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-3 A few mistakes


About blockbeata09

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/31/1985

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    car audio
  1. blockbeata09

    crescendo s550.2

    Maybe I'll just get one set of really good components or 4 8ohms speakers
  2. blockbeata09

    crescendo s550.2

    I have room in my doors for 2 in each and the ones hooked to my headunit aren't loud enough
  3. Can't wait to put this on

  4. blockbeata09

    crescendo s550.2

    If I was to get a s550.2 and two sets of pioneer components how could I wire them? If I was to wire them in parallel I would get a 1ohm load.
  5. I deleted the sorry ass facebook app off my phone and i think i found jesus!

  6. I swear to baby pucking jesus im gonna break this god damn phone!!!!!!!!

  7. I can only get 4.1 cubes after subs and port in the talon but i need 5.2 so i think im gonna have to break out the grinder!

  8. Placed a order yesterday for a DD 9512G recone, 8inch red dry look dustcap and new frame gasket also Picked up a sheet of birch its gonna be on here soon!

  9. Wendys is bustin heads on jr bacons $1.79 thats crack prices!

    1. ssh


      Better stock up!

  10. Just ran two runs of + and one of - 1/0 and hooked up the voltage meter. Tomorrow i have to get to the alt to run some 1/0 to it and she will be ready!

  11. 816 boyz aint we sic boy!

    1. Julian


      Yes.. Yes we are KCMO HOEZ

  12. I wish this sickness would go away!

  13. Man i hate being sick i just got MW3 and havent even played it yet

  14. I cant wait to hear the new Tech N9ne Welcome to Strangeland CD its been preorderd since oct 4 and it has finally shipped!!! Its gonna be on here soon!

    1. MikeMartel


      Its awesome... (It got leaked) :peepwall:

    2. ccnncc99


      i slowed down gods yesterday at the show. it has a nasty 25hz drop not slowed. my version has a 22hz drop which is insanity

  15. Thank you everyone!
