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Everything posted by ncacoates

  1. ncacoates

    I want to play a game....

  2. ncacoates

    Bromos Build Log

    The holder you just put on. I put almost the exact one on mine and it fixed the major hiss. After i twisted them together its completely silent. I still think im gonna get a couple ground loop isolators and run them.
  3. ncacoates


    you just like giving me shit
  4. ncacoates

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    looks good man! Iv had white leds in my cup holders and center console for awhile now it looks pretty neat.
  5. ncacoates

    Bromos Build Log

    I did the same thing you did on my avic unit. Its the holder it doesn't make good contact with the fuse. I just twisted the wires together for now till i find a better solution.
  6. ncacoates


    Not really my thing, most the time people ask why i turn it down when coming to a stop. I just don't feel the need to annoy others that don't appreciate my love for bass. I can gladly say i don't do it in neighborhoods, apartments, or any establishments of the like. Though i have picked on a fair share of badasses that claim they have 190db+ at the headrest. I always get a kick out of there reactions.
  7. Dont look half bad to me. Last i checked they were made by Maxxsonics though.
  8. ncacoates

    kinetik 16v

    unless your gonna step up the charging system to charge at 17v or more there is no point.
  9. ncacoates

    Icons or sa 12's

    My personal opinion would be I-cons. Not the i am against sa-12s but i feel the I-con is far more tested and proven product. They sound great and have some outstanding lows.
  10. I could give you a demo man when are you free. I have class from 1:45-8pm at NTI. Im usually free in the morning. Just message me back as soon as you can.

  11. ncacoates

    Saz 3000d fuse

    i used an 150A for a good while till i got around to getting a 250A. At competitions i use a 150A for my class and do demos and what not with no problems what so ever.
  12. two dual 1ohm subs .25, 1, 4 two dual 2ohm subs .50, 2, 8
  13. ncacoates

    True RMS of BL

    same here bigjon 1200-1300 seems to be there happy place. now i have sent more and it was fine but no real output was gained
  14. ncacoates

    Kinda lost with something

    you can but you'll need a D2 sub to get full use of the power. If your 100% your gonna get 2 12s eventually make sure you get D1 subs. That way you can show the amp a 1 ohm load with both subs.
  15. ncacoates

    Re-Coned SI BM 10s Blowout - $60 + Shipping Each

    Maybe you should let me play with idk 10 or 12 of them i could have fun.
  16. ncacoates

    Phoenix Gold RSD c104

    Jake has a lot of reconed SI BM 10s for 60 a piece if you decide you want 10s anyways. They sould be a really good sounding driver.
  17. ncacoates

    Need advice on building system.

    Best bet is 2 Q15s. Be able to give the plenty of breathing room. I came up with a simple box that would work well. 8cu/ft after displacement, 123 sq/in port, and its tuning would be right at 32.
  18. Should be ok but you need to be safe the knu CCA wire is only rated for 250A. I don't ever see it being a huge problem considering your most likely never gonna pull a consistent 250A through it. Run a 200a fuse on the 2500 and a 50 on the other should be plenty fine. I've run a 150A fuse on my 3000d for weeks and yet to burn it up.
  19. ncacoates

    First Bit of Testing... 32x SA-12s

    Cant believe i live like 15min from jakes and i missed this haha. pretty sick man id love to sit in it for a few.
  20. ncacoates

    2008 Infiniti EX35 - Hand Crafted Car Audio

    awesome install wish i had those skills.
  21. ncacoates

    06 sebring build

    Aero ports can be made from pvc but you'll need to make a jig and calculate the proper radius.
  22. Have to talk to Db-r cant really tell you what the problem is. I have yet to ever see one with a flashing power light. May be as simple as something wrong in the protection circuit but i cant be for sure.
  23. ncacoates

    Welcome to the IHoP

    holy shit that girl is good
  24. ncacoates

    2 18s 4th order project

    good deal that always works too.
  25. ncacoates

    Team Stickers :)

    Only took like 6 months but here ya go guys.