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About Shadowmajik

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  1. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    Going with the Q's I love that low end bass Trying to get them into a 6 cuft box @ 28hz to much or to little thoughts on this please
  2. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    Okay so im going with the Fi Q's and I guess the Sundown Saz-3000d Im going to get a 200A H/O alt from Excessive Amperage and a couple of Kinetik HC1400 should that do me if not what else do I need
  3. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    how much power will the BP Option add to the Q's and is it worth it
  4. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    I was thinking of running a Sundown Saz-3000d or 2 1500d what would the differences be also in the process of buying a 200amp alt and putting a yellow top underhood what would be some good backup batteries choices Plus in the design phase of getting a box built by Fisher Customs It is going to be tight but I will make it work
  5. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    Ive Have Decided to go with the FI Q Now can anybody tell me some good amps that pair with them
  6. Shadowmajik

    From: Sub and Amp Combo

    Can anybody tell me about DB Drive amps are the any good
  7. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    Well what do you recommend for a battery then
  8. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    Where would I start to look for a 200A alt and what kind of batteries would be a good to run I had a buddy who ran an optima for his setup or is there better out there
  9. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    When I measured it The Dimensions where 36 Wide by 18 High by 20 Deep with the back seats up If I did the math right that would come out to about 7.5 cuft (let me know if im wrong on this) will 4 tens fit in that area and I didnt even bother to look at the sizes the Q comes in... the smallest being 12 and I want to run 10's so it's between the SSA Icon, RE SX or the Fi BL Now if i run the Sundown saz 3000d what type of electrical upgrades would I have to do
  10. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    Goals: Loud But Still Clean Space: Back Of My Scion XB RS5 Budget: Around a 1k for subs close to same for the Amp(s) Dont Wanna Break The Bank To Hard Also I Have JVC KW-AVX810 Headunit Soundstream Tarantula Comps and 0 guage Kicker Wire Ran Through The Car
  11. Shadowmajik

    Sub and Amp Combo

    Im currently trying to do a set-up with 4 10's and was wondering what would be a good combo Im looking at going with either Fi Q or BL Or RE SX Some suggestions would be greatly appreciated