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Everything posted by antonmiller

  1. antonmiller

    3 10" subwoofer build, which subs

    3 10"s just sounds like more fun.... i dont wanna be like half the rest of the people around here and have 2 12" subs, i think 3 tens would shock people and be somthing not too many people do. but i think I AM A stick with my original goal and stay in street a with 1 12" BTL.
  2. antonmiller

    3 10" subwoofer build, which subs

    if i decide to do this i think im going to have to go with the bl's. basically i was just wondering what subs would be the best for gorund pounding the lows and also getting very loud ata round 40-45 hz for comps? is there some subwoofer i havent heard of that will out perform the bl's?
  3. antonmiller

    2 12" alpine type r's

    if you go above those recomendations, then the subs may not react to the power very well. the larger the box the less power the sub can handle due to over excursion and bottoming out. like said before stick with 1.75 cu ft per sub.
  4. antonmiller

    Fi Bl 12" Double Flared Port

    no problems in one of these boxes, the only thing i would be concerned about is port noise, but in one of these there shouldnt be any...
  5. antonmiller

    how do you curve MDF?

    I know you have to put slits in the wood, but how do you know how deep and so on, is there some type of formula? I know i read it on here some where, but i just cant find it.... Thanks,
  6. antonmiller

    AA Mayhem VS FI BTL

    everything is about the same, but the motor on the BTL is a little stronger, according to the T/S parameters.
  7. antonmiller

    Need help quick!

    you can run each coil out to the amps pos and neg, it parraleled inside. or just bridge it across the terminals.
  8. antonmiller

    Box advice

    i think your goal is more than realistic with 2 15" BTL's But we need more info to help
  9. antonmiller

    enclosure for a 12" BL

    its gotta be the amp settings, maybe even the headunit settings....
  10. antonmiller

    enclosure for a 12" BL

    here is the box that i am currently using. the tuning is actually 34 hz, even tho it says 32 and the 3.5 cuft is supposed to be 2.5, just a few typos. lol
  11. antonmiller

    What subs shoud i get?

    the bl would suit you nicely, but the BTL's will get louder. plus youd be able to use all of the power your sundown outputs daily, without really putting much stress on the subs at all!
  12. antonmiller

    Fi Bl 12" Double Flared Port

    whats the pricing on a box like this? and if i design it myself and just have you build it? do you ship?
  13. antonmiller

    my first USACi Sanctioned event

    i dont think an ac mic will show you where you peak, but i know a termlab will. so just make sure to ask before paying there 20$ charge or w/e to gain no information.
  14. antonmiller

    my first USACi Sanctioned event

    fold the back seat down if you can, unless the box is in the backseat. get there a little early and talk to the judges, they usually will just help you and give some pointers. just have fun. do a sweep, and ask them where your peaking at, then run straight tones at that hertz, as in what i did at my first event was ran a sweep, they told im peaking at 41-42 hz, and then the next run i did was just straight 41 hz tone, then 42 hz tone, it raised me up about.2 db from the sweep. also im not sure if you can do this or not with a 4 door, but i tilted my front passenger seat all the way up as if somone was getting into the backseat (2 door) and pointed the sunvisor on the passenger side to help guide the waves, i also noticed that raising the rear seat up to about a 45 deg angle helped the score as well, again im not sure if you can do these things, but they helped me!
  15. antonmiller

    box designs

    we need some info. lol as in whats the sub, and dimensions, what you want it tuned to.
  16. antonmiller

    Building a box for the first time.

    i usually make a whole day of it, get a couple of freinds to come over and help, it makes it more fun that way. so yea it usually take me all day. lol no its not hard at all, just measure twice and cut once!
  17. any idea what the name of the shop that could possibly be holding the show???
  18. antonmiller

    Fi audio BL when will it fail?

    ok, ill just have to see how the sub reacts to this power, if it blows ill post it up here to not do that. lol itll give me an excuse to get a BTL.
  19. antonmiller

    Fi audio BL when will it fail?

    im just curious will a 12" BL fail thermally or mechanically first? cause it takes the 1800 watts i throw at it at comps like a champ, but im not sure if im hurting it mechanically? the signal is clean and everything, i use a oscope to set gains and to monitor the signal every so often, and i use a DMM to find out how many watts im putting to it. so i just want to know, cause im sure you guys did some fail tests... right? Thanks, Anton Miller
  20. antonmiller

    Same box, different sub placing

    what kind of car is it? it takes alot of testing and building to get a definite answer on this tho...
  21. antonmiller

    Fi audio BL when will it fail?

    yea i dont use boost on the head unit or on the amp, and the amp has a set ssf at 28 hz with my box tuned to 34 hz, it doesnt bottom out on low notes, its the 40 and up notes that it gets ALOT of excursion on. i guess im just worried and also curious if i could put the 1800 to use daily?
  22. antonmiller

    2 death penalty 12's 1200 w clamped power

    Made prop's to the loudest trunker i know ,, also close god friend keep bangin homie proud of u man .... this is considered a trunked system?
  23. antonmiller

    Dampening the box interior

    i used fiberglass.....
  24. is anyone going ot this sweet sounds place saturday? db drag event just curious if its actually a db drag thing or if its just the shop putting on a mock up of db drag?
  25. antonmiller

    New setup

    i use bass mekaniks, but i see you can click in shizzzon's sig for some...