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Everything posted by 360Modworkz

  1. 360Modworkz

    Fi Sub's

    Yea, but that 5 year old wouldn't have a car to put them in, he'd have to put them in his daddies car !!! My kids could buy me some Fi's to put in my car anytime they want !!! Can you say Christmas present? Or Hanuka (sp.), or anything else you celebrate... Joe
  2. 360Modworkz

    Some basic car audio questions, need some advice.

    Thanks for all the feedback Cheesemind, I'll check out those links. Joe
  3. I know some about car audio, mostly from my modding and electrical work, but I'm still confused about a few things...so bear with me. 1. SPL or Daily - we all know there's a difference, what will you be using your system for? - But what EXACTLY does this adhere to? I'd be using my system on a daily basis, not maxed out all the time, but I'm a major basshead, so there will be many occasions where I'll be wanting to tear the chit out of the guy next to me, without putting any stress on my system (subs specifically) whatsoever. So what would be better? SPL or daily? SPL gives you more power and punch correct? While daily gives you lasting performance right? Well I want the power and the longevity, exactly why I'm working up some $$$$ to get me some 12" or 15" BTL(s). 2. Any good guides? I know tons about electrical installation, wiring, and calculating; but there are lots of minute differences when it comes to amp and subwoofer installation, speakers and headunit are easy chit, but there are many factors keeping me from fully understanding the wiring and some calculations of amp-to-sub setups. So can anyone recommend any good installation guides that are detailed in the electrical perspectives? (i.e. ohmage, current, watts, etc.) I look to Crutchfield for help most of the time, but they're good in the physical installation, not the electrical and mathematics of it. 3. Box tuning. How is this achieved? This is one thing I can't even think of. 4. I'm not made of money, as is no one, but I'm not looking to spend well over $1000, which I know is small, especially when you're thinking Fi, most systems run you more than 1K, unless you do it yourself, which eventually I plan to. Can you suggest any other extremely good subs for a decent price? I can get most things fairly cheap through some wholesale contacts, but you never know. 5. Talking strictly Fi here. Fully loaded or what? What can all the options/combinations achieve for your subwoofer? I know advanced cooling and some bass enhancers are options, but could someone faintly explain what exactly these options for the BTL offer you? 6. RMS or max? Obviously max would be the preferred option when wiring a system, but I see lots of people out there powering their system RMS when they HAVE the wattage available to power at max, and they do it for a reason, but why? Just to "not-blow" your subs seems like a pussy reason to me. 7. Last one for now, for those of you that have installed systems before, is it worth it for someone that isn't as experienced to take the time to learn how to and install it himself? Or just pay the $200-$250 the chitty places around here charge you? If I do take the time to understand all this, I will be installing systems for friends, and maybe do some fiberglass and fabrication work, for a fee of course. Thanks for reading and answering anything that came up here, Joe EDIT: Another one, sorry. Mono or multi-channel? Multi is better if you're wiring a large system and can control how many watts goes where, correct? But which one is more popular/better? Also, what do capacitors and tweeters actually do? I know capacitors measure your dB output, but what else? Thanks again, Joe
  4. 360Modworkz

    Fi Sub's

    I guess if they had 99% off, they wouldn't be an audio legend now would they? Not too unique when a 5-year-old can afford them.
  5. 360Modworkz

    Fi Sub's

    I remember them being $524 FL, went there yesterday and looky there, $499 18" FL. Now only if they had a 99% off sale... Joe