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Everything posted by 94sundance

  1. i love the look i want an 18'' sub so SSA icon and of course Nightshade so still haven't decided money has a big factor will the work with or handle a Soundstream PCA2000D
  2. 94sundance

    Hifonics BXi 2008D or Pioneer Premier PRS-D2000SPL

    go with the SAZ2000D sure that will do the job
  3. 94sundance

    new door speakers for the jetta

    looking good wish did fiber glass will take a short aT it here soon keep up the good work.
  4. 94sundance

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WOW this guy is the King of all bass copy past and read his sentence death defying db's.HAHAHA!!!! his first sentence "1,500 OBO for this complete Rockford Fosgate car audio sound system that took 2nd in state competition pushing over 425 dbls." http://corpuschristi.craigslist.org/ele/1105494756.html
  5. I had an MTX also it was a TA4501 500watts at 2ohm i ran four CVR10 dual 2 ohm at at 1 ohm on it and never shut off once never got hot either just depends on the amp i guess
  6. 94sundance

    New guy.

    Welcome buddie.
  7. 94sundance

    L5 8'' .5^3 sealed

    thanks denim and everyone else like i said it a temp job hey Denim would the same amp work for a Dcon ported tuned to say 38hz
  8. 94sundance

    L5 8'' .5^3 sealed

    Ok so my fiancees birthday was the 22nd and this is a late gift shes been wanting something so I built a box for the L5 8 and the amp is a refurb Kicker certified ZX200.2 so here it is. Will be posting up some more pictures later already installed sound ok but i'm not a fan of sealed gonna move it from current location of foot of rear pass seat to the back and port it this was a temp job to give it a lil more.
  9. 94sundance

    Box Build for IA Death Row 12

    i second this response and i was gonna use the same shap for mine when i start things up you are a top dog of this craft.
  10. 94sundance

    dc audio hyundai santa fe

    that looks awsome great job and no those arn't the fan cooled amps
  11. 94sundance

    Hairline crack?

    its triple stacked now! HAHAHA!!
  12. 94sundance

    2nd Generation of Sundown

    Congrats big homie!!!!
  13. 94sundance

    Audiobahn 1200N box build

    really on the carpet first time ever!!! HAHAHA!
  14. 94sundance

    Audiobahn 1200N box build

    OK so gonna start my own bussiness not sure how soon but will start the name for legal reasons.You will see box is done with in the week. Plan to start the name by june 15th or so just to have my name before it gets taken.Will post pics with my name on box after the 15th. The stuff used this time around i usally use nails, but no air tank so using screws and predrilling. finshed three side drilled and screwed one more to go. bought the 90 degree clamps to try them out and i love them. port and sub using XScorpion port. close up of the sub. another of the box.
  15. 94sundance

    Audiobahn 1200N box build

    Thanks for the support guys
  16. 94sundance

    Audiobahn 1200N box build

    thank man the seem didn't come out to great on the bottom but it will hit nice
  17. 94sundance

    Audiobahn 1200N box build

    ok so it's finished had some extra time off.
  18. 94sundance

    Audiobahn 1200N box build

    box almost done just need back helps while doing something with half ass equipment cut hold for sub fits perfect... almost have a lil extra room but no gaping all the wholes cut and box put together and caulked
  19. 94sundance


    i got drawin once that sucked oh well congrats guys gonna have to figure out what to do for my next system new car plan fell through
  20. 94sundance


    how many times are ya''ll gonna draw? until there is a winner or what?
  21. 94sundance


    who won tell us already we need to know!!!!! Plus if i win corpus will know whats SSA is in person.
  22. 94sundance

    From: Amp for 2 premeir tsw3001D4's

    adk question what does your system consist of just curious
  23. adk question what does your system consist of just curious
  24. 94sundance


    my wife wants us to win so she can have real bass in her car so i'm willing to give her my amp so she can... gives me a reason to buy two 15's ha ha... more bass i need more.. sorry was having a moment
  25. 94sundance


    welcome guy