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Everything posted by Acidburn

  1. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    /\ TOP
  2. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

  3. Acidburn

    SSA Arizona RL-S Demo Meet

    well guys, i think the meet is cancelled because of delays, i won't have the RL-s in time and there is a 60% chance of rain for that day looks like we'll be rescheduling for the spring or summer i guess
  4. Acidburn

    Projected RL-s Demo-Ring Time Slots

    ahh nevermind, thats a long ways from where i'll be
  5. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. Acidburn

    Projected RL-s Demo-Ring Time Slots

    what part of FL?
  7. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    /\ TOP
  8. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thats freakin harsh. I can't think that early in the morn. yeah, im not a happy camper brain no worky that early
  9. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    7:40 am exams can go die in a fire calc on saturday, chem on monday
  10. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you're close vladd
  11. Acidburn

    4D pics of my baby boy

    babyseat in the middle with 10's glassed on each side to take up the whole seat. you're just asking for shaken baby syndrome not if its braced properly
  12. Acidburn

    Happy B-day Bigger George

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :woot:
  13. Acidburn

    Projected RL-s Demo-Ring Time Slots

    alright, well, if it wont be getting to me til Jan 9th, James from SC should just send it back to you, i wont have the time to demo it between trips and school starting
  14. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    peace out side
  15. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wtf, i dont even blow dry my hair
  16. Acidburn

    Projected RL-s Demo-Ring Time Slots

    hey Mike, im just wondering where this is because i would really like to have it for the meet on the 17th
  17. Acidburn

    new to forum

    at least i can spell welcome right
  18. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    waking up after 3pm = teh nice
  19. Acidburn

    new to forum

    y helo thar1!!
  20. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    peace out side
  21. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i would except the we can only delete 900 posts of 1 person, the forum just like doesnt keep track of any more than 900
  22. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    very nice looking deck
  23. Acidburn

    Oh Boy

    have you ever seen Super Troopers?
  24. Acidburn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    peace out side