill check tom. also it only does it on low notes and when up medium high. best way to describe the sound is like the middle part of the sub(where the fi logo is) is beating the inner part of the sub.
  11. joshtazz


    ya i cant wait till i get some new goodies. ha it also feels like its not breathing like it should. the liberty is great with the sub. its open not big but not to small.so its great
  12. joshtazz


    hello everyone. i just got metered today and had a 139db at 48 hertz with my single 12 btl. Just wondering if thats in the ball park of other people.it was on regular music i think the song was jeezy-put on
  13. joshtazz


    its 2.5 cubic feet at 45 hertz( getting a better box soon from fichure costumes). currently none. yes i have a voltmeter it goes crazy from 10-13 volts with sub hiiting. ha im killing my current alt. working on getting an alternator.
  14. joshtazz


    well i have sundown 1500d 0 guage ran and big 3. im working on getting a nicer box for it.
  15. joshtazz

    a few questions

    just wondering on how that contriol module works thanks.
  16. joshtazz

    a few questions

    So i have had my btl for a while now and am very pleazed with it. I had a few questions though. 1) i currently have a saz 1500 d sundown to it and was wondering if i got a bigger amp (of course another sundown) if it would really be any difference. 2)what is the best way to tell the subsonic filter is set at because i think its around 34 hertz but i am conserned because of what i read about poorly set sub filters. thanks for the help
  17. joshtazz

    a few questions

    thanks everyone for their help. i plan on getting a alt verry soon . I got everything set just the way i wanted it today and it sounds great. happy holidays
  18. joshtazz

    a few questions

    ya i prob wont go bigger amp then. thanks for ur help. i also wanted to ask i def need a new alt i already have done the big 3 and the voltage drop is badd. so what company would u recomend for a high output alt. and what amperage would u suggest. the vehicle is a 2002 jeep liberty 3.7 liter
  19. joshtazz

    a few questions

    yes i have the fullu loaded but i dont know if it would.
  20. joshtazz

    amp rack help

    the third one is my box and the fourth one i got off of car domain and i am jus waitting to get some money to go get the materials thnx for the tip and any others
  21. joshtazz

    amp rack help

    ok so i have a 2002 jeep liberty and i have a fi btl on its way, also have a sundown audio 1500d. and i have an issue i want to make an amp rack but dont have much space i was thinking of something like this but with the box being the only thing under and i have no clue howd i secure it any ideas thnx
  22. joshtazz

    amp rack help

    amp is under fromyt seat right now and i decided to go with a false floor with plexi glass any tips
  23. joshtazz

    some help

    ok so i ordered a used fi btl and i got it and the postal serviced busted it and i got my money back and got to keep the sub. so i was wondering if thier was anything i could do to save it. thnks
  24. joshtazz

    fi btl how to wire

    kk thnx i t=googled it and couldnt find anything u guys rock
  25. joshtazz

    fi btl how to wire

    i have a fi btl dvc 2 ohm and was wondering how can i wire it to get the lowest ohm load thnks