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Everything posted by bobonit

  1. bobonit

    Hello fron Germany

    Now that is what I call Kicks! Welcome to SSA!!!
  2. bobonit

    Little Sundown System

    That is a really nice box !! I'm following this thread. It makes me feel like I"m doing something wrong by putting my E8's in the doors and rear deck ehhehehe.
  3. bobonit

    18 ssd fully loaded or 18 Q no BP

    How can someone say which of these speakers is better if you have not told us what your listening preferences are? What type of vehicle? What amplilifer? Electrical?
  4. bobonit


  5. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, so move it if needed. Does anyone know if the Termlab with RTA Option (which includes the Oscilloscope function) can use a probe or does it only use the Microphone for the RTA? In other words, can it be used to test the preamp outputs and the amplifier outputs for clipping instead of using a dedicated O-Scope. By the time I price out an O-Scope and RTA I'm pretty much at the price of a Termlab. Thanks, Bob.
  6. I even looked at the sig, didn't see it !!! With a 200a alt and those batteries, I would think it would be ok.
  7. bobonit

    Tis A Great Day In The World Of Duran...

    At least I took mine out of their boxes. And after taking pictures I put them back in
  8. Are you running a stock alternator? How many amps does it put out?
  9. I'm going to attempt fiberglassing for the first time. I'm going to make some kick pods for 6.5" Midbass and Softdome Tweets. I've read just about every forum and "How To" I can find so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm in for, but the one thing I haven't been able to find is how much chopped mat do I need to buy. I'm going to order from US Composites and they have 3/4, 1 1/5 and 2 oz chopped mat. Which size is most commonly used and how many yards would be adequate? I'm sure I'll need some extra just incase I do some beginners f*ck ups Thanks, Bob.
  10. bobonit

    My new toys !!!

    These came in on Monday from the presale. I finally got around to taking some pictures. My Nightshades should be here any minute, I'll post pics of those as well.
  11. bobonit

    My new toys !!!

    I have to say thanks to everyone here. I also feel like I made nice choices on the equipment, but I could not have made them without all the great advice and discussions that we have here. When I start my build log, you can see how well or bad I do on my first attempt at Fiberglassing I did a lot of models and stuff when I was younger, so I don't think it will be too much of a problem, just have to get the technique down. I've read all the how to's here, SMD, 12volt and fiberglassforums.com. A bonus I just found out this week, US Composites is about 2 miles from where I work !!! I saved $30 in shipping and drove up and picked it up, how sweet. I'm clearing out my trunk now so I can start working on the enclosure and amp mounting.
  12. bobonit

    My new toys !!!

    Since it will have a Kenwood DDX812 HU, wonder how Jurassic Park (the part with the water glasses vibrating) will sound heheheheh
  13. bobonit

    My new toys !!!

    Well, it worked !!
  14. bobonit

    My new toys !!!

    By all means !!! Its a big box. With a little box in it. Fragile, must be Italian. And inside the little box... Inside the empty big box Inside the empty little box.
  15. bobonit

    My new toys !!!

    Yea, sorry for the lack of info. Little excited. Those are the custom 15" Nightshades with the copper coils from this thread: Testing Custom Nightshade
  16. bobonit

    My new toys !!!

    Thanks !! Yes, those are some nice amps. Look what the cat just dragged in.... Yikes those boxes are big !!! Nice !!! Man that thing is tall !!! Whats that, copper? With a big ass to boot !!!
  17. bobonit

    Testing Custom Nightshade

    I'll aim for one then, thanks. Just waiting for them to get here, pics soon.
  18. bobonit

    My Sundown Powered SQ System

    Yea, Nice Rack Too !!!
  19. bobonit

    Testing Custom Nightshade

    Jacob, in reference to the Custom Nightshades (should be here this morning !!!), you tested with 2 3000d's on a single subwoofer. With the 2 of them in my setup, would 2 3000d's be too much for daily? I'm wondering if I should stick with one 3000d or save up for 2 and strap them. Your thoughts?
  20. bobonit

    CounterSinking My BTL

    Pardon my Photoshop skills, big ass cut on my finger and I'm using the laptop touchpad
  21. That is really good to hear. I'm glad they took care of you. Even though nobody wants to have equipment fail on them, its good to know someone will take care of you like that. Even more so since I have 3 100.4's and I'm saving for a 3000d for my build !!!
  22. bobonit

    Testing Custom Nightshade

    Well, it better not be my sky scraper !!! (well, 18 floors if that counts) Yea, I can't wait to see these beasts in person. I thought the E8's were beefy. I think the motors on those were bigger than the ones that my (don't laugh) M&M Godfather 15's had way back in the day. Yes, thats how long its been since I had a system in my ride.
  23. bobonit

    Testing Custom Nightshade

    Jacob, you are insanely fast on the shipping. Even with all the preorders you have been getting out the door, I already have my tracking number for the 15's. Thanks !!! I'll start a build log after the holidays. I'm gonna be swamped until then. Again, thanks !!!
  24. bobonit

    How much Chopped Mat for Kick Pods

    Cool. I'll get a couple of yards just so I have some to play with. I'll probably want to practice a little on some scrap first. ODSound, those look very nice. What kind of paint is that? Nice finish. createx auto air pearl blue with three layers of smart clear coat.it was my first time spraying clear so it got a little messy at the bottom but its getting better. coastairbrush.com has some good paint equipment. I still have 2 airbrushes that haven't seen the light of day in years, I'll have to get them down from the attic. A Badger and a Pasche, might have to get a compressor and brush up on my skills.