Hey Mike and crew, I'm a long time owner of an RL-i8 S4 looking to upgrade and need to think through my options. Here's what I've been running the last 3 years: 2005 Tacoma double cab (very limited space behind back seats) one RL-i8 S4 in a sealed 0.3ft^3 3/4mdf box two soundstream reference 700s amps (one for mids/highs, one for the sub) amps and sub behind back seat, thus the reason for only one sub First let me say I've been very happy with the rl-i8 purchase, and Mike took the time to reply to my questions which is why I'm coming back. It's been an awesome little sub and has held up well over 3 years of real world conditions. But ultimately I've always desired a bit more bass. I know two 12" (if I had the room) is overkill for what I'm looking for though... So a problem has finally developed with one of the 700s amps after 12 years, and I'm looking at replacing them with an Alpine PDX 4.100 and a PDX 1.600. This will allow me to build two separate sealed enclosures of ~0.6ft^3 gross volume. And I'm thinking of the Alpines solely due to their size. So, would two RL-i10 D4 fit the bill? That's 300watts going to each 10" in ~0.5ft^3 net volume. Or would using two RL-i8 in the same scenario provide better SQ/linearity since they are smaller speakers operating in the same sealed volume and closer to their optimal rating? I also thought about getting the beefier PDX 1.1000, especially if it can help compensate for the smaller enclosers. But if the 1.600 will do the job fine, no need for overkill. What are your thoughts?