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Everything posted by bobonit

  1. bobonit

    What's Up

    Welcome !!
  2. bobonit

    Noob here.

    Welcome !!
  3. He could also have an MLA Module installed on it. Missing Link Audio
  4. bobonit

    My Build.....

    That has to be a pain working on the backside of that rear deck. Good luck with your build, it looks nice so far.
  5. bobonit

    What the hell did I get myself into?

    Love the intro Welcome to SSA !! FYI, 4200w Daily Driver coming soon....
  6. bobonit

    SPL S3 Vs. Nightshade

    Well, hopefully he does the install himself. He sounds like such a tard that I'm sure the install would suck so no matter what he bought, it would not be as loud as my ass after a plate of refried beans.
  7. bobonit


    I know, I stare at it sometimes thinking she will take it the rest of the way off. It never happens Welcome to SSA !!! thanks but are you sure it never happens cuz im willing to bet as soon as you stop looking she goes all the way lol Damn, I just looked away to reply to this !!!
  8. bobonit


    I know, I stare at it sometimes thinking she will take it the rest of the way off. It never happens Welcome to SSA !!!
  9. bobonit

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    H'mmm, quite a bit cheaper (by about a hundred bucks) than the one I have been looking at: http://us.fluke.com/usen/products/Fluke+330.htm (Fluke 337)
  10. bobonit

    Terrible luck tonight

    Nope, it has air suspension. Battery is fine. Turned it over for about a half a second this morning and started fine. I don't know what the deal is. I think he meant "Ignition Coil Packs" meaning a coil for each plug instead of using one coil and a distributer.
  11. bobonit

    94 sundance 15inch RF

    Yea, thats what this is for !!!
  12. bobonit

    a few E8 questions.

    I'm using the Seas Prestige Neo Tweets and the Tang Band 6.5" underhung midbass drivers for midrange, but i'm going to try glassing kickpods for them both. The Tang Bands are huge so I think you would have the same problems with your doors as you would with the E8's. Sorry I can't be more help.
  13. bobonit

    Cut sheet program.

    I also just tried Cutlist, its a nice little app.
  14. bobonit

    Tis A Great Day In The World Of Duran...

    Pair of pliars, blowtorch and a shoehorn?
  15. bobonit

    a few E8 questions.

    I sure will. Once I start building, I'll create a build log thread. Tomorrow my Seas tweets should come in and I'll have all my drivers. I just might have to wait till after the new year to start building, I'll see if I can squeeze some in before then. All that family stuff keeps getting in the way
  16. bobonit

    a few E8 questions.

    I may be making the same nightmare I'm putting together my first system in 18 years and its going to be 3 way active. I'm both excited and cautious at the same time. I'm going to use the crossovers on my 100.4D's, we will see how that goes !! I'd like to see how your doors come out. I'm putting E8's in mine as well. Tomorrow I'm going to check how much clearance they will have between the magnet and the window. I'm hoping that with a single spacer I'll have enough room because I'll still be able to fit the stock speaker grills on if I only use one spacer.
  17. bobonit

    The Kidney Stone Box....LOL

    Love that port !!!
  18. bobonit


    Hi and welcome to the forum !!!
  19. bobonit

    IA 18's air space and amp usage??

    From their site. Death Penalty Series 18 SealedNot Recommended Ported5.0 cubes - 7.5 cubes, 60 - 120 Inches of Port, 32-37 Hz Average:6.5 cubes, 90 inches, 32-37 Hz
  20. Here is a thread on SMD that talks about that same fix. Link
  21. Hi from West Palm Beach, FL. I'm new to SSA forums. I was this site at Steve Meade Designs while I was reading up on Fi Car Audio in his forums. I haven't had a system in a while and I'm starting to get that itch to build one so I've been doing a lot of reading. My how things have changed. I have already asked some questions and I have received some very good feedback from the users here. I have lots to learn and this seems like the perfect place for me to do that. I have a 97 Maxima SE that I'm sizing up for a SQ install. We'll see how it goes !!! Thanks for the help already !!!
  22. bobonit

    MA Audio 18" wedge

    I like how that port stands out. It almost has an "industrial" look to it. Nice !!!
  23. bobonit

    Where is everyone ?

    Stocking up on supplies and tools so I can install all the stuff I bought from you. I'm still around reading the threads, but haven't been asking many questions. I'm sure you will be hearing from me once I get started building !!! Probably after xmas.