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Everything posted by Juslivin

  1. Juslivin

    Icon in my GMC Sierra.

    Well i finally got my truck and got my SAZ-1000D in and my 10" SSA icon. Man it sounds good. I have never heard a sub with such accuracy and overall sound quality. It has a lot of output for a little 10 and i am very happy with it. Anyways this set up is temporary until i build a new box and find somewhere to stick the amp. Box is 1.35^3@32hz. Its pretty good for my 3rd box i would say and i designed it myself. Just got to figure out if im gunna carpet it or paint. Edit - Also my first install that i did everything myself and its still not done. On to the pics - The truck - 01' GMC Sierra with 47k miles. So far all i have done is get the windows tinted and the sub in. HU - Crappy kenwood i am using for now.. Bass knob - Crappy pic but i integrated the remote bass knob into the dash. Box and amp - Temp location for the amp. I can't find anywhere else to stick it. Box port - Side of the box where the sub is - Video of the sub and port - SSA Icon 10"
  2. Juslivin

    got my battery now what

  3. 2 level 4 xl 18s to go in the avalanche im getting tomorrow :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: More pics when i take em.
  4. Juslivin

    Got my 22's

    You think the 2-4 drop will look good with my truck? Same tire size as the pic but my rims are probably wider. Yea that one on youtube looks tight. Yeah that would look tight i would still go with a 5-7 though or atleast a 4-6, but i like em loooooow.
  5. Juslivin

    Got my 22's

    That looks cool.
  6. Juslivin

    Amp for a 18 bl or 18 btl

    Your probably gunna want to get the BTL with that money for a budget and a good amp for it would be the SAZ-2000D you can preorder right now for 465.
  7. Yep should have it up and running within the next month. You will see it im sure. :bigclap: I am very impressed with the subs so far. Now just getting the rest of the stuff and getting them in!
  8. Juslivin

    Icon in my GMC Sierra.

    I wrecked the truck and im selling the sub and amp now lol. I got 2 level 4 xl 18s now and im gunna get a 3000D tomorrow if jacob has anymore.
  9. Juslivin

    Mach 5 to carry Sound Digital

    no updates?
  10. Juslivin

    Icon in my GMC Sierra.

    You can buy mine The next driver, whenever that may be, is an Xcon. Sorry. That will be nice.
  11. Juslivin

    Icon in my GMC Sierra.

    Thanks np
  12. Juslivin

    Icon in my GMC Sierra.

    You can buy mine
  13. Juslivin

    Icon in my GMC Sierra.

    Knockin doors down by pimp c I wanna fuck you by akon
  14. Juslivin

    Icon in my GMC Sierra.

    Moving some real air in the one video with the driver facing down. Yep it did move quite a bit of air, more than i thought it would.
  15. It was a gmc and no i totalled it lol. And im gunna use one of the used 3000D jacobs selling if he still has them. If not ill get a new 3500D but im trying to save a few bucks.
  16. Juslivin

    fi q 18

    I got a SAZ-1000D ill sell ya
  17. Juslivin

    is it safe to run 3500d @0.25 ohms

    I have seen a lot of people run them at .5 but if it was me i would just run it a 1 to be safe.
  18. Juslivin

    Which game console to put in car?

    Just take the back seat out and add this.
  19. Juslivin

    Got my 22's

    I think i would have gotten different rims so i could get a 5-7 drop but thats just me.
  20. Juslivin

    Which game console to put in car?

    I say 360 just because they have the coolest and most games.
  21. Juslivin

    Lvl5 18 vs BTL 18

    Why four? I have a tahoe and i have 2 level 4xl 18s and im expecting it to be loud. I didn't want a wall though....
  22. Juslivin

    is it safe to run 3500d @0.25 ohms

    Lol people are trying to help you and you say anyone else instead of answering his question?
  23. Juslivin

    System For My Girl

  24. Juslivin

    Oz audio ME 15.2 Subwoofer am i being ripped off?

    Why not go to ups.com and pay for the shipping where he just has to print out the shipping slip and tape it to the box then send him another 5 bucks for a box to put it in. Is that not around how much it would cost?