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About Proximity

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  1. Proximity

    SoundSolutionsAudio.com make over

    The forums looks way too bloated imo. Maybe I'm just not used to it.
  2. Proximity

    Best air space for sealed 12" Qs

    Any other answers?
  3. Proximity

    Thinking about upgrading..

    Both are rated at 1200w at 1 ohm. I doubt you'll notice a different with 300 extra watts even if you went to up 1500w. I'd say just stick with what you have.
  4. Proximity

    Pics of my new toy.

    I'm jealous, nice wheels on that.
  5. Proximity

    Best air space for sealed 12" Qs

    I'm sure this has come up before, but I searched and didn't find anything. I'm designing my box to have 1.3cuft per speaker. What would change if I moved it up to 1.4 or 1.5? would it make much of a difference? Also while I'm here, for the BP power, the website says it "increase power handling from 200-500 Watts depending on the application. 
". In this application, being 1.3cuft sealed, would I be okay giving them 1300w? Thanks for any help.
  6. Proximity

    Mazda Tribute x-con build

    Pretty easy man just ring terminals with 1/4 brass bolts and some nuts. Fairly simple and makes for a clean install and a reliable connection. I'm guessing you just drilled the hole and dropped them in there? I want to do it the same way but I'm worried about air leaking.
  7. Proximity

    Monte Build

  8. Proximity

    Monte Build

    Can't wait to see this done
  9. Proximity

    Mazda Tribute x-con build

    How did you do the box terminals? Good stuff, get some videos up.
  10. Proximity

    How far should the subs be from a surface? (Qs)

    Yeah it does, I wouldn't be able to turn the box around or anything. I suppose maybe I could make/buy a cheap dummy box or something.
  11. Proximity

    How far should the subs be from a surface? (Qs)

    Well first off it's going to be a sealed box. It's not going to be an SPL vehicle, but I want something that it loud but has a tight bass response, which is why I'm going for sealed. I don't care about sure SQ, but it is something I'm thinking about.
  12. Proximity

    How far should the subs be from a surface? (Qs)

    Yeah I was considering that too. I just love the idea of being able to pull the seats down and see the subs. Would the fact that it's a hatchback (01 Celica) affect anything at all?
  13. I'm thinking about a having a box with the subs facing inside the car right behind the rear seats. I'm a bit worried though that the subs might hit the seats if it's not far enough. Any idea what would be a good distance? The subs are 12" Qs.
  14. Proximity

    First Impressions. Whoah.

    Very nice, get a vid up when you get it in. Can't wait for my Qs this summer.
  15. Proximity

    Spider In The Enclosure

    What was powering it?