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Everything posted by tlee2

  1. tlee2

    what are the power handling on 2 BL's?

    I got a sundown saz 3500d@ 0.5 ohm on 2 new model BL 15s They love that power
  2. I have a fi bl and a sundown 1500d and lately my sytstem hasnt been playing as loud as usual. it just dont have the edge it usually does. If i had to guess i would save ive lost a full 2 db. its not my voltage cause it stays right around 13.3 a lil wire came loose on my old rca's but i bought some new ones and it STILL sounds the same. What other reasons could be causing this not to play as loud?
  3. tlee2


    where can i buy one of these right now?
  4. tlee2

    sae 1200d

    is their any in stock???
  5. tlee2

    sae 1200d

  6. When you go to knukonceptz.com to order wire and it asks for qty does this mean feet? The wire I'm ordering is $1.75 for 1 qty so I guessing this is the price per foot?
  7. What should i have my x over and subsonic set on? i have my bass all the way up and my gain around 1/2. Should i change that? i have a 15 inch fi bl
  8. thanks ryan j, that had alot of info
  9. my box is 3.5 feet and tuned around 32
  10. tlee2

    New bl for 2009

    does anyone know what changes will be made and when it will be available? i clicked on the bl's on fi website and you cant go to them right now
  11. tlee2


    you cant compare two 15's to one 12 cone area will win with a decent sub