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Everything posted by Acidburn

  1. Acidburn

    I Love AIM

    x2 what a douche
  2. Acidburn

    I Love AIM

    :lol2: did you figure out who that is?
  3. Acidburn

    "That was sweet"

    damn, that was sweet
  4. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    x2 i really dont want classes to start
  5. Acidburn

    Dorm Room System

    well guys, i'll be moving into my dorm in less than a month now so i need to figure out what to do about a system i have a Yamaha RX-500U for the receiver, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...eName=WDVW&rd=1 says it's 50wpc x 2 but i know it has 4 channels and they're 6 ohm stable stereo/12 ohm stable mono my plan was to use the rear 2 channels to hook up a PE 250w plate amp with the speaker level inputs and run that to my RL-i8s at 4 ohms, i won't have my car so i might as well put the subs to good use, i need suggestions for box size and tuning frequency and then, i dont know what to do about my mids/highs, i want you guys' input on this i have these to work with: and but as you can see both have issues and both are larger than i want these to be i can use any of the parts from these though i'm not looking to spend too much on parts, less than 100 would be nice, and i can build any enclosures/crossovers as long as i have plans i'm just looking for a good clear sound thanks for the help
  6. Acidburn

    Dorm Room System

    well, drivers and x-over parts ordered Dayton RS 6" mids Dayton Neo 3/4" tweets i'll try to get pics up when they're all done
  7. Acidburn


  8. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh ya, those are always fun convos
  9. Acidburn

    Dorm Room System

    ya, i know i want them, just cant do it at this time have a good spot under my bed for them too
  10. Acidburn

    Dorm Room System

    the only tool i have made within the last 10 years is my drill and the router, but i didnt use that on this project gracias mi amigo
  11. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hheheh i had a fun one with Frosty glad your back on AIM need someone to bother with my stupid questions
  12. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

  13. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    x2 dont get enough of it here
  14. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    FA makes this whole process so much more annoying but cant deny the coolness of scholarships
  15. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    congrats Nick!!!
  16. Acidburn

    Project Kill Them All

    looks great squeakers keep it up
  17. Acidburn

    Caraudio on ABC's 20/20

    that certainly would be an interesting experiment im in
  18. Acidburn

    Veronica Zemanova

  19. Acidburn

    it was only a matter of time

    omg hi2u!!1
  20. Acidburn

    Dorm Room System

    thanks guys Ass! They look good far though. Should definitely rock the closest you'll be living in. it's actually not as small as i thought it'd be maybe i'll get some pics of it up later too
  21. Acidburn

    Dorm Room System

    hahahahhaha yes
  22. Acidburn

    Dorm Room System

    well guys, i guess i'm pulling a Steve here havent ordered any drivers yet but the enclosures are started they're 0.4 cubes to 55 Hz Pieces cut out (actually getting good with the circ saw): Mock up for fit: 4 sides together: Just missing the back, from the back: And from the front: should finish em up tomorrow and hopefully order the drivers and x-over parts soonish so there will be more pics when the time comes and i've decided not to put subs in for the first semester, dont feel comfortable with it and the funds would be more useful elsewhere
  23. Acidburn

    Check out this RL-i 8 install

    eh? he might have 5.1, and a center channel with some hella kick in it i'd bet anything he doesnt have any sort of 5.1 system set up
  24. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    /\ TOP
  25. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    or when people play the same song over and over again