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Everything posted by antonmiller

  1. does the comp start at 10? or does it start at 2 pm like the flier i have says? im confused.... i could probly be down there at like 11-12, im not going to miss any of the comp am i?
  2. antonmiller

    audioque pics

    yea photobucket is super easy.
  3. antonmiller

    audioque pics

    you should put it all in one post, no need for multiposting
  4. antonmiller

    audioque hdc3

    265 and copper it also a dual 1 ohm right?
  5. antonmiller

    Can i run 1500 watts RMS safely through a Fi BL?

    i do, nothing bad has happened for a couple of months now...
  6. antonmiller

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    try out the last song on that cd! lol BME click is the best. hmm, will have to go outside and try it, i haven't made it to the end of the cd yet cuz so many hit hard, do you know what freq. the song is (for the most part i mean) no clue but it hits just about up to par with tones in my car! so i love it! i wouldnt know where to begin at all with guessing what tone it is... and its number 19 called BME CLick
  7. antonmiller

    Volt meter

    are there amp meters like these? would hooking one up to the amp help any? so it would be an amp meter on the amp and a volt meter on the amp, also another volt meter for the battery up front. would that do anything?
  8. antonmiller

    SPL testing in '07 Scion Tc

    very interesting! im going to try some of these at my next event. thanks for the info!
  9. ill be there in the cav. lol hopefully i do good.
  10. antonmiller

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    try out the last song on that cd! lol BME click is the best.
  11. antonmiller

    how to get louder?

    yea the wire thing is fixed now, its got a 2/0 wire ground. so if i take out the passenger headrest and kinda tilt the seat some to guide the waves to the mic it will be louder? also would putting a piece of mdf on the rear seat that folds down help guide the waves? like instead of having the wave just hit fabric, they would hit somthing hard? also if i put extra weather stripping in the door seams and trunk seams, also the sunroof seams help? im going to use a dent puller to hold the sunroof in during the run to see if it raises anything. i just want to get a trophy. lol im going to try to get to a mic this weekend and try some things out. Thanks for your help, Anton Miller
  12. antonmiller

    FI BTL 15" Enclosure Design

    looks good but i would put corner pieces in the corners with the arcs as well, more for strength than anything.
  13. antonmiller

    Repair status update?

    you going to the one in winona too? im really thinkin about it but im not sure if I AM A be able to make it. ill be at the test and tune for sure tho next weekend.
  14. antonmiller

    one blown sub. can i play the other?

    also if your running one amp or a mono amp it will change the ohm resistance. so watch out for that it may go up or down depending on some things. but if your running 2 amps or a 2 channel youll be good. (i think)
  15. antonmiller

    approx. how much louder

    any one?
  16. antonmiller

    approx. how much louder

    all right so i currently have 1 12" bl 2008 model and im thinking up my new set up and im throwing some things aorund. i was thinking one 15" btl or 1 12" BTL but then i remembered that 2 12" BL's should be louder than a single BTL and i was just thinking how much louder would 2 12" BL's be compared to 1 12" bl. It would be 2 12" BL in a custom ported enclosure in the trunk of a little cavalier 2 door. it would be 2.5 cu ft per sub with 39 sq inches of port per sub and a tuning of 32, and on a rockford 2500 (be approximatly 1400-1500 per sub rms) compared to a single 12" bl in a 2.5 cu ft after displacment tuned to 34 hz with 39 sq inches of port. also on a rockford 1500 with the single 12 i hit a 145 DB on a sine wave sealed up at the kicks with an ac mic. i wanna hit a 148-150 will the 2 Bl's do it for me? i just wanna make sure it will be a huge noticable gain. thanks, anton miller
  17. antonmiller

    approx. how much louder

    Hey for your first setup was it 1500 or 2500, im just curious as im looking to get aroudn 145 from a 12 in btl. Thats my goal and i have an orion 2500d which is around 2500 rms at 1 ohm. Since you had a bl, im just curious how much you were giving it. 1500 watts rms
  18. antonmiller

    approx. how much louder

    thanks you for the reply. do you know how much "in theory" a 12" BTL on rockford 2500 would be compared to my 12" bl on a rockford 1500? i really wanna hit my goal with 1 12" but i dont know if its possible, i just love people's faces when i say "nope just one 12" lol
  19. antonmiller

    2x12bl vs 1x12 btl

    ok dont mean to thread jack but i have the same basic question. 2 12" BL in a 2 separate boxes at 2.5 cu ft after displacement each sub ported to 34 hz or 1 15" BTL in a 4.5 -5 cu ft box tuned to 34hz. which would be powered by a Rockford 2500BD. both set ups would be put in a 2 door car and half walled in the back under the rear deck, facing the cabin of the car. Which set up is more than likely going to be louder?
  20. So like it says how do you figure out the right measurments for 2 or more round or square port? and im asking because im thinking of doing a dual L port design for a 12" BTL. box will be tuned to 34 hz and will be 2.5 cu ft after displacement. so how do you figure out length and port area for each port? also if you know how ot do the circle ports it would be nice to know that as well. because i might end up going the aero port route.
  21. would 2 4" aero ports do it? i really wanna do 2 ports for looks.
  22. Wow what is that box tuned at? i think it was 34 hz.
  23. ok that makes sense. is there anywhere i can buy 5.5" ID aero ports? im designing a box for a 12 inch BTL would 2 6 inch aero ports be too much? the ports would have to be around 48" long each. or what else could i do? i would like there to be no port noise and im thinking that aero ports are going to be the best bet for me. thanks for your help
  24. I just want to get into competeing so im trying my hardest to find a competition near me. i found the B96 car show that has a comp so ill be there but that the only one i can find for this summer! please help me out. Thanks
  25. antonmiller

    port placements

    i like the port behind because then if there is any port noise you dont hear it. but thats probly just me.