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Everything posted by ShaneSauce

  1. ShaneSauce

    16 year old budget build

    thanks for all the help guys I don't know where I would be without you guys, lol Should I fire the port towards the cabin or towards the trunk? My dad wants to do port towards cabin so it doesn't rattle as much, but I remember hearing doing port back will give more output. ???
  2. ShaneSauce

    DP 21 Port

    Old school suzuki's ftw
  3. ShaneSauce

    DP 21 Port

    Shoot for 280-300 square inches of port.
  4. ShaneSauce

    16 year old budget build

    Nooby question here. Is a lower signal to noise ratio better? Or is a higher signal to noise ratio better? Like the kicker is 95db signal to noise, is that good?
  5. ShaneSauce

    16 year old budget build

    Not too sure. Maybe kicker zx750.1 Or this 800 @ 2ohms perfect for the SSD and its underrated
  6. ShaneSauce

    Noob here.

    Longest list of hellos and welcomes I have seen in a while. Anyways, welcome to SSA
  7. ShaneSauce

    16 year old budget build

    Just some random pics really... From the back Box in the trunk, I think I could have squeezed out a little more space edit: don't think that is extra trunk space on the sides its actually a curved trunk on the inside and that's the max width I could go with Well my SSD is predicted to be here Wednesday so you can bet I'll have pics of it when it gets here. All there is left to do now is get the 4 channel amp and order the sub amp and we should have it slamming in the next 2 weeks.
  8. ShaneSauce

    Carpeting my box

    Okay guys I need some help. I wanna order some speaker box carpet for my box but I have no idea how much I need... My box is 30"wide, 24"deep, 13"high. How many yards will I need? What kind of adhesive should I use?
  9. ShaneSauce

    amp settings

    So what exactly does the phase do?
  10. ShaneSauce

    so the Fiance bought a car...

    God I love the interior. Just so nice and clean. Your interior > minezz
  11. ShaneSauce

    Carpeting my box

    Are you positive I will only need 3 yards?
  12. ShaneSauce

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Gorilla Zoe - Juice Box It builds up and then the bass hits and its just pure destruction after that. Seriously play it on your system.
  13. ShaneSauce

    another fi amp question

    True $$ is kinda a problem for me too. I bet if you had the extra cash you would go for a sundown.
  14. ShaneSauce

    Which will be louder

    3.7 cubes after port displacement with 48 square inches of port vs 3.2 cubes after port displacement with 56 square inches of port. Fi SSD 15" I know it probably wouldn't be a huge difference but which would get louder? In one you sacrifice air space but gain port space and the other you gain air space but sacrifice port space. So what I'm trying to say is which is more important when figuring loudness?
  15. ShaneSauce

    Suggestions and Advice!

    I would say 3-4 cubes per 15 also. What most people go by is 12-16 square inches of port per ^ft3 So if your box turns out to be 7 cubes after displacements you should shoot for 84-112 square inches of port. If I was in your situation I would either go sub and port forward or sub and port facing upwards.
  16. ShaneSauce

    another fi amp question

    Actually scratch that, if the ssd has bp power then you can do it. It adds around 200-500 watts of extra handling power so a 1608d @ 2ohms would be great.
  17. ShaneSauce

    another fi amp question

    If the 1608d puts out anywhere near rated power @ 2ohms I would stick with the 1208d. 1200rms seems like too much for the ssd.
  18. ShaneSauce

    20-80hz sweep

    Just wondering where everybody gets theirs. And can I get it on my ipod? Like on multiple excursion videos people have the lady saying "32 cycles" or whatever.
  19. ShaneSauce

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You know what I hate... I have been looking for a job for months now and I finally get called in for a interview yay! But for some reason it was on the day we were going out of town for the holidays..
  20. ShaneSauce

    amp settings

    Subsonic should be a few hz below box tuning so about 25-30. And idk about phase...
  21. ShaneSauce

    20-80hz sweep

    All I did was find a bass mekanik discography and uncheck all of the cd's except for quad maximus. I was riding around with my friend the other day and I popped it in and started playing the cycles. He has 2 12" volfenhag's in the trunk. The people kept giving us weird looks because all they heard was some lady going 30cycles and then a loud booming, lol
  22. ShaneSauce

    hifonics amp with ssd

    Sounds like 2 flea market woofers in a bandpass box. I would put my money on the Fi.
  23. ShaneSauce

    Buying Fi SSD 15"

    Ported, they don't recommend putting the 15" SSD in a sealed enclosure. I just ordered my 15" SSD, its going in a 3.5cuft box tuned @ 33hz. Just make sure its in 3-4 cubic feet and its tuned to 31-34hz or whatever.
  24. ShaneSauce

    Thinking about buying some subs...

    Sealed Setup ========= Positives + Requires less room + Provides a more accurate bass response + Music just sounds overall better Negatives - Not as loud Ported Setup ========== Positives + Louder + Louder + Louder Negatives - Doesn't sound as good (more deep and boomy on the basslines) If your really all for rap then a ported setup would be great. What were you thinking sub wise? 2 12's, 2 15's?
  25. ShaneSauce

    Tracking number question

    I ordered last Monday the 22nd and I just got a tracking number in my email. Does this mean they shipped it out or what?