I am about as new as a newbie can get to car audio and the use of forums so if I am annoying anyone I apologize in advance. I am pretty frustrated at this point cuz i cannot find an answer anywhere so here I am. I bought a 15" xcon from a guy who was going to help me set up my system but he literally went mad and is currently in the state hospital. he told me to get a Hifonics Brutus brx2416.1d super d class mono amp which i did. He also told me that this sub is half ohm and thats about as far as we got before crazy happened. So now due to his mind frame I question if I got the correct amp and if so how do I wire a half ohm sub to a 1 ohm stable amp without damaging amp. Or maybe the better question is is thje sub half ohm at all because from what i have read here in this forum is they are either 1 or 2 ohm. if it matters I am more interested in sq than spl. thank you for any help I can get.